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What's with all the Jerma controversies?

Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this community, and I really enjoy watching Jerma's content, but I keep seeing talk of a bunch of controversies Jerma has been in? It's so weird because Jerma is such a likable, down to earth guy, so it really doesn't make sense to me. I'll list what I've been seeing lately so we can discuss. Some of these might just be rumors, so if any of you can clarify, please let me know. Pre-warning, there's a lot to cover.

  • Jerma regularly forces chat to sit through ad breaks. I guess this one isn't so bad, because he does have to put food on the table, but I'm not sure why Jerma drops so many ad breaks when he already gets a ton of bits and subs? He just randomly throws in an ad break whenever he wants. I think one time he kept doing them over and over and only stopped when people started leaving. He also doesn't even read bit messages when he's streaming a game unless they're $50 or more. That's definitely not how most streamers handle their streams.

  • Jerma acting toxic toward his fans, calling them "stupid idiot fucking dumb god damn motherfuckers", and threatening to permanently ban people over basically nothing. I think I might have seen a few people get banned outright for calling him short (which is rude, yeah, but permabanning in response is overkill). I also recall one week he almost banned a bunch of people for "illegal memes", though I never did see what memes those were.

  • Jerma encouraging his fans to spam comment threads that he beat Dark Souls 3 on stream. I have firsthand experience seeing people do this on sites like Reddit, Youtube, and Myspace, so I know this is most likely true.

  • Jerma doing cruel IRL pranks. I remember one time Jerma did a video where he bought a bunch of cakes and threw them at a random dock worker. I guess it was supposed to be a reference to TF2? He ended up hitting the guy right in the face, and it dazed him to the point where he couldn't walk straight (it was really graphic and I wondered how the hell Jerma got away with it). There was also a time he snuck onto a hot air balloon ride and basically forced a group of regular people to be in his internet skit without asking, and it made them all visibly uncomfortable. They couldn't even throw Jerma off the balloon, for obvious reasons. I really felt bad for those people.

  • Jerma talking about his personal fetishes on stream, like CBT, getting his chest hairs plucked with tweezers, and... well, anilingus ("eating ass"). I personally wasn't around for that stuff, but it sounds like it was pretty gross. Some people are just REALLY open about their kinks, but I find it kind of unprofessional to talk about that stuff on stream. I think I also heard that Jerma tried showing naked outdoor photos of himself in a video, but Youtube forced him to blur it or they'd take it down.

  • Jerma regularly talking shit about his best friend Star and scamming him out of a LOT of money. I definitely remember Star/Jerma collabs on the Jerma985 youtube channel, and I was really sad to see they had split up, but I didn't know that Jerma had stolen money from his friend (I found that pretty shocking). That's probably why Star and Jerma haven't streamed together in years.

  • Jerma stealing and claiming content that isn't his, like "Beanbag Sonic", Fireman, Miserable Mikey, Adam Sandler, and even the Scout from TF2. I've also seen him regularly attempt to claim rats as his own meme, but rats are obviously copyrighted, so I don't know why he thinks people will fall for it, but that's just me.

  • Jerma doing really dangerous stunts for clicks, like getting plastic objects chucked at his face, similar to a carnival game (I think they were toy frogs?), him purposefully smashing glass computer parts in a computer building parody skit, and even him picking up a TV and "fake" crushing himself with it. There was also one prank where he tried to put a cigarette out on his dick, which was, of course, fake and performed with props, but it was still a real "shock jock" moment. All of that is really dangerous not just for him, but for others, because it encourages young people to do the same, and that's pretty irresponsible for someone with a platform as big as his.

  • Jerma harassing a small streamer called GrillMasterXBBQ. I only caught the last half of the incident, but Jerma seriously went off the rails and was talking mad shit about GrillMaster. I didn't even know who GrillMaster was until Jeremy went apeshit on him. I think Twitch admins might have told Jerma to lay off, because he hasn't mentioned him since, but some people in the community keep bringing it up. I just wish they'd leave the guy alone. I was also going to mention some users called "TheMasterofComedy" and "BinaryMan", but I can't remember what exactly Jerma did to them. I don't think it was anything positive, though.

  • Jerma burning a live wasp on stream. I seriously don't know how he got away with it, but apparently Jerma burned a wasp alive and said "oooh, up in smoke". I guess that must have gotten buried in an 8-hour long stream, and most of the community forgot about it, because that's definitely against Twitch TOS.

