Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction
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Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction

1st Edition
007802207X · 9780078022074
Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction is designed for an introductory programming course using Java. This text takes a logical approach to the presentation of core topics, moving step-by-step from the basics to more advanced material, with … Read More
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PART ONE: The Java Language

1. Java Programming Fundamentals

2. Introducing Data Types and Operators

3. Program Control Statements

4. Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods

5. More Data Types and Operators

6. A Closer Look at Methods and Classes

7. Inheritance

8. Interfaces

9. Packages

10. Exception Packages

11. Using I/O

12. Multithreaded Programming

13. Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations

14. Generics

15. Applets and the Remaining Java Keywords

16. Introduction to Object-Oriented Design

PART TWO: Introducing GUI Programming with Swing

17. Swing Fundamentals

18. Exploring Swing Controls

19. Working with Menus

20. Dialogs

21. Threading, Applets, and Painting

PART THREE: Exploring the Java API Library

22. String Handling

23. Exploring java.lang

24. Exploring java.util

25. Using the Data Structures in the Collections Framework

26. Networking with

27. The Concurrency Utilities

Appendix A: Using Java's Documentation Comments

Appendix B: An Introduction to Regular Expressions

Appendix C: Answers to Selcted Exercises

Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction is designed for an introductory programming course using Java. This text takes a logical approach to the presentation of core topics, moving step-by-step from the basics to more advanced material, with objects being introduced at the appropriate time. The book is divided into three parts:
  • Part One covers the elements of the Java language and the fundamentals of programming. An introduction to object-oriented design is also included.
  • Part Two introduces GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming using Swing.
  • Part Three explores key aspects of Java's API (Application Programming Interface) library, including the Collections Framework and the concurrency API.

Herb Schildt has written many successful programming books in Java, C++, C, and C#. His books have sold more than three million copies. Dale Skrien is a professor at Colby College with degrees from the University of Illinois-Champaign, the University of Washington, and St. Olaf College. He's also authored two books and is very active in SIGCSE.