25 Things to Do on Fremont Street If You've Blown Your Gambling Allowance

25 Fun Things to Do on Fremont Street If You’ve Blown Your Gambling Allowance

The only sure bet in Las Vegas is Lady Luck is fickle. When you’re playing in Vegas casinos, it’s good to know your limits and that includes how much you’re willing to spend on gambling. If you’ve blown your bankroll and decide to call it quits for the day, there’s still a lot to do and see on Fremont Street!

Here’s a list of fun things to do on Fremont Street while you’re waiting to get your gambling groove back.

1. Root for your favorite Sigma Derby horse.

The classic Sigma Derby slot machine on the second floor of The D Las Vegas is a blast, not just because the Sigma Derby machine is a classic, but also because Sigma Derby is more than a game of chance, it’s a communal experience. You can watch the races without wagering, and it’s a lot more fun when everyone’s rooting for their favorite horse or jockey.

The D Sigma Derby
Sigma Derby horses are not actual size. Granted, some of these photo captions are going to be more useful than others.

2. Discover antiques at Main Street.

We’ve been to the Main Street casino a hundred times or more, but every single time we spot some new antique or artifact. Stop by Main Street’s hotel registration desk and pick up a “Guide to Artifacts, Antiques and Artworks.” (Download the brochure in .pdf format. You’re welcome.) Main Street is a treasure trove of impossibly interesting collectibles you would spend hours exploring. Oh, and don’t miss a section of the Berlin Wall in the casino’s men’s room.

Winston Churchill Table4
Here’s a find that’s not in the brochure. On the hotel’s second floor, you’ll find Winston Churchill’s snooker table. Crazy.

3. Take in the light shows.

The ultimate free thing to do in Las Vegas, Viva Vision light shows happen throughout each night at Fremont Street Experience. The visuals are spectacular and the 550,000-watt speaker system is world-class.

4. Try your luck with a free slot spin.

Just because you ran out of gambling allowance doesn’t mean you have to stop playing. Outside Binion’s and Four Queens, take your turn on free spin slot machines and you could end up with tons of free play or other perks. Beware other free spins on Fremont Street, though. They’re sometimes used by timeshare salespersons to lure unsuspecting visitors into hearing their spiel. Get the straight scoop.

Binions Free Slot Pull
Free is good. Free slot play is even better.

5. Check out the city’s first movie theater.

The first movie theater in Las Vegas is still standing. It’s called El Portal, and it was also the first air-conditioned building in Las Vegas. Find it across from The D Las Vegas. It’s now a gift shop.

EL Portal1
El Portal is now the El Portal Indian Arts & Crafts store. And it’s still air conditioned.

6. Get your photo with a million bucks.

This one’s a must-do whenever you’re downtown. Binion’s offers guests a free photo of a million dollars in cash. (You can take a photo using your own camera, too, but please, no flash.) It takes about 20-30 minutes for the photos to turn up at the casino’s player loyalty club desk. Make sure to grab a flyer at the photo op desk. It includes a ton of freebies for new loyalty club sign-ups.

Million Dollar Photo
Dave and Sheri are Binion’s regulars and the nicest people you’ll ever meet while standing next to a million dollars in cash.

7. Time travel on Fremont East.

If you’re up for a stroll to clear your head, make your way to Fremont East. Along this part of Fremont Street you’ll find 18 bronze “medallions” embedded in the sidewalk. Each medallion provides a glimpse into the history of Las Vegas, including interesting facts about Vegas icons like Benny Binion, “Bugsy” Siegel, Wayne Newton and Steve Wynn.

FSE Placard1
We picked this medallion randomly, and that’s the story we’re sticking to.

8. Pose with Vegas Vic.

He’s recognized around the world as a symbol of Las Vegas and its famed “Glitter Gulch” (a nickname given downtown Las Vegas because of its dazzling lights). Vegas Vic stands watch over the Pioneer Gift Shop, next to Golden Nugget.

Vegas Vic
Vegas Vic’s signature greeting used to be “Howdy, podner.” Now, it’s “Have a brightly-colored slushy drink, podner.”

