Sir Nicholas Coleridge to be Appointed New Provost of Eton College - Eton College

His Majesty The King has been pleased to approve the appointment of Sir Nicholas Coleridge CBE DL as Provost of Eton College to succeed Lord Waldegrave of North Hill.

Sir Nicholas will take up the post and be resident at Eton from September 2024 and will be the 43rd Provost since Eton was established.  He was appointed as a result of an open process led by the Special Nominations Committee of the Provost and Fellows, chaired by the Vice-Provost, Peter McKee. 

Sir Nicholas began his career as a journalist and has had a distinguished career in the media and publishing and was for 30 years successively Editorial Director, Managing Director, President and Chair of Condé Nast International, the magazine company.  He is currently Chair of the Victoria and Albert Museum and will Chair the Historic Royal Palaces upon relinquishing that appointment.  Sir Nicholas has also been Chair of the British Fashion Council and Chair of the Professional Publishers Association. Among a wider portfolio of appointments, he has been a member of the Council of the Royal College of Art, a member of the Trading Board of The Prince’s Trust, Chair of the Prince of Wales’s Campaign for the Wool Industry and, most recently, Co-Chaired last year’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.  His family has a long-standing link to Eton. 

Lord Waldegrave of North Hill said: ‘I am delighted that Nicholas Coleridge will be joining the Fellowship in the autumn and succeeding me in a year’s time. In his career in business, at the V&A and beyond he has shown himself to be an outstanding leader of creative people. Eton will be fortunate to have the benefit of his energy and commitment as we develop our ambitious strategy for the school and its partnerships in the maintained sector.’ 

Sir Nicholas Coleridge, commented: ‘I am honoured and delighted to be appointed Provost, and to be joining Eton at such an exciting time in its development. In William Waldegrave I am deeply aware I shall be following someone whose wisdom and good judgement has sustained the institution over his time in office and whose legacy is considerable.  Looking to the future, both my wife, Georgia, and I are keenly anticipating meeting and working with the boys, Fellows, staff, parents, alumni and the entirety of the community that defines this exceptional school”.  

Simon Henderson, Head Master, said ‘I am greatly looking forward to working closely with Nicholas when he becomes Provost.  He will bring to Eton a wide range of experience in both the commercial and charitable sectors and a fresh perspective to the work we do.’ 

Peter McKee, who Chaired the Special Nominations Committee, said: ‘The Fellowship is delighted that Sir Nicholas Coleridge has agreed to accept the position of Provost.  He emerged from an outstanding field of candidates and throughout the process his formidable abilities and his evident love for Eton combined to make him an ideal choice for the role.’ 

Sir William Russell, Chairman of the Old Etonian Association, said: ‘I look forward to welcoming Nicholas as the new Provost of Eton. He will bring to the post years of experience both as the managing director of a high-profile company and as a trustee of one of Britain’s greatest museums.  Old Etonians will know that he also shares with many of us a deep affection for our old school.’