Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prospective Students: How to Apply


Alumni-MA-Party 2022 1.JPG
American Studies Graduate Students and Alumni at the Summer 2022 Alumni Meeting
(photo: Eva Boesenberg)







Master of Education 🖉


Prospective Domestic Students - Master of Education


  • Admission Requirements (Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für den Master of Education (ISG/GYM sowie BS)
    • Fachwissenschaft: mind. 60 LP pro Kernfach und Zweitfach
    • Fachdidaktik: mind. 5 LP pro Fachdidaktik Kernfach und Fachdidaktik Zweitfach
    • Bildungswissenschaften: mind. 10 LP, davon mind. 5 LP für Modul Schulpraktikum
    • nur für BS: Betriebspraktikum von mind. 26 Wochen (900 Std.)


Prospective International Students - Master of Education


  • English + another subject: In Germany, prospective teachers study two school subjects; so if you want to become a teacher of English as a Foreign Language you need to study another school subject as a minor (or major) besides English/TEFL.
  • Educational Science: As part of the MEd program you will study several courses in Educational Science. Evidence that you studied introductory courses in Educational Science in a BA or other degree course is an admission requirement.
  • German skills: Most courses in Educational Science, some of the TEFL courses and possibly many of the courses of your minor (or major, as the case may be) will be taught in German. Thus, excellent German skills are vital. C1 according to the Common European Framework for Languages is an admission requirement.
  • Application is run via uni-assist: Please find information at the Admission Office for International Students and in the PDF-file "Information for Prospective International Students".



M.A. Amerikanistik 🖉

Prospective Domestic Students - M.A. Amerikanistik


Please find all relevant information on our degree programmes pages and here on the Humboldt-University's information page for MA applications.


Prospective International Students - M.A. Amerikanistik / American Studies


Please read the following information carefully. If you have any further question, contact the student advisor for American Studies.


Requirements for your application (PDF in German):

  • Language Requirements:
    • English language proficiency: Applicants must prove level C1 proficiency in English (CEFR): e.g. UNIcert® III-Zertifikat: 3,0; IELTS – International English Language Testing System: 7,0; Cambridge English C1 Advanced: 185; TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language (iBT® [Internet-based Test]: 100;  Essentials®: 10,5.
    • Language certificates must be part of the application. Exemptions: Native speakers (L1) of English; applicants whose BA degree is from an English-speaking country; applicants whose BA program was conducted entirely in English (certification needed).


  • Academic Requirements:

    Please be aware of the fact that this is a consecutive Master, which means that a BA in English or American Literature and Culture (their histories, theories, methodologies) is required, or an equivalent degree with a minimum of 60 credit points in English or American Studies (30 credit points must be in literary and/or cultural studies). In Germany – as in the United States and Great Britain – American Studies are understood to focus on Literary and Cultural Studies. If your program is specialized in Linguistics, Translation, Didactics and the like, you do not meet the requirements.


Application periods and deadlines:

The program starts in the Winter Semester (October). For application deadlines, see the HU academic calendar.

Application information:

Your application will be addressed to Uni-Assist. They will guide you through the application steps and tell you which documents are needed. Once you created your account at Uni-Assist, you will find further instruction on how to start the application.

For technical questions during the application process, please inquire with



M.A. English Literatures🖉

Prospective Domestic Students - M.A. English Literatures


Please find all relevant information on our degree programmes pages and here on the Humboldt-University's information page for MA applications.


Prospective International Students - M.A. English Literatures


Please read the following information carefully. If you have any further question, contact the student advisor for Master English Literatures.


Application requirements (PDF in German):

  • Language Requirements:
    • English language proficiency: Applicants must prove level C1 proficiency in English (CEFR): e.g. UNIcert® III-Zertifikat: 3,0; IELTS – International English Language Testing System: 7,0; Cambridge English C1 Advanced: 185; TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language (iBT® [Internet-based Test]: 100; Essentials®: 10,5.
      • Exemptions: Native speakers (L1) of English; applicants whose BA degree is from an English-speaking country; applicants whose BA program was conducted entirely in English (certification needed).
    • German language proficiency: Applicants must prove level B2 proficiency in German (CEFR).


  Unless you have an exemption, the certificates are needed as part of your application.


  • Academic Requirements:

    Please be aware of the fact that this is a consecutive Master programme, which means that a B.A. in English Studies/Englisch/Anglistik or in Comparative Literature (literary and cultural studies, literary history, literary theory, methodologies) is required, or an equivalent degree with a minimum of 30 credit points in English Studies and 30 credit points in literary studies. In Germany – as in the United States and Great Britain – English Studies are understood to focus on Literary and Cultural Studies. If your previous BA programme is specialized in Linguistics, Translation, or Didactics, you do not meet the academic requirements.


Application periods and deadlines:

The programme starts in the Winter Semester (October). For application deadlines, see the HU academic calendar.

Application information:

Your application will be addressed to Uni-Assist. They will guide you through the application steps and tell you which documents are needed. Once you created your account at Uni-Assist, you will find further instruction on how to start the application.

For technical questions during the application process, please inquire with