9. Take the Banger Brewing tour (Permanently Closed)

Yes, Downtown Las Vegas has its own microbrewery, and Banger Brewing offers free tours of its facilities. Banger Brewing is located near the base of the SlotZilla zip line take-off tower. Check the Banger Brewing Web site for details about these intoxicating tours.

Banger Brewing Tour
Please, do not fondle the kegs.

10. People-watch.

We can’t forget the most obvious free diversion at Fremont Street Experience, the people-watching. Visitors from around the world come to Fremont Street, and its denizens are truly a sight to behold. If you’d like to sit and watch the festivities, we’ve put together a list of 11 Great Places to Sit and People-Watch at Fremont Street Experience for your convenience.

Fremont Street Experience

11. Visit the world’s largest functioning fire hydrant.

Everything’s bigger in Las Vegas, and Fremont Street is home to what’s billed as the world’s largest functioning fire hydrant. The 14.5-foot-tall fire hydrant is a few blocks east of the SlotZilla tower, on Fremont East.

Fire Hydrant
Let’s just say downtown Las Vegas is full of really happy dogs.

12. See the world’s biggest keno board.

It’s big, it’s fun and it’s free to see! Check out the world’s biggest keno board at The D.

Keno doesn’t have the best odds in a casino, but you’re not here for odds, you’re here for fun.

13. Find the rocker sign at Golden Gate.

The Golden Gate is the oldest casino in Las Vegas, and it’s where Vegas got its start. Golden Gate opened in 1906, and is better than ever. Outside the Golden Gate is a unique sign that “rocks,” putting most other casino signs to shame. Another free diversion can be found inside Golden Gate. Near the casino’s valet entrance you’ll find several vintage slot machines, adding to the casino’s old-school charm.

14. Take in the toys at Neonopolis.

In the Neonopolis shopping plaza, there’s Toy Shack, a toy store known around the world thanks to the reality TV series, “Pawn Stars.” Stroll the aisles of this toy shop and you’ll see thousands of vintage and hard-to-find toys. It’s a family-friendly activity that’ll bring back some memories, whether you’re buying, selling or just killing some time.

Toy Shack
Toy Shack holds monthly events for Hot Wheels nerds. Sorry, fans. Hot Wheels fans.

15. Watch a craps game.

Craps games in Las Vegas casino have to be one of the best forms of entertainment in the world. Craps is almost always the loudest, most energetic game in a casino, and while it’s fun to play, it’s entertaining just to watch, too. Observing a craps game in progress is a wonderful way to learn the game’s jargon and rituals, and dealers are happy to provide information about the lively game.

Craps Game
Craps is derived from an English game called “hazard.”

16. Dance in the street.

Fremont Street Experience hosts free entertainment nightly on three stages. You’re sure to find a show that makes you want to dance in the streets. In addition to nightly entertainment, Fremont Street Experience also puts on a series of summer concerts featuring world-class acts in a party atmosphere. Check the Fremont Street Experience calendar of events for details.

Dancing Like Nobodys Watching1

17. Rub a piece of the Blarney Stone.

Legend has it this chunk of rock at The D is a portion of the Blarney Stone. Rub it for good luck, but don’t kiss it. That’s gross.

Blarney Stone-1
Don’t try to read the sign. Although you look adorable when you squint.

18. Enjoy flair bartenders.

Just about anyone can make a cocktail, but the flair bartenders at The D Las Vegas and Golden Gate take bartending to another level. Flair bartending, also called “flairtending,” has a lot in common with juggling, but on Fremont Street, it’s all about entertaining guests and giving them an unforgettable show. There’s more flair bartending inside at The D, at the hotel’s Vue Bar, upstairs, and Longbar.

flair bartender
Ivan is a fan favorite.

19. Weigh yourself at Heart Attack Grill.

The Heart Attack Grill is a truly one-of-a-kind restaurant. The establishment is known for its decadent menu and irreverent sense of humor. Outside, there’s a weight scale touting the fact anyone who weighs more than 300 pounds eats free. Get up your courage, step on the scale and you’re bound to draw a crowd.

Heart Attack Grill Scale
If you’re easily offended, you might want to scratch Heart Attack Grill off your Fremont Street to-do list.

