The Mystery of the "Teddy Bear Lady" at the Grand Floridian Resort

The Mystery of the “Teddy Bear Lady” at the Grand Floridian Resort

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Have you heard of the “Teddy Bear Lady” at Grand Floridian Resort at Disney World?

Back in 2009 our family was on our annual Disney World trip and we were taking our 5 year old Princess to dine with Cinderella at 1900 Park Fare at Disney’s Grand Floridian. After we checked in for dinner we went to the lobby to take in the beautiful resort. We quickly noticed a lady sitting in a chair in the lobby, and let’s just say we couldn’t look away.

She was an elderly lady (I’d guess in her late 70’s) with a lot of makeup on sitting there with a suitcase propped up on it’s side and on top were a TON of teddy bears all dressed up, it was a odd looking for sure. We had never heard of her before and I hate to admit that we laughed a bit at her expense. We wrote her off as Disney people watching at it’s finest and thought it was a one time sighting.

Well….. several days later in the vacation we had reservations at Narcoosee’s at the Grand Floridian and we were shocked to see her sitting in the lobby once again in the same spot surrounded by her teddy bears.

O.K, now we just had to find out more about her……. We asked our waitress and she had no idea. At the end of the meal she came in and told us to google her. She summarized by saying co workers said it was a sad story and if we googled it we could get some background information.

It took some searching on the internet that night but we managed to find out more.

Long story short, the “Teddy Bear Lady” is a wonderful woman named Lynn, who, like most of us, has a profound love for Disney. She and her husband Bruce (when he was alive) used to enjoy their visits to Disney World with their 4 children together very much and the Grand Floridian was a special place for them. As adults they both would visit the Grand Floridian together and they would give out teddy bears to little girls to brighten up their vacations during their stays. Her husband passed away in 2007 and now her family drives her to and from the resort to enjoy the lobby, show off her teddy bears and enjoy conversation.

We now make it a tradition when visiting Disney to make sure she is still present in the lobby, (our way of making sure she is alive and well) tell her hello and compliment her on the bears. She truly enjoys the conversation and she will gladly discuss her bears with you.

I have been told that she still occasionally will give away her teddy bears to lucky young ladies.

This story has taught my family not to judge a book by it’s cover and makes us realize how those meaningful Disney connections that we experience together as a family impact us forever.

I want to spread the word about “The Teddy Bear Lady” because every time I am at the Grand Floridian and see her sitting there surrounded by her bears I see people in corners pointing and staring. I also have seen talk on the internet of people thinking she doesn’t have a right to be there- it is a public place after all and she isn’t hurting anyone.

I hope next time you see her in the Grand Floridian lobby you take a moment to say hello to Lynn, who knows, your child may be lucky enough to walk away with a bear : )

Have you and your family seen the “Teddy Bear Lady?”


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26 thoughts on “The Mystery of the “Teddy Bear Lady” at the Grand Floridian Resort

  1. We have seen The stuffed animal lady on every holiday to Disney. Every year we went we would go to the GF and see her there. We have been 9 times in total and spotted her every time. She seems lovely and if she feels she is close to her husband there then why shouldn’t she be there? She is now part of the hotel history and look forward to introducing my little girl next time we go (been 6 years now)

  2. For those that talk about public or private property – It doesn’t matter – She has bought Disney items, drinks or lunch there so she is a patron like everyone else. But also Disney doesn’t require you to make a purchase. Disney does not have an issue with her being there nor anyone else siting in the lobby enjoying the atmosphere. She doesn’t bother anyone and will talk to you if you like. I have met Lynn on two separate occasions. I look for her each time I am in the Floridian.

  3. I’m sad that I’m only learning about this now!! I used to work at the parks and this seems like someone who I’d love to chat with on my days off! As a 28 year old, I still have a passion for stuffed animals. In all honesty-if I had plans of going there soon, I’d share with her my favorite bear and why…and probably pick one out from my home town to bring her as a gift. I love that she’s found a place to spend her day doing something she loves. I don’t find the story sad at all…in fact I find it inspiring. I hope when I retire I can do something to keep the magic of life alive and happy every day.

  4. I was always in a rush to work, but every time I sow the Lady and sometimes she was up stairs too and I did made her company but never aak why she was always there. I WORKED a year in gran floridian and never ask why she was there most of the time.

  5. I now have to admit how wrong we were to laugh at her. Don’t judge a book by its cover they say. I too love Disney and visit often as a local Passholder. I now always stop to speak to her and see her bears. I may be in that position myself someday….I hope Disney will allow me to take up a place in the lobby of the Grand Floridian.

