The history of Mother's Day: The story of Anna Jarvis
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How the founder of Mother's Day died alone, childless and penniless, in an insane asylum

“She told me, with terrible bitterness, that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day.”
/ Source: TODAY

Anna Jarvis founded Mother’s Day to honor her beloved mother, then spent the rest of her life fighting the holiday’s commercial and political exploitation. She died alone in an asylum.

Her story — and the modern-day story of Mother’s Day — began, of course, with her own mother. Here’s how it all got started.


In the beginning

Mother of Anna M. Jarvis, Founder of Mother's Day
Anne Reeves Jarvis, mother of Mother's Day founder Anna JarvisBettmann Archive via Getty Images

In 1858, Ann Reeves Jarvis (Anna Jarvis’ mother) organizes "Mothers’ Day Work Clubs" to improve sanitary conditions and stem the appalling infant mortality rates in her community. In her lifetime, Jarvis has 13 children; she sees only four of them live to adulthood.


Foes unite

In the wake of the Civil War, Ann Reeves Jarvis coordinates a "Mothers’ Friendship Day" in West Virginia to bring former foes on the battlefield together again. The initially tense day goes well, with veterans from the North and South weeping and shaking hands for the first time in years.


Sacred right

Julia Ward Howe
American feminist, abolitionist and reformer Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910)Getty Images

Julia Ward Howe, a mother and another forerunner of modern-day Mother’s Day celebrations, suggests a “Mothers’ Peace Day.” She makes the case that war is a preventable evil and mothers have a “sacred right” to protect the lives of their boys.


Howe’s holiday

The inaugural celebration of Howe’s “Mothers’ Day” takes place in June of this year.


Jarvis dies

Ann Reeves Jarvis dies on the second Sunday in May.


Enter Anna

Mother's Day Founder Anna M. Jarvis
Anna Jarvis, the founder of modern-day Mother's Day(C) Bettmann/CORBIS via Getty Images

One of Jarvis’ surviving daughters, Anna Jarvis, organizes a small service in honor of her deceased mother on the second Sunday in May at the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia.


This holiday sticks

White carnations
White carnations became a symbol of Mother's Day.Getty Images stock

The first formal “Mother’s Day” commemoration is marked with another service on the second Sunday in May at the same church in Grafton, and with a much larger ceremony in Philadelphia. Jarvis has white carnations distributed to the mothers, sons and daughters in attendance in Grafton.


It’s official in West Virginia

The governor of West Virginia makes Anna Jarvis' Mother’s Day an official holiday on the second Sunday in May.


Vision for Mother’s Day

While waging a relentless letter-writing campaign to drum up support for Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis creates the Mother’s Day International Association and trademarks the phrases “second Sunday in May” and “Mother’s Day.”

“She wanted Mother’s Day to be a very private acknowledgment of all the mother does for the family,” said Katharine Antolini, a history professor at West Virginia Wesleyan College. “It was very sweet.”


Official national holiday

Woodrow Wilson
President Woodrow WilsonGetty Images

President Woodrow Wilson makes Mother’s Day an official national holiday. Jarvis is gratified by her preferred placement of the apostrophe in “Mother’s Day” — making it singular possessive, not plural possessive, so each family would honor its one and only mother.


Movement spreads

Mother’s Day becomes an official holiday in Canada.


Changing tide

Shortly after the official launch of Mother's Day, Jarvis begins to sense she’s created a monster when she sees the florist, card and candy industries cashing in on Mother’s Day and public interest groups using the holiday to make political statements. She rails against exploitation of what was supposed to be a special, reverential day for families.


Battle with florist industry

Jarvis endorses open boycotts against florists who raise the prices of white carnations in May.


Threats of litigation

Jarvis threatens to sue the New York Mother’s Day Committee, of which New York Gov. Al Smith and Mayor John Hylan are members, over plans for a large Mother’s Day celebration. The event is canceled.


Disorderly conduct

Jarvis crashes a Philadelphia convention of the American War Mothers, a group that had its own Mother’s Day commemoration and began using a white carnation as its emblem. The American War Mothers push for Jarvis’ arrest, but charges of disorderly conduct are dismissed.


Commemorative stamp

Commemorative Mother's Day stamp
This commemorative Mother's Day stamp was released in 1934.U.S. Postal Service

Jarvis is slighted when the American War Mothers successfully lobby President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Postmaster General James A. Farley to unveil a Mother’s Day stamp. The stamp features a portrait of painter James McNeill Whistler’s mother with white carnations and the words, “In memory and in honor of the Mothers of America.”


Taking on the first lady

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
First lady Eleanor RooseveltLibrary of Congress

Anna Jarvis accuses first lady Eleanor Roosevelt of “crafty plotting” by using Mother’s Day in fundraising material for charities trying to combat high maternal and infant mortality rates.


Increasingly reclusive

Ann Reeves Jarvis, left; and her devoted daughter, Anna Jarvis, right.
Ann Reeves Jarvis, left; and her devoted daughter, Anna Jarvis, right.Courtesy of The Library of Congress

Sensing that she can’t contain her creation, Jarvis threatens to end it during the 1940s. “She told me, with terrible bitterness, that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day,” said one journalist who allegedly pretended to be a deliveryman so he could meet the increasingly reclusive Jarvis.


Asylum bound

Jarvis, now 80, is placed in a mental asylum called the Marshall Square Sanitarium.


Jarvis dies at 84

Jarvis dies at age 84, alone and penniless from the various legal battles she waged over the holiday she started. She never made any profit from Mother’s Day, and she never had any children.

Source: “Memorializing Motherhood: Anna Jarvis and the Struggle for Control of Mother’s Day,” a dissertation by Katharine Lane Antolini

This story was originally published on on May 13, 2017.