  • EDIT: Someone in the comments reminded me that Jerma "killed Santa" by knocking his head off with a 2x4. This is obviously hyperbole, because let's be real for a second, I don't think Jerma is psychotic enough to actually murder someone, but I wouldn't put it past Jerma to attempt a fake stunt for what amounts to internet clout.

I really don't want to spread drama on this subreddit, because I've been in this community a long time and find that you folks are generally really cool, but its just been bothering me when there are so many questionable things Jerma has done that people aren't talking about that much. I'm new to watching Jerma and I really love his content, but sometimes all I can think of is "yo, this streamer is fucked". I've watched his videos and streams for years and years and I'd hate to see him lose it all, but I only started watching his content last week, so my opinion doesn't matter that much, and I guess if he gets the boot, then oh well, right? Just glad I've been able to enjoy his streams for the years leading up to his downward trend.

Oh and Jerma, if you're reading this (and I really don't think he is, because he never checks the subreddit), please stop. I know streaming can be stressful, but doing all this crazy fucked up shit for views isn't sustainable. So please have some common sense and tone it back. You're really making me go monkaS.

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u/Glorious_Jo avatar

I'm calling it now, someone thirsty for drama is gonna read this post and take it seriously then make a youtube video on it without realizing its satire

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I sure HOPE someone takes this seriously, because these are really troubling things Jerma has been doing.

u/WonkaBottleCaps avatar

Then we can make fun of them

u/gaminggamers420 avatar

Chronically online behavior

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all my life I thought that Jerma was actually a controversity man.

It's only know that I wanted to read up on it (because i jerma youtube clips) that I realize that he is actually not a controversity man but more of a psychosis man

i’ve never heard of them but one day I stumbled upon some thing that said he caused a car crash on purpose and killed a family of 4 but then figured out he was a streamer that people watch

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u/Wanngus avatar

Don't forget the time he KILLED SANTA.


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u/themsthalls avatar

All the evidence we need is the look in that maniac's eyes

You mean he defended himself against an crazy stalker that was in his house for HOURS?

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u/Wanngus avatar

What a PCYCHO. This guy is fucked.


Is this the same guy that tried to spread the baseless conspiracy theory that the RESPECTED Senator Banthony has some kind of secret "45 billion dollar Swiss bank account"?


he even accused my favorite politician mr dingus of MURDER!

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u/benjibibbles avatar

He is fucked!

pretty sure this is satire

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u/yumitsu avatar

I've heard he also killed Glueman, a well known NBA player, pretty fucked up

u/DarthGrandma avatar

You mean Gabe Degrossi? Wasn't he a Boston Celtics player?

u/yumitsu avatar

Yeah, never forget that time he never missed a single shot for an entire season until the finals.

RIP Gabe "Glueman" DeGrossi


That was Frank Pizza

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I also find it so idiotic that he tried to copyright the planets?? Of the fucking solar system??? Like, what the h***? Glad that shit got shot down right away but seriously what kind of freak thinks he can just copyright planets? Delusional much??

Anyway, his stupid Jup-spamming fans pretend to be cognizant of Jerma's dark history, but the moment he says "SHPEE" their pea-brains are wiped of any semblance of real thought. It's insane. Absolute lunatic of a streamer over here.

u/Platinum_Rad avatar

yeah, he really peaked with that shpee joke

You could say that he, Spheeaked, at that joke.

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u/DarthGrandma avatar

I wouldn't be that dismissive of Jerma's fans, I think most of them are just kidding. For example, I think Jerma knows he can't lay claim to planets, and that's "the joke" within the fandom. But it does blur the lines between real and fake often times, since many within the community are wrapped in multiple layers of irony.

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u/Evan_dood avatar

The GrillmasterXBBQ incident is really where I draw the line. It was all fun and games but jerma just had to take it too far. The second he started streaming that day and had that dark red background with Grillmaster's face overlaid in a blue circle I knew there was no turning back. I look forward to the streamer exposé on Youtube in a few months.

u/DarthGrandma avatar

It's just REALLY disappointing that it's come to this. Jerma has to do a main channel upload to tell his side of the story, before youtubers do it for him.

