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Tsuda University

Tsuda University

Empowering Women Since 1900.

Launch of New Department

Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies
Learning about Multicultural co-existence (or "Japanese style multiculturalism") and international cooperation to realize a more harmonious society

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Empowering Women to Make a Difference

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Undergraduate Courses

Tsuda University has two colleges: the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Policy Studies. At the College of Liberal Arts, students study a wide variety of disciplines: those in the Department of English learn language, literature, culture and communication, while those in the Department of International and Cultural Studies work toward attaining an integrated understanding of our society. In the Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies, through fieldwork and high-level seminar tuition, students learn about multicultural co-existence and international cooperation to realize a more harmonious society. Students in the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science learn both pure and applied mathematics and computer science. The College of Policy Studies exists to provide the practical knowledge and problem-solving skills required to advance modern society.

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  • Department of English

    Department of English

    The Department of English takes a comprehensive approach to language, literature, culture and communication. The programs offered by the Department not only develop students’ English language proficiency, which is required in all fields for interaction with the international community, but also enable them to further their research into particular areas like British and American literature, British and American studies, English linguistics and communication studies. Students graduate with specialized expertise in English language and culture.

  • Department of International and Cultural Studies

    Department of International and Cultural Studies

    The Department of International and Cultural Studies aims to cultivate students’ ability to research the various issues that are occurring in the world today. We prepare our students to make contributions to international exchanges, peace, and economic and social development from their respective areas of specialization. Our highly motivated students do not limit themselves to studying on the campus — they apply for internships overseas or with international NGOs. From a social and cultural studies approach encompassing politics, law, sociology, culture, and area studies, we delve deeply into various problems. In this way, we provide a wealth of knowledge about international affairs while simultaneously fostering the students’ ability to express themselves with confidence in international settings.

  • Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies

    Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies

    The problems facing contemporary society that demand our attention, including issues caused by social structures and cultural differences as well as matters of international cooperation and aid, are diverse. Through fieldwork and high-level seminar tuition, students will gain a strong command of the practical language and communication skills and advanced specialist knowledge and analytical skills necessary to address such problems. The result will be talented human resources able to propose new and original approaches to contemporary problems, thereby contributing to the realization of a more harmonious society.

  • Department of Mathematics

    Department of Mathematics

    Mathematics is not only an academic discipline distinguished by the sublime beauty of its theoretical framework, but is also an invaluable tool for the analysis and clarification of multifarious phenomena in the natural world and in society. As mathematics consists of the search for truths that all must acknowledge, it demands extremely logical thought. For these reasons, faculty members in the Department of Mathematics endeavor to teach their students an understanding of mathematics as an integrated system and to cultivate a mathematical mode of thought.

  • Department of Computer Science

    Department of Computer Science

    Computer science education at Tsuda University has evolved since its begin-nings in 1949 in the Department of Mathematics (later the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) to its present incarnation as a full-fledged department in its own right with the introduction of the Department of Computer Science in 2006. The goal of the Department of Computer Science is to provide students with both a solid theoretical grounding in informatics and the necessary practical skills to pursue a high-level career in information technology. Throughout the years, Tsuda has had a proud record of placing graduates in high level positions as computer professionals.

  • Department of Policy Studies

    Department of Policy Studies

    In the Department of Policy Studies, studies in English language, the social sciences, and the data sciences form a foundation for cultivating problem-solving skills. Using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) methods, students identify problems on their own initiative, and then actively carry out research and investigation into possible solutions. Notably, for their second-year seminar, students engage in internships and volunteer work as well as fieldwork for promoting concrete, practical learning.

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