Deanimminevitabilitated EP | Berry
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Deanimminevitabilitated EP

by Berry

Worker Bee 03:06
F N Worms 03:16
The Birds 04:47
Kitty Kat 03:57


And so we said:

'Well, here we are at the end of, yet, another month. Don't worry. We still did things. I mean, it was cold outside. What else were we going to do?

Thanks to Stephanie Plant for the artwork featuring our former bass player! And to Babs for clapping! And to our ever-cooperative room mate Enoke for playing trumpet on a take we didn't end up using.

Worker Bee will be your first wtf moment for this set of songs. Don't worry, it won't be your last! Just clap along and enjoy it!

It was our intention for this to be our 'children's album' and so, as you would expect, we wanted to swear about as inappropriately as possible. Hence, the F@!kin' Worms! I once saw Joey play this song on an acoustic guitar at an open mic...I started cracking up! ...but I don't think anyone else got it...Lighten up!

The Birds is what I like to call 'Hitchcockian'. I think it could very well be one of the slowest songs in our ever-expanding catalogue. I keep sayin', I was in punk/ska bands...I can't do this 'slow' thing...

If you haven't listened yet, Kitty Kat is crazy. I am not sure where it came from. The idea was that we each got to make our own part...and then we schmush them together. Can you guess who created which section? It is probably obvious. I think I made this really hard for Joey.

FATADITR gets the prestigious honor (redundant?) of being the longest berry song title ever. Don't worry. It's good. It may be the only song that makes sense!

I think we might break down and send hard copies of this or any of the other recent works we have created. So, if you are interested, just send us a message and we will do our best to be expediant.




released February 1, 2008

Matthew Aufrecht, Paul Goodenough, Joey Lemon. Probably Ben Abney and Enoke Kim as well.




Berry Indianapolis, Indiana

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