20. Sleep with the fishes.

Inside the famed Golden Nugget casino are two aquariums of note. One is in the hotel’s pool. The Tank is home to sharks and other fish, with a water slide running through it, making it one of the most talked-about and award-winning pools in Las Vegas. The other stunning aquarium is in the hotel’s Chart House restaurant. The exotic fish are endlessly entertaining, and keep an eye out for a massive green eel often hiding among the aquarium’s rocks and plants.

21. Seek out the world’s largest pint glass.

Hennessey’s Tavern is a bar and restaurant on the eastern most end of Fremont Street Experience (again, not far from the SlotZilla tower). Towering over the restaurant is what’s touted as the world’s largest pint glass. It’s not actually a pint “glass,” of course, but it does make a great photo op for lovers of frothy beverages.

Not Your Fathers Ppint Glass
The pint glass at Hennessey’s is 85 feet tall. In heels, it’s even taller.

22. Rub elbows with lucky arms.

Long, lucrative craps rolls are the stuff of legend in Las Vegas. On May 29, 1989, Stanley Fujitake rolled the bones for an incredible three hours and six minutes. In 2003, a Golden Arm Wall of Fame was created to honor other craps players with exceptional dice-throwing abilities. You can see the Wall of Fame at Fremont casino, and there’s another collection of honors on the bridge between The California and Main Street casino.

Golden Arm Wall Of Fame1
Each Golden Arm plaque shows how long the shooter held the dice. In craps, minutes equates to dollars, so you can do the math.

23. Rub Buddha’s belly.

In Vegas, you can never have too much rubbing. If you’ve depleted your gambling allowance, you could use a little help with your mojo. Rubbing the Laughing Buddha’s belly for good luck is a time-honored tradition, and there’s a large Buddha statue suitable for rubbing near the hotel registration desk the California casino, just off Fremont Street.

Cal Good Luck
The Laghing Buddha is often confused with the original Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Two different guys.

24. Have a brush with poker greats.

Outside the famed Binion’s poker room is suspended a poker table with the autographs of dozens of poker luminaries. Binion’s was the original home of the World Series of Poker, and many of its most famous players appear on this epic piece of Vegas memorabilia. And here’s our final suggestion of something to do if you’ve blown through your gambling allowance.

25. Drink.

Hey, different allowance.

Slushy drinks
Allowance, schmallowance.

We hope you’ve found something fun to do on our list, and if you discover others, please leave a comment with your suggestion.

Ultimately, one of the best non-gambling things to do on Fremont Street is make new friends. Making new friends is free, and if it’s not, she isn’t looking to be your “friend,” and that’s illegal in Las Vegas!

Check out more fun things to do in Las Vegas.

Have fun and good luck!

102 responses to “25 Fun Things to Do on Fremont Street If You’ve Blown Your Gambling Allowance

  1. You need someone to check your punctuation. Grammar is important and you, use, too, many, commas.

    1. Appreciate your feedback. Proudly, not a single comma was harmed in the slapping-together of this blog post.

    2. nonsense !!! I love good grammar. He did NOT abuse the use of commas. They are actually all where they should be. Some people just find really, dumb, things, to, complain, about, I tell you …. GREAT READ and it was extremely helpful !!!! On a more positive note, thank you for the nice article.

  2. This was great! Fine list of free entertainment as well as facts about Vegas I have never known. And some wonderful photography. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Dewey. Much appreciated, and proud of our original photography.

  3. Nice round up and pics. John B, I think the problem with the excellent writing in this piece is that the grammar and punctuation are correct! Given the state of things on the internet, most people don’t recognize solid prose. For one thing, they are too busy sticking ‘at’ at the end of sentences, needlessly, and tripping over their dropped ‘ly’s. Now Ima drive safe to where my house is at.

    1. Thanks. I’d hate to think I didn’t pick anything up after decades of being a professional writer. “)

    2. Perfectly said!!!. (oh I used an “ly”) I’m from the old school of grammar and punctuation. I like two spaces after my period. I sure hope mine is correct.