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u/1ethio avatar


u/NanniLP avatar

Star isn't Jerma's girlfriend anymore

no no no its JERMA who likes to get SHIT ON OFFSTREAM

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I don't think Kim did that lmao. It could have easily been a Jerma fan making things up for a joke.

u/Heavy_Weapons_Guy_ avatar

Seriously, what is this guy talking about? Why do people fall still fall for obvious bullshit these days, we should all be smarter than that.

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I wouldn't worry about it, some people just like to wrap themselves in multiple layers of irony because they think it'll make for some kind of funny joke, when it isn't funny at all. People who do that are really demented :/

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u/CringeName avatar

Imagine someone that isn't familiar with Jerma seeing this, they probably would think he is such a sack of shit lol.

u/randomfluffypup avatar

yeah I've been watching since 2014, and he's a really nice guy, but these controversies really paint a negative light on him.

....yes. honestly having an interesting time trying to understand these comments


I saw this back when I first got into jerma, and I genuinely was afraid it might be real until the part about the cigarette. Edit: NVM, I remember now I realized it after I googled "grillmasterxbbq" lol

I don't watch Jerma, I only know of him from the memes, and I'm so fucking confused rn

u/xzimmax avatar

me too dude i have no idea what’s going on

Lol it's satire about all the jokes Jerma has made along with memes that have spawned from his content.

GrillmasterXBBQ, for example, was a YouTuber Jerma made up to have imaginary beef with to satirize YouTuber drama.

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u/Raccoon_inabin avatar

No because I wanted to get into watching jerma streams because of the memes I've been seeing and wanted to see what he was like irl, and lmao for a moment I thought this was real I'm just that slow Update: jerma is my favorite now. I love how unproblematic he is (besides yk all the murders), but anyways he is an awesome man and I love how supporting he is its like having a supportive older man figure for once.

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I totally agree with you. Don't forget that one time a fan met Jerma at a grocery store in Las Vegas yesterday. He told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but he didn’t want to be a douche and bother Jerma and ask him for photos or anything. Jerma said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” He was taken aback, and all he could say was “Huh?” but Jerma kept cutting him off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of his face. The fan walked away and continued with his shopping, and he heard Jerma chuckle as he walked off. When he came to pay for his stuff up front he saw Jerma trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at his fan. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I've seen posts on the internet of this same series of events many times before, and in that exact order.

Jerma is LITERALLY performing copypasta harassment out in the real world. That's so fucked...


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u/DarthGrandma avatar

I don't find Jerma harassing his fans in real life to be a joke at all.

u/T-R-R-E-E avatar

I'm sorry but please take your "jokes" somewhere else. This is a very serious issue and it's no laughing matter.

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u/SpaghettiVase avatar

What the fuck?! WutFace

u/Mrunibro avatar

Jerma, if you're reading this, please stop. I know streaming can be stressful, but doing all this crazy fucked up shit for views isn't sustainable. So please have some common sense and tone it back. You're really making me go monkaS.

This might make a great copypasta, i'm not sure, my sense of humor is fucked

u/JayManty avatar

All jokes aside though, were the people in the hot air baloon on the joke or were they literally random people he hijacked

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I mean, given everything that was detailed in my original post, it's basically self-evident.

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u/Themasterofcomedy209 avatar

I don't know why I was chosen to be harassed by jerma, I did literally nothing! The only thing I can think of is that he was upset at me for being funnier than him? This guy is FUCKED!

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I'm really sorry he did that to you :/ it was totally uncalled for. I hope BinaryMan is doing okay too...

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u/asiandude67 avatar

Remember when he was playing Dead Rising 2 and he kept saying, ''fuck you chat'' for a couple of minutes. Abusive streamer ;___;

i heard he once ate an entire sleeve of oreos and threw up on his mothers bed. apparently this was recent too.

u/Idontlikecock avatar

I saw Jerma at a grocery store in Las Vegas yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

sounds like a lotta bullshit

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"Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this community, and I really enjoy watching Jerma's content"

"I really don't want to spread drama on this subreddit, because I've been in this community a long time and find that you folks are generally really cool"

At least try to keep your story straight grillmaster, I'd report this post but I know you have 100 other alts :/

u/DarthGrandma avatar

No that's fucking bullshit dude fuck that shit I'm not GrillMaster that's so fucking stupid why would you even say stupid shit like that jesus christ


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Is this the guy who HATES streaming?

u/Pandareous avatar

Jerma elbow dropped my dog from space man, that dude is so messed up.

u/ColoringBookBoy avatar

who is jerma

u/Quayliac avatar

I also remember on a stream he tried to prove that the moon landing was fake and that his uncle, Hugh Grant Hope, was the first man on the moon. Crazy how people take this guy seriously.