  6. It’s me again Carmen … The name of the song is ” you belong to me” I hope you enjoy it ..
    It’s one of my latest post. Please leave a comment when you visit … I’d like to know you heard it …thank you … <3

  7. Yes… Lyn goes to the grand Floridian every day if possible ..she melts into the music … She has a heart if gold …and as she sits there listening to the wonderful music …she prays for everyone around her…. I worked for many years in the salon there and we became BEST FRIENDS…. I LOVE HER DEARLY -!!! I even wrote a song about her .. And she only listened to it once for she said it brought tears to her eyes … Bea course it mentions her dear loving departed husband … I met her a few weeks before he passed and we had all three became special friends …. She says to me I’m her guardian angel… She told me that God sent me to her when he knew he was taking her husband….. If more people had a heart like hers and enjoyed the music like she does …this world would be a better place … Her teddy bears are her life!!!!!! And for those who think she wears a lot of makeup and a wig…..m well we all have our own ways on how we want to dress and look …. I think she’s precious!!!! And my first words to her when I went to talk to her was….” YOURE THE CUTES LITTLE THING IVE EVER SEEN “”. And she said oooohhh I just found MY BEST FRIEND !!!!! AND THAT WE ARE !!!!!!! So if you say hi …. Tell her CARMEN JUST LOVES HER AND THE GUYS!!!!!!!!! . In my song it says …DONT YOU JUDGE HER PLEASE !!!!! My song is on … ..and my member name is …babieelovee…
    It took me months to write through the tears and heart ache…. I truly loved her husband also…..

    Blessings to all…… Carmen

  8. My husband and I just got back yesterday from the Grand Floridian! We saw her everyday in the lobby. We didn’t know who she was, just figured she lived close and must enjoy just sitting and hearing the music and the families that come to the Floridian! I am glad I know her story! Next year I will bring her a teddy bear to add to her collection! How sweet!

  9. We were at Disney today and we seen Miss Lynn. I had no idea who she was until today. We were at Disney back in mid February and noticed her in the loby at first we assumed she was a guest. But today when we saw her again it spiked our interest on who she was. Our first guess was she was a “Disney cast member”. But, I couldn’t help to think there was more to her. So I googled her and came across several blogg post about her. On pur next trip we plan kn bringing Miss Lynn a special little something in hopes that it will brighten her day!

  10. We saw the Teddy Bear Lady yesterday for the first time and not knowing anything about her, she was scary looking with all that make-up. I did ask one of the employees and was told her story. I felt very sad for her but this is obviously where she feels most comfortable and close to her family memories that Disney gives us all. I am glad they allow her to continue to come sit and enjoy the beautiful music that is played all throughout the day in the lobby.

  11. we just saw her last week. I had no idea who she was, but I have to admit she was a little scary, lol. Her makeup is very heavy and my Mom and I laughed and said she looked like she should be at the Haunted Mansion! After reading this, I feel a little bad now. Next time we’ll have to say Hello instead 😉

  12. Thanks to this post, I knew exactly who the lady was when we were there in early June. I walked past her at first and then did a double-take and said “hey, that’s the Teddy Bear lady”. My husband was really confused, but I explained the story to him. Thanks for posting this. Now I’ll know to look for her every time. Didn’t go up and talk to her last time, but I may in the future.

  13. I’d say this is an interesting story, not a sad story. Just because this lady is elderly and a widow does not mean she needs pity. She is doing something that evokes good memories and gives her a sense of happiness and purpose. Why anyone would laugh at her or think her weird is beyond me. She is in on private (not public) property, but the staff at WDW allow her to be there for a reason, so if they see they value in it, why wouldn’t anyone else? You see all kinds of interesting things in the parks, so why wouldn’t this continue on property hotels? Stop staring and go say hi to her – ask about her bears!

  14. I wonder how many people see her daily and wonder WHO is that?? Glad this article helped shed a little light for you. : )

  15. OMG Me and my 4 yrs old just saw the Teddy Bear Lady in May. We were at the Grand Floridian for the 1st time and while waitng to eat with Cinderella We saw her, and I too thought…hmmm wierd. I am so glad to have read this article and will continue to enjoy her. Thank you

  16. We think we saw her, sans the teddy bears. We went to GF for our honeymoon photo’s and there was an elderly lady who resembled the Teddy Bear lady. I mentioned to my husband and he agreed she looked like her. Such a sad story.

  17. My husband and I saw her there just two weeks ago. We had never seen or heard of her before and I have to say we were startled a bit as we rounded the corner and there she was. Until I read this article I had assumed she was a cast member waiting for there to be children in lobby to interact with.
    I will definitely speak with her next time! (•=B

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