Founding Family engagement ensures a bright future
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Amway Founding Families

Founding Family engagement ensures a bright future

From left: Dalton DeVos, Dan DeVos, Dave Van Andel, Sydney DeVos, Kyle Van Andel, Cole DeVos, and Carol Van Andel.

It’s an exciting era for Amway that’s founded in, and ever focused on, family. See how the Founding Families are contributing to the business and building relationships with ABOs and employees around the world.


It’s a story that starts with two best friends energized by a shared entrepreneurial spirit. Pioneers and partners, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel joined forces, and families, to become patriarchs of a business founded on family – the Amway family.

And they succeeded together.

Nearly 60 years later, this foundation still sets Amway above and apart as we usher in new leadership to guide our enterprise. Carrying on this enduring family legacy is especially meaningful to the second and third generations of Amway’s Founding Families.

“A lot of people work for a lot of companies. You’re sent here or sent there. At Amway, we always go together. We are husbands, wives, children, working together in a family enterprise.” -Rich DeVos

Growing Up Amway

Today, the Founding Families span four generations – 40 members in the third generation alone. More than half of these sons, daughters and spouses have stepped in to carry the torch of the Amway legacy of Freedom, Family, Hope and Reward into the future.

Like their grandparents and parents, third generation family members (otherwise known as, “G3”) are devoted to the sustainable success of the Amway business. They bring a unique balance of historical knowledge and modern perspectives, combined with expertise in medicine, business, law, philanthropy, beauty, and health and wellness. These enterprising individuals are taking positions at the company, influencing our business model, innovating our brands and strengthening partnerships with our ABOs around the world.

“Rich and I believe it’s extremely important to perpetuate the philosophies and ideas that have been built into this company. Family members can bring that into play better than anybody else. They’ve been around this all their lives.” -Jay Van Andel

Engaged and Energized

Emerging generations of the DeVos and Van Andel families are partnering with Amway as they leverage their passions and professional talents to better the business. The process is intentional, interactive and personalized to each family member, to ensure that he or she is positioned to make the most meaningful contributions that make the greatest impact on the success of Amway and our ABOs.

The third generation has had a front-row seat to watching their grandparents and parents persevere as the Amway business has grown, evolved and resiliently thrived over decades. No one knows our history better. They are the future of the Amway Family, and proof positive that we’re stronger together.