VideoLoop - Loop Video and Audio Online for Free

Loop Video/Audio

Loop sections of any YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Streamable, SoundCloud, Vimeo videos or songs. Free.


Supports common media file types including MP4, MOV, WAV, MP3. See common file types.

How to use VideoLoop

  1. Choose a video
    Enter the URL of the video or song.
    For example, for YouTube:


    Upload the video or song. VideoLoop supports all of the most common video formats including MP4, MP3, MOV, WAV etc.
  2. Select a section to loop
    Use the markers to select the start and end time of the loop. You can activate/deactivate the markers by clicking on A or B.
  3. Enjoy looping
    Use the playback controls to seek forward/backward, return to the beginning of the section, or change the playback speed as required.

Repeat sections of videos with A/B loops

Control which section of the video or audio to loop using a simple online player.

Supports the most popular sites

Choose from the most popular sites including YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Streamable, SoundCloud, Vimeo, DailyMotion.

Upload your own files

Upload your own files in any of the most common media formats including MP4, MP3, MOV, WAV and more.

Frequently asked questions

Where do I find the video URL for a video?
Navigate to the video of your preferred site in any browser and copy the URL in the address bar.
Where do I find the video URL from the YouTube app?
Click the "Share" button under any video, then click the "Copy link" button.
What should I use VideoLoop for?
Use VideoLoop when you want to learn skills, follow tutorials, listen to the best parts of your favourite songs or play ambient scenes on repeat.
Is VideoLoop free?
Yes, VideoLoop is completely free to use!