current time now - local time converter
convert time:

your local time now

Pacific (PT)
10:26 pm
Mountain (MT)
11:26 pm
Central (CT)
12:26 am
Eastern (ET)
1:26 am
5:26 am
IST (India)
10:56 am
Los Angeles
10:26 pm
New York
1:26 am
6:26 am
9:26 am
1:26 pm
3:26 pm

what is Happy Zebra?
Happy Zebra is a reliable source of information about time zones and time difference calculations. Read more about Happy Zebra time converter...

how to use this site?
Use the search box at the top of every page to select a city and see current time and date, sunrise sunset, time zone, DST details and other city information.
Use the time conversion tool at the top to compare time between time zones and cities. For a list of more cities visit the time difference calculator page.

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