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Former Yankee Manager Joe Torre’s daughter proved Wednesday, she’s a catcher as well. But instead of a ball, Cristina Torre opened her arms to a child tumbling from a second story window.

“She was calm, she just wanted to know who the baby belonged to,” said a Bay Ridge resident who saw Cristina Torre right after it happened.

According to police, at about 10 a.m. a one-year-old boy pushed out a piece of cardboard next to an air-conditioning unit, crawled out on the fire escape and fell.

But Cristina Torre just happened to be passing by.  She caught the child that dropped from the second floor of 9104 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn.

“We’re just fortunate that Cristina was out there, being a Torre, she had nimble hands and was able to make a quick reaction, caught the baby and literally saved the baby’s life,” said Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile.

According to the NYPD, the child’s parents, 23-year-old Sam Miller and  24-year-old Tiffany Demitro were arrested and charged with reckless endangerment and acting in in a manner injurious to a child.

“If nothing else, it shows the importance of having window guards on the windows to prevent something like this from happening,” said Councilman Gentile.

The child and his 3 siblings, ages 2, 3 and 5 are in the custody of the Administration of Children’s Services.

The baby boy was taken to Lutheran Hospital in stable condition, according to the NYPD.