  4. we have been downtown sightseeing and staying at hotels downtown many times and I learned of a few new things to do by reading this,thanks-we are bringing newbies with us next trip on Apr. 25 and will be fun for us to also see some new things while showing them around

  5. When will you clean up the homeless people who are begging and the not so attractive people who walk around with no clothes, also begging. We were not feeling very safe on Fremont St. this past visit. It keeps getting worse.

    1. We hear you, Kathy! We’re working with the City of Las Vegas and law enforcement, as well as homeless organizations, to try and improve the situation. It’s challenging, because Fremont Street is considered a public street, so the folks you mention aren’t precluded from being on the street. It’s an ongoing process, and we’re working hard to ensure everyone who visits has a great, safe time.

        1. I met a very nice homeless man when I was there in May 2015. I kinda hope to see him again. It’s good to know that your life is so perfect Kathy. Be a little kinder to those less fortunate.

          1. I saw a women there in a wheel chair claiming to be a veteran wife who was disabled looking for money, I gave her some and about an hour later she was carrying her wheel chair onto a bus not disabled at all, I questioned her about it and she just smirked and got on the bus.

          2. It is not about the “less fortunate”. My 15 year old daughter was grabbed and a flyer for “massages” was slapped into her hand. When I tried to get them away from her, I was yelled at and they started screaming that I can’t touch them and threaten me. They threaten to sue, call the cops whatever, they were trying to get me to give them money to shut them up. That was the last time I went to Fremont Street and I live in Las Vegas. I was very disgusted and embarrassed for our city. But I understand the City is looking into ways to combat some of the so called “entertainment”. I was shocked at some of the things I saw. It is ridiculous some of the “costumes” that they wear trying to get money. One lady was in a dirty old wedding dress, absolutely filthy, trying to get people to pay her to take a picture with her, WHY?

  6. thanks for all the post. I am going to vegas(one of these days). I can’t wait to see all these fabulous events you have pointed out. thanks again for the post.

  7. Been to vegas many times over the years…Never Stayed downtown. ..I’m booked @ The D for my birthday in July Thanks this gave me a few good ideas for conserving my gambling $….:) p.s. no commas….;)

  8. Great information here. Wife and i went last night and plan to go again tonight. I have to disagree with what others stated above, we felt perfectly safe and the homeless, 1/2 naked women, characters dressed up in different costumes as well as the “freaks” is all part of the experience.

  9. I just returned home after a week in Vegas. I spent my best times just sitting on Fremont St while my wife enjoyed gaming. I enjoyed the street acts, but I also took in the depression of the lives of the homeless and disabled Vets. I enjoyed most just sitting and talking to them. The most depressing part I brought back home with me was the difference of how they are looked at and treated from one end of the strip to the other. Our last day in Vegas was spent walking a few hours around the Bellagio and down to Harrahs. We sat and spoke with a lot of Disabled Vets along the way, the temp was up to 105, so it didn’t take long for myself to get very sweaty, I myself am disabled so I had to stop and rest after so many feet. We entered one casino to go sit and eat, and it didn’t take long at all for me to notice peoples eyes staring at me as if I was trash to them. I even heard one lady say “They shouldn’t allow those kind of people in here”. We even sat through an hour of a timeshare spill, we got tickets to free dinners and buffets so we went back out and gave them away to the Vets on the street so they could go get a good meal. I not only pray for all these PEOPLE on the streets, but also for that lady that lives in her perfect little world of hers.

    1. Glad you recognize those souls who gave of themselves so that we can enjoy the wondrous world we live in and the variety it gives us. It’s too bad we can’t send all those who look down their noses to the war zone for one day. They certainly would appreciate things in a whole different light.

  10. Visit Vegas at least once a year since moving west in 1999. Discovered Fremont Street a few years back and always include it in our plans. Thanks for the “things to do” tips.

  11. Downtown always amuses me, first stay was early 80’s at The Sundance (now The D). Fremont street has changed a bunch over the years, some good and some not so much. Regardless, it’s a fun atmosphere with much to do other than gamble. Thanks to your blog, I now have a few new places/things to see downtown that I never knew existed.

  12. This is a great list. I now have more things to investigate when I come in November…I hope I have better weather this year than I did in 2013. In the past when I’ve visited Fremont Street, I’ve restricted myself to the main area under the overhang….will have to change that this year!

