Financial Assistance - The Blake School

Financial Assistance

Approximately 21 percent of Blake students receive need-based financial assistance. The school strives to increase accessibility and affordability for families from a wide range of economic backgrounds and income levels. All financial assistance at Blake is based on need; the school does not provide scholarships for academic, athletic or artistic merit.


  1. Apply for Admission. Applying for admission to Blake is a separate process from applying for financial assistance. The deadline for submitting financial assistance applications was Jan. 31.
  2. Apply for Financial Assistance. To do this, complete Blake's Financial Assistance Application. Blake partners with Clarity to process and manage financial assistance applications for families. The deadline for submitting financial assistance applications was Jan. 31. Families seeking financial assistance after the Jan. 31 first-round application deadline will likely be placed in a financial assistance waiting pool.
    • The financial assistance application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The application is mobile-friendly and can be completed from any device.
    • At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit. Please call us if you have questions or are seeking a fee waiver for the application.
    • Several schools in the Twin Cities metro area partner with Clarity. You can share your application with those schools at no additional cost by using the drop-down menu in the application to send your file to other schools.

Helpful document to download

Clarity Family Support (available in English and Spanish)

  • In-app support through the “Help” button in the lower left corner
  • Email support:
  • Phone support: 206-210-3752

All family support is available in Spanish and English. The Financial Assistance Application is available fully translated into Spanish using the drop-down in the lower left corner.