fringe - Vertaling Engels-Nederlands
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Vertalingen fringe EN>NL

1 a border of loose threads on a carpet, shawl etc: “Her red shawl has a black fringe.”

2 hair cut to hang over the forehead: “You should have your fringe cut before it covers your eyes.”

3 the outer area; the edge; the part farthest from the main part or centre of something: “on the fringe of the city.”
to make or be a border around: “Trees fringed the pond.”
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Overige bronnen
to fringe zomen (ww.) ; tres (ww.) ; galon (ww.) ; omzoming (ww.) ; passement (ww.) ; oplegsel (ww.) ; boordsel (ww.) ; pony (ww.) ; haardracht (ww.) ; franje (ww.) ; versiering van rafels (ww.)
fringe rand ; zoom ; band ; boord ; kant ; marginaal ; randgebied ; walvisbaardhaar ; buitenkant ; franje
Bronnen: interglot; Wakefield genealogy pages; Wikipedia; Download IATE, European Union, 2017.; KNNV

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EN: lace

Alternatieve spelling of gebruik
Let op; `fringe` wordt wel in UK-Engels gebruikt maar niet of zelden in US-Engels.
In UK-Engels gebruikt men `fringe`

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