Staff Work Institute

Staff Writing

How should we prepare a submission? What is the template or structure? What are the requirements of staff writing, as opposed to other forms of writing such as literary writing and academic writing? 

This 2-day course explains in depth the requirements of a staff paper and the common errors and flaws committed by staff writers.


Workshop Outline

  • Learn Staff Work Institute’s R-O-E framework for Staff Writing (Reasoning, Organising, Expressing).

  • Learn the difference between reports and proposal papers.

  • Learn how to craft the different portions of a paper: Introduction, Aim, Principal Considerations, ‘Body’, Conclusion, Recommendation.

  • Understand the precise structure required of reports.

  • Learn the specific information required to substantiate every observation in a report.

  • Learn common errors and flaws in reports. 

  • Understand the precise structure required of proposals.

  • Learn the specific information required to substantiate the issues raised and the solutions presented in proposals.

  • Learn common errors and flaws in proposals.

  • Learn the intricacies of ‘flow’ across the paragraphs of a paper.

  • Learn the intricacies of ‘flow’ across the sentences of a paragraph.

  • Understand the overriding principle of ‘single, rapid reading’ in governing writing.

  • Learn techniques of improving staff writing (Trim, Simplify, Sharpen, Rectify).

  • Learn common errors and flaws in the use of the English language.



  • 2-day course (Standard): S$468 per pax, for a minimum class size of 20 pax, excluding venue and refreshments.

  • 1-day course (Truncated): S$268 per pax, for a minimum class size of 20 pax, excluding venue and refreshments.


Image: Katemangostar via Freepik