John Woodward • Darwin, Then and Now

John Woodward

(c) Department of Earth Sciences and Sedgwick Museum, University of Cambridge; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

John Woodward, an English naturalist, antiquarian and geologist, and founder by bequest of the Woodwardian Professorship of Geology at Cambridge University.

Biographical Overview

Born in England, 1665 – 1728 Paleontologist, geologist Co-founder of geology

Fellow of The Royal Society (FRS), 1695


Using a biblical worldview perspective, Woodward successfully applied the scientific method to investigate the laws of nature,  His worldview is notable from what he said –

“[Geology] Vindicates, supports and maintains the Mosaick [Moses] Account of things, as exactly agreeable to the Phaenomena of Nature.”

John Woodward