Pink Cream 69 - Mixery
Pink Cream 69 - Mixery
Massacre Records
Melodic Hard Rock
6 songs (26'00)
Release year: 2000
Pink Cream 69, Massacre Records
Reviewed by Ben
Archive review

Mixery was a good way to tide fans over between the release of Sonic Dynamite and Endangered as there were some gems on this short six song EP. As mentioned earlier, this came out hot on the heels of Sonic Dynamite, which goes hand in hand with Electrified as essential. What we have here is a re-recorded version of an Andi Deris classic, an acoustic version of a song, an “unreleased” track, a Motley Crue cover and two bootleg live cuts. One thing I must mention that I find amusing is that at this point in the band’s career Axxis were label mates and not only did they tour together, at around this same time they themselves released a similar packaged EP with a similar formula (live cuts, acoustic songs, and an unreleased track). Since this is only six songs, its not gonna hurt me to go into a track by track description.

One Step Into Paradise 2000 is a huge improvement on the Deris version. As I’ve stated before David Readman is perfect for this band and his take on this classic makes a great song even better. Musically, things are pretty much the same as they were the first time around, although there is much more emphasis placed on the vocals. There is also a huge leap in terms of production as this doesn’t sound thin and warbly as the entire debut album did. Seas of Madness (acoustic) is a decent attempt at trying to transform a blistering rocker into a mellow and laid back song. This isn’t horrible by any stretch of the imagination but yet this doesn’t leave you feeling awe inspired as the new version of One Step Into Paradise did. The unreleased song King of My World isn’t really a new song as it was on the thirty dollar Japanese import of Sonic Dynamite that I gladly bought after hearing this just once. One listen to and you will know why I spent the big bucks on that particular version of the cd because this is quite possibly the best ballad / rocker that they have done. Imagine a more electrified (pun definitely intended) version of Better Days to get an idea of what I’m talking about. That opening lick when mixed with the inflection in Readman’s voice carries so much power that it is almost scary. When the bass kicks in and pulsates in perfect harmony with the guitar and the vocal melody you then realize that this is one hell of a song and that it deserved to be released for everyone to enjoy, not just the Japanese fans. The definite highlight of Mixery, this is worth the price of admission alone. Apparently, the cover of Looks that Kill was done for some obscure Motley Crue tribute that I don’t think made it out of Australia so it’s nice to hear it here. David again gives a great job and doesn’t try to sound like Vince Neil, he makes this his own. The guitar tone is a bit tighter and cleaner than the original version which takes away some of the raunch factor that was all over Shout at the Devil. Being a spot on straight cover, you’re enjoyment of this will depend on whether or not you like Motley Crue in the first place, seeing as how I love the Crue, I definitely enjoyed this rendition. Finishing off this teaser EP are two live cuts from the godly Electrified album, Shame (!!) and Break the Silence. Listed as “bootleg” versions these are some damn good sounding boots! Crystal clear and full of energy these definitely are as good as the studio versions and show how powerful this band is live.

Seeing as this was a way to give back to their fans in between the wait of Sonic Dynamite and Endangered four years ago, Mixery isn’t as readily available as it was when it was first released. If you’re late to this band I would suggest going to the trouble of tracking this down, King of My World is one song of theirs that you don’t want to be without, and the newly recorded version of One Step Into Paradise is so much better than the original it’s not even funny. An EP can either be a big waste of money and time or it can be like this, a welcome addition to your collection and worthy of having the name Pink Cream 69 stamped on it.

Killing Songs :
One Step Into Paradise 2000 and King of My World
Ben quoted no quote
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