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u/DarthGrandma avatar

Obviously fake, no one in Nevada has a lawn. C'mon dude :/ this is real stuff we're talking about and fake stories aren't helping.


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u/DarthGrandma avatar

It's okay, I'm just wanting to get to the bottom of all of this. I'm hoping when all is said and done, this can help Jerma improve going forward.


That may not have happened, but we have video evidence of jerma violating basically every zoning and commercial law on the books by gutting a house and converting it to the "Jermall of America". People haven't gotten sleep on that block for months.

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I am fully aghast. Only knew a few but this opened the floodgates. Hoping we will receive a response from him


munkah ess

I really appreciate how in the beginning of the post it seems like a genuine gripe against jerma and then it just goes into Jermaverse references, excellent job Sinner!

u/ColoringBookBoy avatar

Exactly, I heard a rumour that he missed that one, TRY ANOTHER!

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upvoted for anilingus

Jerma is still epic 🤷‍♂️

u/GENTOOO avatar


u/DarthGrandma avatar

I understand that Jerma is likable and we should support him, but this sort of mindless endorsement for his weird actions is kind of concerning to me :/

I totally agree but on the other hand no

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u/T-R-R-E-E avatar

We're working on a jerma985 megathread down at r/GrillMasterXBBQ if anyone has any clips of him doing sicko shit please send them to the mod team. As a grillmaster fan it sickens me how FUCKED this guy is.

u/AlecSnake avatar

Don’t forget he constantly plays porn games ON STREAM! I can’t believe this FUCKED STREAMER is still allowed on the internet, let alone Twitch.


What about the time Jerma spent millions of donated bits to get himself cloned, only to stand on top of a table and elbow drop him repeatedly "from the top rope". At points you could even hear the poor clone scream "not the top rope! I can't take it!" and Jerma would blatantly ignore him. He didn't stop until the clone was completely dead, and somehow he got away with doing all of this on stream. Absolutely disgusting WutFace.

who is jerma

u/DarthGrandma avatar

You seriously don't know who Jerma985 is? o.o

who is jerma

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u/Heavy_Weapons_Guy_ avatar

He literally told his chat that he hates them. He wasn't even joking, he didn't even say something like "I wasn't talking about you guys", he just straight up said he hates his viewers. I used to really like him when he said "shpee" a lot but now he's really mean and every stream he sits there just insulting everybody in chat for hours. I don't think he even plays games any more, he just stares into the camera swearing at everyone.

u/DarthGrandma avatar

I didn't think it was this bad. That's really disappointing :/

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u/Mrunibro avatar

this guy HATES streaming but he still does all this, it's so sad

u/HeadRebel avatar

God damn it you had me going in the first half, not gonna lie.

u/SirMrDrProfSrJrPhD avatar

Yo is this about that Jerma the guy that read this list ON STREAM!?!?!

u/DarthGrandma avatar

He read it on stream? Damn, didn't think it'd make it that far. I hope I wasn't too hard on him :/

Wait for real? Do you have a link?

u/SirMrDrProfSrJrPhD avatar

Yeah, https://www.twitch.tv/videos/518020544?filter=archives&sort=time at 4:51:30 is about when it starts

do you know what game it was? I'd like to see the stream on youtube but I'm not sure what it is

u/SirMrDrProfSrJrPhD avatar

Sorry, I can't remember, I do know that the VOD of it was streamed about 5 months ago and that the stream was probably about 5-6 hours long based on the timestamp I gave which linked to 4 hour 51 minutes during bit reading.