  13. Went to Vegas last year comma and stayed at Caesars Palace.Going to try the Golden Nugget this time for a new experience full stop you have to laugh.

  14. Container Park is a short walk down the street. We enjoyed the fire-breathing praying mantis and free entertainment in the evening. Love the unique shops (even if you are just window shopping)!

  15. Thank you for all the tips! I will be using them very soon and I haven’t even started using my gambling allowance!!!

  16. I visit Las Vegas for the fall NHRA drag races every year. Last year was the first year staying downtown at the Golden Nugget. Had a GREAT time. As soon as I got home I made reservations at the Nugget for this year (10/29-11/1). I was very disappointed to learn that the Halloween parade was cancelled. That was one of the best times I’ve ever had in Vegas. Do you know if they are going to have the NHRA driver meet and greet again this year on Freemont St.? (Thursday night). It doesn’t really matter, I’m going anyway and I’m going to have another GREAT time. Thanks

    1. Thanks for your note. We were sorry to hear about the Halloween parade as well. This NHRA event is on for this year, thanks for asking. Should have all the details soon.

  17. I need to know where those giant frozen tie-dye drinks come from? I will be there in three days and we really want to get that! Also great list, we were able to plan some fremont street things for Saturday!

  18. I will be returning to Vegas on December 21, 2015 and will be bringing a newbie with me, will there be a light show on Fremont at this time?

  19. I will be staying at the Excalibur this weekend(Nov18-21). What is the best way to get to Freemont Street from there?


    1. Taxi, unfortunately. It can get pretty pricey. There are Uber and Lyft drivers there but based on my experience it was just as expensive and more of a hassle than using a regular cab. It’ll probably be about $20 from Excalibur.

      There is also a great bus system if you’re not in a hurry. You can buy day passes cheap!

      1. Thanks for the suggestions! Made it down to Fremont Street and thought the experience was awesome! Luckily for us we met some nice people who drove from CA took us down and brought us back. Thanks Chris and Shelly…

  20. Thank you very much for those infos… Was in Las Vegas many times but in early January I will visit Fremont street for the first time… It seems to be a great place in variety and diversity. Can’t wait to be There.

  21. Annual trip with cops and I’m the only wife! I love to gamble my pennies, but now look forward to looking up a few of these things so I keep my cash a little longer! Great Blog!

  22. I saw on the Slotvilla FAQ that the upper weight limit is 300 pounds. I weigh 315 dressed. Is the 300# limit absolute or will they let you go if you are close (I assume the unit has a reasonable safety margin)?

    1. Ha! Great question. The casino’s “official” camera flashes are activated by flash, so when a customer’s flash goes off, all the others do, too. It’s pretty much just so all the flashes aren’t constantly going off.

  23. I’m glad to see that a Sigma D game is still around, and is Downtown. So many of those games have closed. On my first trip to Vegas, I remember playing one at the Luxor with my Mom and Step Dad. The Luxor game had camels.

    We bet against each other, and soon the other players joined in. We bet drinks, money and dinners. It was so much fun.

    I’ll be going back to “The D” for some Sigma D!

  24. Hi I’m from Sydney Australia I first went to vegas for the first time 5 years ago & loved Fremont strip I’m about to go on my 5th trip in 5 years to vegas top place cheers steve

  25. I just found this article today and learned a few things about the Downtown area I was not aware of. Going to visit soon and have already earmarked new places to visit. Thank you.

  26. I go to Vegas 4-5 times a year and only stay downtown. This is a great and informative list. Container park is a must!

  27. Its like үоu learn my mind! You sеem tο grasp a
    ⅼot ɑbout thiѕ, like yoս wrote the е-book in it or sometһing.

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    bit, but іnstead ⲟf thаt, this is fantastic blog. Α fantastic read.
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  28. I am going back to Las Vegas in 32 days! I can’t wait! This is a very helpful article. We will be looking forward to our trip even more!

    1. Not a lot, but there are some activities downtown. You might try the Downtown Container Park (on Fremont East). Also there’s a shark pool tour at Golden Nugget, there’s also a great aquarium at Chart House inside Golden Nugget. Kids love the artifacts at Main Street Station, especially the restored train outside the hotel. Of course, teens love the SlotZilla zip line, too.

