The Workouts Cindy Crawford Does To Make 54 Look Like 24
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The Workouts Cindy Crawford Does To Get Those Fab Abs At 54

The supermodel is super into strength training.

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Scrolling through Cindy Crawford's Instagram feed is like taking a master class in how to make 54 look every bit as fun, fit, and fab as 24 (if not more).

So, how has the OG supermodel managed to maintain her health and fitness game this strong...for this long? Consistency. After all, it is the key to seeing (and keeping) any significant gains when it comes to your general well-being. On that front, it's clear that, for Cindy, a big part of maintaining balance is working out regularly, which she documents on her social media account—and the proof is in the pictures.

Her feed is peppered with images and videos of her breaking a sweat. What are Cindy's favorite forms of fitness? Read on to see how America's favorite supermodel stays fit these days.


She takes the stairs.

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While she became famous for walking down runways. IRL, Cindy prefers running, not only is the cardio exercise a great way to keep your heart strong, but it burns serious cals as well. Plus, it's a low-key core workout—you use your abs the whole time to stabilize your bod while you bound from one leg to the other.

Cindy earns bonus points for dialing up the intensity on her outdoor run (look at that view!) by doing it up a set of stairs—which are great for working your glutes too.


She works out with weights.

Weighted abs exercises are one of the best ways to build muscle mass and definition in your midsection. As such, it's not surprising to discover that Cindy does them as part of her workouts. Here, she doubles up on the gains by combing weight training with full-body movements. Both challenge your abs on their own, but together, they're oh-so potent.


She levels up her lower-body movements.

Seems subtle, but lifting her arms overhead while she performs squats, means Cindy is making her abs and back muscles fire up in order to keep her core stable. It's an easy way to turn a traditional lower-body exercise into a full-body burner. Boom!

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She really steps up on legs day.

It's little wonder that Cindy's abs are so fab when you watch her master moves like this step-up with weights. Balancing on one leg already turns on your core like crazy, but holding a weight overhead puts even more work into your abs thanks to the added stability challenge.


She's into advanced abs exercises.

You don't get hardcore results like Cindy's by just doing situps. You need to find ways to continue to challenge your body. Take this abs move, for example. Balancing on a BOSU ball adds instability and makes her have to engage her abs more in order to perform these Russian twists, while holding that medicine ball way from her body as she rotates not only works her biceps and triceps, but her obliques.

Headshot of Jordan Galloway
Jordan Galloway
Jordan Galloway is a certified personal trainer and the fitness director for Women’s Health magazine and website.
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