Shura Khan Height, Age, Boyfriend, Husband, Family, Biography & More » StarsUnfolded

Shura Khan Height, Age, Boyfriend, Husband, Family, Biography & More

Quick Info→
Husband: Arbaaz Khan
Hometown: Mumbai
Profession: Makeup Artist

Shura Khan

Real nameShoora Zahid Khan [1]tofler
Other Name(s)Shashura Khan, Sshura Khan, Shora Khan, Shoora Khan, Shaura Khan
ProfessionMakeup Artist
Famous ForBeing the wife of the Bollywood actor and film producer Arbaaz Khan
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 152 cm
in meters- 1.52 m
in feet & inches- 5'
Eye ColourGrey
Hair ColourBrown
Personal Life
Date of Birth18 January 1990 (Thursday)
Age (as of 2023) 34 Years
Zodiac signCapricorn
Religion/Religious ViewsIslam
ControversyIn 2019, the Mumbai Police Crime Branch uncovered a sex trafficking operation operating behind a massage centre in Vile Parle (East). The unlawful activities were reportedly happening at Thai Villa Authentic Spa, situated in the Rishi building on Dixit Road, an upscale locality in Vile Parle (East). The spa, inaugurated in 2018 by Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon, is owned by Shura Khan and Sumit Singhania of Shura Leisure Private Limited. The owner and managers of the spa were alleged to be involved in running a prostitution business under the pretext of providing a Thai massage service. Acting on a tip, Unit IX of the Crime Branch conducted a raid on the establishment. During the operation, six Thai women were rescued. Following the rescue, the spa's manager and owner were arrested and taken into custody at the Vile Parle police station. During a media conversation, an official said,

"We have seized ₹1.23 lakh in cash, one point of sale terminal used for swiping credit and debit cards, several packets of condoms, one laptop, three voucher books and other relevant documents from the spa….The six women rescued have been handed over to the Vile Parle police for further investigation. All of them possessed tourist visas, and did not have a work permit. They will be deported through the Thai consulate after the investigation.”

Shura Khan and Sumit Singhania, the managers of the spa, were charged with offences associated with human trafficking as per sections of the Indian Penal Code, along with the stipulations outlined in the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act. [2]The Hindu
Relationships & More
Marital StatusMarried
Affairs/BoyfriendsArbaaz Khan (actor, director, producer)
Arbaaz Khan
Marriage Date24 December 2023
Shura Khan and Arbaaz Khan on their wedding day
Marriage PlaceMumbai

Note: The wedding ceremony took place at Arpita Khan's house.
Husband/SpouseArbaaz Khan (actor, director, producer)

Note: The age difference between Shura Khanand Arbaaz Khan is 22 years.
ParentsFather- Zahid Khan
Mother- Mehjabeen Zahid Khan (aromatherapist and cosmetologist)
Shura Khan with her mother Mehjabeen Zahid Khan

Shura Khan

Some Lesser Known Facts About Shura Khan

  • Shura Khan is an Indian makeup artist who gained widespread attention in 2023 when news about her wedding to Bollywood actor and film producer Arbaaz Khan surfaced in the media.
  • She was born and brought up in Mumbai.

    Childhood picture of of Shura Khan

    Childhood picture of Shura Khan

  • She has worked with numerous renowned personalities of Bollywood like Raveena Tandon and her daughter, Rasha Thadani.
  • In 2013, she founded Shura Leisure Private Limited. Then, in 2018, Shura Khan and Sumit Singhania, in collaboration with Shura’s mother, Mehjabeen, launched The Thai Villa Spa in Mumbai under Shura Leisure Private Limited. The inauguration of the spa was conducted by Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon.

    A picture of Shura Khan (left) with Raveena Tandon (middle), and her mother, Mehjabeen Zahid Khan during the lauch of The Thai Villa Spa in 2018

    A picture of Shura Khan (left) with Raveena Tandon (middle), and her mother, Mehjabeen Zahid Khan during the launch of The Thai Villa Spa in 2018

  • In December 2023, reports about Shura Khan tying the knot with Bollywood actor and film producer Arbaaz Khan made headlines.
  • Allegedly, the couple first crossed paths while working together on the Hindi film Patna Shukla, which was produced by Arbaaz Khan.
  • Following his split from Malaika Arora, Arbaaz Khan started dating actress Giorgia Andriani. However, the couple eventually parted ways. In a media conversation, Giorgia cited a lack of common interests as the reason for their breakup. Despite ending their romantic relationship, they remained on good terms and continued to maintain a friendly connection.

    Giorgia Andriani with Arbaaz Khan

    Giorgia Andriani with Arbaaz Khan

  • Arbaaz Khan proposed to Shura on 19 December 2023.

    Arbaaz Khan proposing to Shura Khan on 19 December 2023

  • The next day after their wedding, various memorable highlights from the ceremony gained widespread attention. In a particular video, Arbaaz was captured filming his son Arhaan showcasing his guitar skills at the event. Atul Agnihotri, Arbaaz’s brother-in-law, shared the video on social media.

  • Another video featured Arbaaz Khan dedicating Salman Khan‘s song ‘Tere Mast Mast Do Nain’ to Shura Khan.
