OUT OF THE BLUE - Traducción al español - bab.la lcp

¿Cuál es la traducción de "out of the blue" en Español?

en out of the blue = es
como caído del cielo

"out of the blue" en español

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

out of the blue

blueshe phoned/the letter arrived quite out of the blue llamó/la carta llegó cuando menos se (or me etc.) lo esperabaMonolingual examplesRarely does a profit warning come out of the blue like the subsequent share price reaction suggests.BritishQuite frankly, this piece of research is so unexpected, so out of the blue, it beggars belief.BritishThis particular warning came out of the blue and there must be a worry that there is yet more to come.BritishStephen phoned out of the blue, haven't spoken to him in over three months!British

out of the blue [modismo]

out of the blue
The terrorist attack in Bali, coming as it did out of the blue, has shown that no one is immune.
El atentado terrorista cometido en Bali, por su carácter inesperado, ha demostrado que nadie está a salvo.
For that matter, Selim's expulsion does not come completely out of the blue.
Por otra parte, esta exclusión de Selim no ha sido inesperada.
The EHEC situation has thrust local vegetable growers into an existential crisis completely out of the blue and through no fault of their own.
El problema de la bacteria EHEC ha empujado a los agricultores locales de hortalizas a una crisis existencial de forma totalmente inesperada y sin falta alguna de su parte.
out of the blue
The five priorities in the Charter have not appeared out of the blue.
Las cinco prioridades en la Carta de los Derechos de las Mujer no han salido de la nada.
The modern humanist approach to employment relations did not come out of the blue, however.
Pero la concepción humanista moderna de las relaciones laborales no ha surgido de la nada.
It should be pointed out that this topic has not just come out of the blue.
Cabe señalar que este tema no sale de la nada.
out of the blue (también: unexpectedly)
They might wish to join the EU earlier, completely out of the blue.
Tal vez, inesperadamente, quieran convertirse antes en miembros de la Unión.

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "out of the blue" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

We could also make our decisions based on the rules of competition quite out of the blue.
Podríamos tomar nuestras decisiones según las reglas de la competencia out of the blue.
They might wish to join the EU earlier, completely out of the blue.
Tal vez, inesperadamente, quieran convertirse antes en miembros de la Unión.
We could also make our decisions based on the rules of competition quite out of the blue.
Podríamos tomar nuestras decisiones según las reglas de la competencia out of the blue .
The five priorities in the Charter have not appeared out of the blue.
Las cinco prioridades en la Carta de los Derechos de las Mujer no han salido de la nada.
The modern humanist approach to employment relations did not come out of the blue, however.
Pero la concepción humanista moderna de las relaciones laborales no ha surgido de la nada.
For that matter, Selim's expulsion does not come completely out of the blue.
Por otra parte, esta exclusión de Selim no ha sido inesperada.
The rulings of the European Court of Justice have not come out of the blue, however.
Sin embargo, las sentencias del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas no han caído del cielo.
It should be pointed out that this topic has not just come out of the blue.
Cabe señalar que este tema no sale de la nada.
The terrorist attack in Bali, coming as it did out of the blue, has shown that no one is immune.
El atentado terrorista cometido en Bali, por su carácter inesperado, ha demostrado que nadie está a salvo.
how insensitive can you get, just telling him out of the blue like that!
This problem did not come out of the blue.
my mother-in-law turned up out of the blue
Mr President, I am very sorry but we did announce this action six weeks ago - it has not exactly appeared out of the blue.
Señor Presidente, lo lamento mucho, pero esta acción la habíamos anunciado seis semanas antes, por lo que no es una acción espontánea.
That proposal did not then come out of the blue: it, along with various other issues, was discussed in 38 regional conferences.
Así, pues, esta propuesta no ha llovido del cielo. Esta propuesta y varios otros asuntos se han examinado en treinta y ocho conferencias regionales.
The work carried out on the Blue Card has, nonetheless, little by little enabled the ground to be cleared in this difficult matter.
Sin embargo, el trabajo realizado con la tarjeta azul, poco a poco, ha asentado las bases para contar con mayor claridad en esta cuestión tan difícil.
However, we oppose the GUE's strategy, which submitted a proposal out of the blue in the Committee on Budgets yesterday, to reject the budget.
Sin embargo, rechazamos la estrategia de la Izquierda Unitaria Europea, que ayer propuso de manera sorpresiva en la Comisión de Presupuestos el rechazo del presupuesto.

English Cómo usar "out of the blue" en una frase

This tour came out of the blue after many circulating rumors that the band had broken up.
But out of the blue he raises the topic himself.
One day out of the blue, a girl comes storming into his life.
I wrote the lyrics, out of the blue, and stuttered them through.
Out of the blue, such an opportunity comes their way except it is to fight each other.

English Cómo usar "come out of the blue" en una frase

In other words, this dispute had not come out of the blue.
That 45-r.p.m. turning point didn't exactly come out of the blue.
One might find that the "unexpected" really doesn't always come out of the blue.
All of this has not come out of the blue.
All this good fortune has come out of the blue.

Sinónimos (inglés) para "out of the blue":

out of the blue