  29. Going back to Vegas in Oct 2016, can’t wait to go back to Fremont st absolutely loved people watching there,as people have noted if you are going in the evening I don’t think its very good for children as there are a lot of half naked ladies on show lol ,But us adults enjoy the atmosphere and have fun…..let your hair down and as the saying goes, “what’s in Vegas stays in Vegas ” ENJOY.

  30. enjoyed reading that,going next april for my sons 21st birthday and had intentions on just stying in the strip but hell no ill be visiting freemont street for a full day
    really looking forward to it
    much appretiation OP for putting this together

  31. My sister-in-law and I are planning a LV trip and going to Fremont St is something we’re considering. We’re a couple of grannies from Nebraska. My son lives in LV and he’s never taken me or my husband there because it’s “bad”. He works for KA at MGM and that end of the strip is all we’ve seen. If we want to see the strip using an affordable mode of transportation, what do you suggest?

    1. There are a few options. Have you tried LYFT or Uber? You can always catch a cab, too. There’s also public transportation and a monorail!

    2. You can buy a ticket on the Deuce, the bus that runs from Fremont street all the way down the strip. You can get a day pass or a 3 day pass. Lyft and Uber are good for places off the strip.

  32. I heard that the MerMaids casino on freemont street closed. Can you tell us what business/casino will be taking it’s place?

    1. Yep, it’s closed, along with Glitter Gulch and La Bayou. La Bayou is expected to be part of an expansion to Golden Gate, and Mermaids will be part of a new resort (which will include Las Vegas Club). That’s as much as we know at this point.

  33. Thank you for the info. We go to Vegas for the NFR every year. Never make the Rodeo but go for the Fremont experience. We stay at the Great Casino The Gilden Nugget! I did not see any concerts during the finals are there going to be any on Freemont ?

  34. My first real visit to Las Vegas is next week. Looking forward to checking out some of the places you have highlighted while we are there.

    Thanks for the advice and information!

  35. I’ve been to Vegas several times and stayed on the Strip although I’ve visited downtown. We are going next spring and plan on staying at the Golden Nugget to get a bit closer to Fremont Street night and day as well as feel a bit more of the nostalgia for that retro Rat Pack ambience. Thanks for the great list of suggestions which we hope to augment with some of our own!

  36. Great post! Fremont Street is always a great time!! Thanks for the info. We will check out more of these attractions in April. My wife,and I have always felt safe downtown.

  37. Thanks for the info. We will be heading to Vegas mid March and will take in most if not all of the venues mentioned. Is there a Tix for Tonight, I think that’s what it is called, on Fremont St.??

  38. Thanks. Didn’t know about several of the sights you mentioned. My wife and I love Freemont street and will be returning this weekend with our granddaughter. She turns 21 Sunday and Grandma and Grandpa will be taking her for her first visit to Vegas. Your information will make this trip fresh for us and our granddaughter.

  39. If you want a great dining experience in Old Town, try Hugo’s Cellar in the Four Queens hotel. Takes you back to the old days with great service and atmosphere. All the women get a red rose when they enter. They have sidecars for their martini’s and a great salad bar brought right to your table. It’s pricy but worth it. When I go I just get the tableside salad bar because it makes me full and I still get the ambiance. And of course, I have to have a martini. Enjoy!

  40. Just got back to the hotel after my first visit to Freemont St. The place is amazing. So much to do and see. Lots of energy everywhere. The zip lines are a definite must do. I had such a great time playing roulette at El Cortez, friendliest dealers and low table limits make it a fun place to hang out without having to worry about losing a bunch of money. Next trip I will definitely stay at Binions or The Golden Nugget.

  41. Going for NYE this year and have no clue what to do. I don’t want to do the strip since we will be stuck outside all night.. (Our hotel is not on the strip).. and we don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to go somewhere inside. This place is definitely not expensive, but is it all outside or can we stay inside somewhere with no reservations and sit and relax and enjoy? Will def make a reservation to eat somewhere here as well.
    Thank you

  42. I’ll be going to Vegas the week of 10/19 -27/2018,first time going and very excited about doing several of these .

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