Amanda Bynes Is Being Applauded For Recognizing She Needed Help

Amanda Bynes Is Being Applauded For Recognizing That She Needed Psychiatric Help And Taking The Necessary Steps To Get It Amid A “Psychotic Episode”

Amanda was walking around downtown Los Angeles without any clothes on when she flagged down a car and told the driver that she was coming down from a “psychotic episode," before calling 911 herself.

In 1996, 10-year-old Amanda Bynes shot to fame when she landed a role in the Nickelodeon series All That. The young star enjoyed such breakout success that she was awarded with her own self-titled spinoff, The Amanda Show, three years later.

Off the back of that, Amanda forged an impressive career for herself as she seamlessly made the transition into movies, with starring roles in much-loved films such as She’s the Man and Easy A.

However, in 2012, Amanda was arrested for driving under the influence, and this marked the beginning of the star's concerning behavior.

In 2013, Amanda was charged with reckless endangerment and cannabis possession, and in July of that year, she was detained after she allegedly lit a fire in a stranger’s driveway.

While she was involuntarily hospitalized for a mental health evaluation, the actor’s parents petitioned for her to be put under a temporary conservatorship.

This was granted in August 2013 and gave Amanda’s mom short-term control of her finances and personal affairs.

In October 2014, Amanda sparked concern once again when she accused her dad of emotional and sexual abuse on Twitter.

Her parents vehemently denied the claims, and Amanda later said that he had never abused her. She further worried followers when she went on to tweet: “The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me.”

Amanda’s initial conservatorship had come to an end by this point, but her mom became her conservator for a second time soon after. It was later announced that Amanda had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

In the years that followed, Amanda largely stayed away from the spotlight and completed a degree at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.

And just last year, Amanda was supported by both of her parents and her attorney when she filed to terminate the conservatorship after almost a decade.

A judge ultimately ruled in her favor, and tomorrow will mark exactly one year since Amanda’s conservatorship was lifted.

But on Monday, TMZ reported that the star, who is now 36, has been hospitalized after she was placed on a psychiatric hold over the weekend.

According to the publication, Amanda was walking around downtown Los Angeles without any clothes on in the early hours of Sunday morning when she flagged down a car and told the driver that she was coming down from a “psychotic episode.”

The star called 911 to ask for help herself, and a mental health team determined that she needed to be placed on a 5150 hold after she was taken to a nearby police station.

When the news broke, people were quick to share their sympathy for Amanda on social media, and it wasn’t long before the report had spread across the internet.

But some of the language that was being used in sharing the story has since been called out, with many feeling that Amanda’s commendable and brave actions have been overlooked.

In TMZ’s report, the outlet said that Amanda had been “found roaming the streets naked and alone” before mentioning the fact that she flagged down the car herself.

It has been argued that the initial TMZ story removes Amanda’s “agency,” which is something that should actually be applauded.

“I have a lot of experience in mental health caregiving,” one person tweeted. “I loathe the way we're talking about Amanda Bynes. She wasn't ‘found.’ She actively sought help during a crisis and successfully got herself to safety by dialing 911. That's hard and deserves our respect, not diminishment.”

I have a lot of experience in mental health caregiving. I loathe the way we're talking about Amanda Bynes. She wasn't "found." She actively sought help during a crisis and successfully got herself to safety by dialing 911. That's hard and deserves our respect, not diminishment.

Twitter: @ChrisSosa

“The Amanda Bynes news is sad but why do the news outlets keep saying she was ‘found’ when the story is that she flagged someone down? She actively looked for help,” someone else asked.

The Amanda Bynes news is sad but why do the news outlets keep saying she was “found” when the story is that she flagged someone down? She actively looked for help

Twitter: @Kill__Switch

Many others addressed the wording as they responded to PopBase’s tweet about the story, which directly quoted TMZ’s article about Amanda being “found.”

In one quote-tweet, a user said: “Amanda recognized that she needed help. SHE was the one who made the 911 call to help herself. Please be mindful how you frame stories. Knowing that she understood she needed help and actively sought it is very important. Don't take that away from her.”

Amanda recognized that she needed help. SHE was the one who made the 911 call to help herself. Please be mindful how you frame stories. Knowing that she understood she needed help and actively sought it is very important. Don't take that away from her.

Twitter: @_ally_oops_

“Words matter. Agency matters. Dignity matters. The fact that she recognized her need for help & was able to seek that help should be applauded,” one more added.

“Amanda Bynes, naked and alone, recognized she was experiencing psychosis and called 911 to seek psychiatric care” There, fixed it. Words matter. Agency matters. Dignity matters. The fact that she recognized her need for help & was able to seek that help should be applauded.

Twitter: @luis_semidey

“She was not ‘roaming the streets’ she was looking for help! She called the hospital herself because she knew she needed to go,” someone else said. “I’m proud of you for your strength, Amanda!”

She was not "roaming the streets" she was looking for help! She called the hospital herself because she knew she needed to go. I'm proud of you for your strength, Amanda! #WeLoveYouAmanda

Twitter: @justice_4_naomi

“i find it really disrespectful that the headlines say Amanda Bynes was ‘found’ naked and alone and ‘placed’ on a psychiatric hold - removing her agency,” another person tweeted. “she was able to recognize that she was in psychosis, ask someone for help, and call 911 herself. that's fucking impressive.”

i find it really disrespectful that the headlines say Amanda Bynes was "found" naked and alone and "placed" on a psychiatric hold - removing her agency. she was able to recognize that she was in psychosis, ask someone for help, and call 911 herself. that's fucking impressive

Twitter: @erikaheidewald

“As someone who has been on a psychiatric hold and has been to a psych realize youre having an episode, asking for help, and calling 911 YOURSELF is a HUGE step into getting the help you need,” one more agreed. “Im hoping that she gets better and that her mental health will heal.”

As someone who has been on a psychiatric hold and has been to a psych realize youre having an episode, asking for help, and calling 911 YOURSELF is a HUGE step into getting the help you need. Im hoping that she gets better and that her mental health will heal

Twitter: @swthoseok

“It’s incredible that she was able to do this herself. Very proud of her and hoping she has a fantastic, safe recovery. You got this girl,” someone else concluded.

It’s incredible that she was able to do this herself. Very proud of her and hoping she has a fantastic, safe recovery. You got this girl

Twitter: @creekcountrynow

And Amanda’s proactive attempt at getting herself help amid the psychotic episode is said to be something that her parents are “taking comfort” in, with TMZ reporting that while the star’s mom and dad are “deeply concerned” about their daughter, they aren’t considering another conservatorship at this point.

Amanda is expected to remain in the hospital for several days in order to get the help that she needs.

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