ANYWAYS - Traducción al español -
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

anyways adverb

volume_up US /ˈɛniˌweɪz/volume_up UK /ˈɛnɪweɪz/
(US) anywayMonolingual examplesHe then realized that they gave no answer, but words did not matter to him anyways.North AmericanI'm not saying that I'm not going to do this anyways but it's just not as acceptable when you're old.CanadianLong day ahead of me and yet i'm pulling the stupid night owl thing again anyways.CanadianWe have to take a transfer through New York anyways so I can take the plane with you.North AmericanHe decided to get up anyways, better to get an early start then to risk having that dream again.North AmericanNone of that was going to go on tonight, but I guess it was only right to humor my sister anyways.North American

anyways {adverbio}


English Cómo usar "anyways" en una frase

Anyways this will give youngsters a chance to prove themselves.
Not that anyone would want to sit on the couch ever again anyways.
I applaud her for voicing her opinion anyways and like she said, the flak she received for it simply proves her point.
Well, not yet anyways, but the race to go wireless will be on very soon.
The team knew (supposedly) when they signed him, yet they did it anyways, and kept it quiet until the injury manifested itself.

English Cómo usar "anyway" en una frase

As for endings, there are none, no final ones anyway.
However, this disadvantage fades as audience size increases (everyone can not be at the center of the dome anyway).
Rumours were spread to depress the prices, anyway.
And the fact that the brain and mind are one makes the separation artificial anyway.
Brown holds village meetings in his home, and carries out his duties anyway.

English Cómo usar "thanks anyway" en una frase

Been there and done that... thanks anyway!
And thanks anyway, but townie dogs are very happy hanging out at beaches and dog parks chasing sticks.

English Cómo usar "gracias de todas formas" en una frase

Gracias de todas formas porque son tus tutoriales los que me han ayudado.
Gracias de todas formas por anunciarnos los cambios en las condiciones.
Gracias de todas formas por seguir apoyando al blog.
Gracias de todas formas, a ti y a todoss los demás, que dan ideas. saludos.
Gracias de todas formas por vuestras molentias y sabiduria.

Sinónimos (inglés) para "anyways":
