El Tercer Reich (Spanish Edition) by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck | Goodreads
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El Tercer Reich

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«El Tercer Reich» fue publicado por primera vez en 1923, dos años antes del trágico suicidio de su autor, diez años antes del advenimiento del nacionalsocialismo en Alemania, y cinco años después del final de la I guerra mundial que tuvo como consecuencia el colapso del II Reich del Káiser Guillermo II y el subsecuente nacimiento de la República de Weimar. De modo que es una obra concebida en una época de encrucijada entre dos mundos, uno que desaparece y otro que comienza a proyectarse sobre el futuro incierto y desolador en aquellos momentos.

Esta obra constituye un aporte fundamental, en términos ideológicos, conceptuales y terminológicos a la configuración de la idea del Tercer Reich —concepto que fue acuñado por primera vez por Arthur Moeller van den Bruck— y que debía ser dotado de contenido, según su punto de vista, desde una base Tradicional, fuertemente comunitaria y nacional. Evidentemente, el Tercer Reich que acabó tomando forma con la llegada de Hitler al poder nada tenía que ver con aquello que teorizó Moeller al concebir la presente obra.

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 1922

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About the author

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck

48 books14 followers
German cultural historian and writer and the main translator of the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky in German.

Moeller van den Bruck coined the term third reich in his same titled book. With "third" implying a third way beyond capitalism and communism. Instead of the third succeeding Reich.

Moeller van den Bruck committed suicide on the day the nazis seized power

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Profile Image for Charles Haywood.
521 reviews876 followers
August 30, 2019
I was going to write a fairly long review of this book, of which I heard in George Hawley's outstanding "Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism." But I decided not to. First, it's not that good. It's somewhat interesting to see these ideas, some of which cropped up in with the National Socialists (Lebensraum, especially), in their embryonic form. Still, this book is very much of a particular time and place (early 1920s postwar Germany), and it is rambling and without much insight. Sure, it's important, for example, to distinguish between rebuilding the past and forging the future with an eye on the past. But that of itself is not a particularly keen insight.

The second reason is, let's be honest, that anyone who spends a great deal of time writing about a book with what may be the most unfortunate title ever (even if published in 1923) is going to spend more time explaining away that he's not a Nazi than people will spend listening to whatever he has to say. No doubt Moeller van den Bruck wasn't a Nazi himself (he shot himself in 1925), but he was close enough to make defending him, um, uncomfortable.

So that means, no need to bother reading my long review, because there isn't one. And no need to really bother reading the book, even if you are interested in the Conservative Revolution, the Nouvelle Droit, and so forth, because there's nothing here not better expressed elsewhere.
Profile Image for noblethumos.
601 reviews42 followers
December 9, 2022
Germany's Third Empire is a book written by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, a German writer and political theorist. It was published in 1913. In the book, Moeller van den Bruck discusses the idea of a "Third Empire" for Germany, which he saw as a successor to the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire. He argues that Germany needed to embrace a new, more assertive national identity in order to secure its place in the world, and that this would require the creation of a strong, centralized state with a clear sense of national purpose. He also explores the political, social, and cultural implications of this idea, and offers his thoughts on how a Third Empire for Germany could be achieved. Germany's Third Empire is a thought-provoking book that offers a unique perspective on the future of Germany in the early 20th century

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