Department of Economics and Finance| Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Department of Economics and Finance

Director: Prof. Luca Vittorio Angelo Colombo

The Department

The Department of Economics and Finance (DEF) was established in 2013 with the goal of fostering high quality research with a relevant policy impact, promoting participation to the international academic community and providing a rich intellectual environment for both scholars and students. Members of DEF publish on leading economic journals and are active in a number of research fields including: microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, labour and education economics, public finance, monetary economics, development economics, industrial economics.

Department members include columnists of major financial newspapers and advisors for the Italian government both at the national and regional level. They also have experience as members of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Fiscal Board.

Economic capsules: Tax progressivity by class is very distortive

The economic theory of taxation places the trade-off between efficiency and equity at the center of the debate. Fiscal instruments such as taxes and tariffs, while contributing to the reduction of economic efficiency, can promote a more desirable distribution of post-tax resources…

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Featured research

Battigalli, P., Panebianco, F., and Pin, P. 2023. “Learning and selfconfirming equilibria in network games”, Journal of Economic Theory, 212, 105700.  

Consider a set of agents who play a network game repeatedly. Agents may not know the network topology...

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ERC Starting grant

Professor Lucia Corno received a prestigious ERC Starting grant to develop a project on Harmful Traditions, Women Empowerment and Development.

Hear more on the project from Lucia’s voice.


Via Necchi, 5
20123 MILANO

Tel.: 0039.02.7234.2976
Fax: 0039.02.7234.2781

Department Administrative Office:
Via Necchi, 5 (II floor - room. 209)