兩人位儲物梳化床 - 樂居家居 LONGOOD



採用高密度海棉,優質金屬路軌, 多功能梳化, 瞬間變梳化床, 內有大容量儲物箱

布面: $2980 (限時優惠) 皮面: $3280 / 訂造尺寸+$500/轉防真皮+$800 /寵物皮+$1200

兩人位尺寸: 125 x 92 x 79cm/ 打開梳化床: 125 x 190 x 40cm  $2980

三人位尺寸: 176 x 92 x 79cm/ 打開梳化床: 176 x 190 x 40cm  $3980


貨號: LG1928 分類: ,


送貨細則  Delivery Details

此商品不可退貨This product is non-returnable

產品將於購買後14-21天送貨, 訂造貨品除外

Products will be delivered 14-21 days (Tailor-made products are not included)

如取消訂單, 將會扣除訂單金額20%手續費

To cancel an order, 20% of the order amount will be deducted.

貨品不設保養及退換, .(如村屋或自行搬運,不接受任何更換)

Product is non-returnable.


Dumping of packaging materials is not included.


Deviation 3-5cm is acceptable

免費送貨至港九新界 (東涌加 $200、馬灣加 $150 及愉景灣加 $400,大譚、深水灣、淺水灣、石澳、赤柱、山頂、沙頭角、布袋澳加收$100),其它村屋或偏遠地區請向商戶查詢另行報價
村屋送貨另加$100 ,如送貨地址貨車不能直達而需要推路,首50米平地免費,如有梯級及超過50米有附加費用。送貨地址需要搬樓梯級, 每層加$200. *費用不適用於3級梯級或以下

Free delivery service is valid for Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories ($200 for Tung Chung, $150 for Ma Wan, $400 for Discovery Bay), $100 for delivery to Repulse Bay, Deep water Bay, Tai Tam, Shek O, Stanley, The Peak, Sha Tau Kok And Po Toi O.for outlying islands and remote areas, please contact us for details.

For addresses without lift facilities, $200 per product per floor for the first to six floors.


Please note that by filling in an incorrect address or number may result in a delay of delivery.
送貨時間為星期一至六10am-7pm,如7pm後送貨需加$200 (星期日及公眾假期不設送貨)

Delivery on Mon to Sat 10am-7pm ,$200 surcharge after 7pm (no delivery service on Sun & PH)

送貨正常會提前預約時間,如更改時間顧客需要提前2天通知,若沒有通知下改期而運輸按預約時間送到,客人則需額外自理每程運費加$100(如需指定日期或時間送貨, 客人需額外款)

For delivery date change, please contact us 2 days before in advance (otherwise $100 surcharge applies)


The colour of pictures are just for reference and subject to our products.

如有任何爭議 , 本公司會保留最終決定權

In the event of any dispute, the decision of Longood Home Furniture Limited shall be final and conclusive.



兩人位, 三人位, 可訂制尺寸


布面, 可訂製顏色



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