Steven Tyler’s Daughter Mia Admits She Had A Love/Hate Relationship With Her Late Mother Cyrinda Foxe

Steven Tyler’s Daughter Mia Admits She Had A Love/Hate Relationship With Her Late Mother Cyrinda Foxe

Aerosmith‘s frontman Steven Tyler’s daughter Mia Tyler recently shared an Instagram post on her official account admitting that she had a complicated relationship with her deceased mother Cyrinda Foxe. The Instagram post had a video of her mother and a long emotional note from Mia.

The relationship between Steven Tyler and Cyrinda Foxe started in 1978 and lasted until the year 1987. The couple were together for almost ten years and had a child named Mia. When Foxe met Tyler, she was still married to David Johansen from the band New York Dolls. After one year of marriage, Foxe left Johansen to be with the frontman of Aerosmith.

Years later, Cyrinda Foxe had a mild stroke in 2001. Because she was in a bad place economically, there was an organized benefit raised for her. Steven Tyler, too, paid Foxe’s hospital bills and donated a guitar to the benefit. A year later, she got married to musician Kieth Waa and died from a brain tumor shortly after the wedding.

In 1978, the couple had their first child, Mia Tyler. Tyler claims that mother and daughter had a love and hate relationship. In her recent post on Instagram, she admits that she is daydreaming about the day that her mother plays with her son. It is not clear as to what they had a love and hate relationship as a mother and a daughter but it is clear that Tyler misses her mother. Moreover, she also mentions that small things like photographs and videos remind her that her heart is still broken.

Here is what Mia Tyler said in her post:

“I know I’ve said this before… but it’s really trippy hearing my Mamas voice after not hearing it for so long. I’ve only heard it 2 other times since she passed in 2002. [Aerosmith fan page] always finds the best pics & videos that I’ve never seen. I honestly don’t even care what she’s saying, I just like hearing her voice.

I’ve been slowly chipping away at the parts of my life that need fixing. And seeing videos like this brings me to a place in my heart I didn’t know was still broken. The simple act of hearing her voice heals me. It’s moments like these, where a total stranger from across the universe can send me a quick video of something that is so healing. 2020/2021 have been extremely healing years for me.

And this little video has been the icing on the cake. I really had such a love/hate relationship with Cyrinda. But I can’t help but wonder what kind of Grand Mama she’d be. I’m daydreaming of hearing that sweet voice of hers playing with Ax. Or seeing her light up and blush at how hunky she thinks Joe is. I overlook this stuff but it’s really a treat to hear her voice after all this time and imagine her here with us still. Anyways, enough emo babbling. Just wanted to share something so personal and healing. Maybe you’ll find solace in this too.”

Check out the video from her Instagram account below.