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u/xach_hill avatar

hey im way behind on jerma can someone tell me how much of this shit is memes & how much of this is serious


You think this is fucking comedy?! These are serious issues! We are talking about the man who brutally murdered Santa after all

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u/Axin13 avatar

· · · Bleep bloop, I'm a bot. Comment requested by u/Axin13

Hey guys, I'm k-kinda new tuwu dis c-community, awnd I weawwy enjoy watching J-Jewma's content, but I keep seeing tawk of a bunch of contwovewsies Jewma has been in? It's so w-weiwd because Jewma iws s-such a w-wikabwe, down tuwu eawd guy, so iwt weawwy d-doesn't mwake sense t-tuwu me. I'ww wist what I've b-been seeing watewy so we can discuss. Some of dese might juwst be wumows, so if any of yuw can cwawify, p-pwease wet me k-know. Pwe-wawning, dewe's a wot tuwu c-covew.

  • Jewma w-weguwawwy fowces chat tuwu sit dwough ad bweaks. I g-guess dis one isn't so bad, because he does have tuwu put food on de t-tabwe, but I'm not suwe why Jewma dwops so many ad b-bweaks when he awweady g-gets a ton of bits a-awnd subs? He juwst wandomwy dwows in an ad bweak whenevew he wants. I d-dink one time he kept doing dem o-ovew awnd ovew awnd onwy s-stopped when peopwe stawted weaving. He awso doesn't e-even wead bit messages when he's s-stweaming a game u-unwess dey'we $50 ow mowe. Dat's definitewy not how most stweamews handwe deiw stweams.

  • Jewma acting toxic towawd hiws fans, cawwing dem "s-stupid idiot f-fuwcken dumb g-gawd damn modewfuckews", awnd d-dweatening tuwu pewmanentwy ban peopwe ovew b-basicawwy noding. I dink I m-might have seen a few p-peopwe get banned outwight fow cawwing him showt (w-which iws wude, yeah, but pewmabanning in w-wesponse iws ovewkiww). I awso wecaww one week he awmost banned a b-bunch of peopwe fow "i-iwwegaw memes", dough I-I nevew did sea what memes dose wewe.

  • Jewma e-encouwaging hiws fans t-tuwu spam c-comment dweads dat he beat Dawk Souws 3 on s-stweam. I h-have fiwsdand e-expewience seeing peopwe do dis on sites w-wike Weddit, Y-Youtube, awnd Myspace, so I k-know dis iws most wikewy twue.

  • Jewma doing cwuew IWW pwanks. I wemembew one time Jewma did a v-video whewe he bought a bunch of cakes awnd dwew dem at a wandom dock w-wowkew. I g-guess iwt was supposed tuwu be a wefewence tuwu TF2? He ended up hitting de guy wight in de face, awnd iwt dazed him tuwu de point w-whewe he couwdn't wawk s-stwaight (iwt was w-weawwy gwaphic awnd I wondewed how de heww Jewma got a-away wid iwt). Dewe was awso a time he s-snuck onto a hot aiw b-bawwoon wide awnd b-basicawwy fowced a gwoup of weguwaw peopwe tuwu be in hiws intewnet skit widout asking, awnd iwt maid dem aww visibwy uncomfowtabwe. Dey couwdn't e-even dwow Jewma off de b-bawwoon, fow o-obvious weasons. I-I weawwy f-fewt bad fow dose peopwe.

  • Jewma tawking about hiws p-pewsonaw fetishes on s-stweam, wike CBT, getting hiws chest haiws pwucked wid tweezews, awnd... weww, aniwingus ("eating ass"). I pewsonawwy wasn't awound fow dat stuff, but iwt s-sounds wike iwt was p-pwetty gwoss. S-Some peopwe awe juwst WEAWWY o-open about d-deiw kinks, but I find iwt kind of unpwofessionaw tuwu t-tawk about dat stuff on stweam. I-I dink I awso h-heawd dat Jewma twied showing naked o-outdoow photos of himsewf in a video, but Youtube fowced him tuwu bwuw iwt ow d-dey'd take iwt down.

  • Jewma weguwawwy tawking shit about hiws best fwiend Staw a-awnd scamming him owt of a WOT of m-money. I definitewy wemembew Staw/Jewma cowwabs on de Jewma985 youtube channew, awnd I-I was weawwy sad t-tuwu sea dey h-hawd spwit up, but I didn't know dat J-Jewma hawd stowen money fwom hiws fwiend (I found dat pwetty shocking). D-Dat's pwobabwy why Staw awnd Jewma haven't s-stweamed togedew in yeaws.

