Leslie Mann and Maude Apatow have been working together for over a decade, from on-screen hits like Knocked Up and This Is 40 when Apatow was younger to bubbly commercials more recently. But after all these projects, the mother-daughter duo still loves to make work a family affair.

“We have the best time whenever we work together, especially in our Jergens commerical. We’re always joking around and laughing. It’s a really special experience,” the 24-year-old actress tells BAZAAR.com.

“We have so much fun working together,” her mother echoes.

This Mother’s Day, the two are partnering with Jergens to celebrate their “A Mom is a Mom” campaign and the brand’s new Cherry Almond fragrance, inspired by Mann and Apatow’s favorite body lotion. We sat down with Mann and Apatow to chat about the beauty products (and clothing items) they steal from each other, how they're spending Mother's Day, and Mann’s obsession with Apatow's hit show Euphoria. Long story short: we're ready to join the family.

Leslie, what advice did you receive from your mother that you have passed down to Maude and Iris?

Leslie Mann: Something that my mom taught me is that there’s a lesson in everything, and to try and learn from all of the good and all of the bad things that have happened, and will happen, in life. It’s important to feel happy and good on the inside because it always shows on the outside. Also, don’t forget to moisturize!

Maude, what do you feel like you've learned from your mom both professionally and personally?

Maude Apatow: That's such a hard question because I feel like I've learned so much from my mom—like everything. I definitely got good work ethic from my mom. I watched her work when I was growing up and saw how dedicated she is. She has had a lot of big responsibilities and and she’s always on top of it. But in terms of personally and beauty, I mean, my mom taught me everything I know about makeup and product. She's always had so many products, and since I was a kid, I would always try on all of her makeup and lotions.

Do you guys steal anything from each other's bathroom or closet, whether it's like skincare and makeup or clothing?

MA: All of the above.

LM: It used to be that Maude would steal all of my products, but now I steal all of her products. It's a nice balance.

MA: I feel like I steal your clothes more and you steal my products.

LM: You do? You have some good products. But yes, Maude steals my clothes.

That sounds like a fair trade.

LM: It is.

MA: And shoes. Shoes are a big one because we have the same size. So I've always stolen all of your shoes.

LM: Iris also has the same size feet as me so they both steal my shoes, but Iris is really hard on shoes. She wears them one time and they’re ruined. I don’t know what she does to them or where she goes. It’s like she’s running through mud and nails. They come back ruined, even if she’s just going to dinner.

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Maude, it sounds like you’re first in line for your mom's shoe collection.

MA: Yeah, but then I get Iris stealing my shoes and I really don’t like that because she ruins them. My mom is more generous.

How are you two celebrating Mother’s Day?

LM: Yeah. What are you doing for me, Maude?

MA: That is something I can’t reveal. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

LM: Oh, she’s lying. She has nothing planned.

Leslie, what’s been your favorite way to spend Mother’s Day in the past?

LM: I just like being with my family and waking up and having everyone be really nice to me or bringing me flowers. I also like homemade gifts–when the girls make me painting and collages. Those are the most meaningful. Those are the ones that I hang on the wall. So hint, hint.

Leslie, what has it been like to watch Maude in Euphoria?

LM: It's the greatest thing ever. It's a dream. Both my husband and I are over the moon. We've always known how special Maude is and it's nice that other people get to see how special she is too.

Did your family spend Sunday nights watching together?

LM: Maude was in New York and traveling around. But we had watch parties at my house with Iris and my husband and whoever else was around. It was so much fun. It's the most exciting show to watch on TV right now. We cried and high-fived a lot. We’re just thrilled. Thank God, it's a good show. What if she was on a bad show? That would be such a drag.

Do you have a favorite scene of hers, or one where you saw Maude’s personality come through?

LM: I love watching her with her dad on the show. There's a scene where she's younger with Sydney Sweeney and her dad. Her dad is going to the car after he's been drinking and telling the kids to get in the car, but Maude’s character doesn't want to go. I thought that was a really beautiful, dramatic scene. I think she’s terrific actress. I could cry thinking about it—it's really good.

Speaking of the show, Maude, did you learn any beauty tips or tricks from being on set?

MA: After season one, because makeup was such a big part of it, a lot of brands sent tons of makeup. So we were constantly trying new products. It was really fun. But I am always watching all the makeup artists do our makeup and I try and pick up stuff here and there. I'm not really out there with makeup, but being on set always makes me want to try new looks. It’s inspiring in that way.

I think everyone was trying Euphoria makeup after watching the show. Is there a character whose beauty style you consider to be similar to you own?

MA: Probably my own character. I am pretty low-key with looks, but I do love red lipstick.

LM: I think your character also uses Jergens Cherry Almond.

MA: Oh my god, yeah!

LM: Wait, Maude! Do you remember the Bob Ross scene? There was a bottle of Jergens next to your bed.

MA: There was Jergens all through the house. If you look really closely, you can spot bottles in several different locations.

You guys spent most of the pandemic together, so how did each of you indulge in self-care, especially while everyone is under one roof?

LM: We did a lot of cleaning. I think that when you live in a clear, organized spaced that it helps you think more clearly and feel better. I spent days, maybe weeks, on Maude’s room. Do you remember that final day, Maude? When we finally finished cleaning and we lit candles and it was raining outside. It was so nice–felt like a new beginning. What did you do for self-care, Maude?

MA: I colored my hair like 10 times. I did that foot mask that makes your feet peel. We self-tanned with the Jergens Gradual Tanning Lotion.

LM: We were alone in the house and super tan. And the Jergens tanning lotion is the only one that doesn't smell funky. Plus, it's a good gradual and even tan.

MA: Sometimes tanner can be hard to put on yourself in a way that doesn’t look streaky or crazy.

LM: There’s never a line. You can put it on fast and it dries evenly. It must have technology that knows when you missed a spot.

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