  • Jewma steawing a-awnd cwaiming content dat isn't hiws, wike "Beanbag S-Sonic", Fiweman, M-Misewabwe Mikey, Adam Sandwew, awnd even de Scout f-fwom TF2. I-I've awso s-seen him weguwawwy attempt tuwu c-cwaim wats as hiws own meme, but wats awe o-obviouswy copywighted, so I don't know why he d-dinks peopwe wiww faww fow iwt, but d-dat's juwst me.

  • Jewma d-doing weawwy dangewous stunts fow cwicks, wike getting pwastic objects c-chucked at h-hiws face, simiwaw t-tuwu a cawnivaw game (I-I dink dey wewe toy fwogs?), him puwposefuwwy smashing gwass computew p-pawts in a computew buiwding pawody skit, awnd even him picking up a TV awnd "fake" cwushing himsewf wid iwt. Dewe was awso one pwank whewe he twied tuwu put a cigawette owt on hiws dick, which was, of couwse, fake awnd pewfowmed wid pwops, but iwt was stiww a weaw "shock jock" m-moment. Aww of dat iws w-weawwy dangewous not j-juwst fow him, but fow odews, because iwt e-encouwages young p-peopwe tuwu do de same, awnd dat's pwetty i-iwwesponsibwe fow someone wid a pwatfowm as big as hiws.

  • Jewma hawassing a smaww stweamew cawwed GwiwwMastewXBBQ. I onwy caught de w-wast hawf of de i-incident, but Jewma sewiouswy went off de waiws awnd was tawking mad shit about GwiwwMastew. I didn't even k-know who G-GwiwwMastew was u-untiw Jewemy went a-apeshit on him. I d-dink Twitch admins might have towd Jewma t-tuwu way off, because h-he hasn't mentioned him s-since, but some peopwe in de community keep bwinging iwt up. I juwst wish dey'd weave de guy awone. I was awso going tuwu mention some usews c-cawwed "DeMastewofComedy" awnd "B-BinawyMan", but I cawn't wemembew what exactwy Jewma did tuwu dem. I don't dink iwt was anyding positive, dough.

  • Jewma buwning a wive wasp on stweam. I sewiouswy don't k-know how h-he got away wid iwt, but appawentwy Jewma buwned a wasp awive a-awnd said "oooh, up in smoke". I guess dat must have g-gotten buwied in an 8-houw wong stweam, awnd most of de community fowgot about iwt, b-because dat's d-definitewy against Twitch TOS.

  • EDIT: Someone in de comments weminded me dat Jewma "kiwwed Santa" by knocking hiws h-head off wid a 2x4. Dis iws obviouswy hypewbowe, because w-wet's be weaw fow a second, I don't d-dink Jewma iws p-psychotic enough tuwu actwawwy m-muwdew someone, but I wouwdn't put iwt past Jewma t-tuwu attempt a fake stunt fow what a-amounts tuwu intewnet cwout.

I-I weawwy don't wawnt tuwu s-spwead dwama on dis subweddit, b-because I've been in dis community a w-wong time awnd find dat yuw fowks awe genewawwy weawwy c-coow, but its j-juwst been bodewing me when dewe awe so many questionabwe dings Jewma has dun dat peopwe a-awen't tawking about dat much. I'm new tuwu watching Jewma awnd I weawwy wove h-hiws content, but sometimes aww I can dink of iws "yo, dis stweamew iws fucked". I've watched hiws videos awnd stweams fow y-yeaws awnd yeaws awnd I'd hate t-tuwu sea him wose iwt aww, but I o-onwy stawted watching h-hiws content wast week, so mwy opinion doesn't mattew dat much, awnd I guess if he gets de boot, den oh weww, w-wight? Juwst gwad I've been abwe tuwu e-enjoy hiws s-stweams fow de y-yeaws weading up tuwu hiws downwawd twend.

Oh a-awnd Jewma, if y-you'we weading dis (awnd I-I weawwy d-don't dink he iws, because h-he nevew checks de subweddit), pwease stop. I know stweaming can be stwessfuw, but doing aww dis c-cwazy fucked up shit fow v-views isn't sustainabwe. So pwease h-have some c-common sense awnd tone iwt back. Y-You'we weawwy making me gow monkaS.

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u/randomfluffypup avatar

someone xpost this to r/Livestreamfail please

u/TheMillenniumMan avatar

You can't even begin to imagine the stuff he does off camera to impress his friends. I've seen it all