The Meaning Behind The Song: Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II by Dance Gavin Dance - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II by Dance Gavin Dance


“The Meaning Behind The Song: Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II by Dance Gavin Dance”


Title Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II
Artist Dance Gavin Dance
Writer/Composer Will Swan, Matt Mingus, Tim Feerick, Tilian & Jon Mess
Album Acceptance Speech (2013)
Release Date October 8, 2013
Genre Rock, Emo, Progressive Rock, Alternative Rock, Post-Hardcore
Producer Matt Malpass

The Meaning Behind The Song

“Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II” is the final track on Dance Gavin Dance’s fifth album, “Acceptance Speech.” This song serves as a sequel to “Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future” from the band’s debut album “Downtown Battle Mountain.” Like its predecessor, this song explores themes of love, longing, and the desire to escape reality.

The chorus beautifully captures the essence of the song’s meaning. The lyrics, “You always keep me coming back for more, so many faces in the world, but I want yours,” reflect the idea of finding true love and connection amidst a sea of possibilities. The singer expresses how the person they are addressing makes them feel alive and whole, erasing the feeling of loneliness. The late-night phone calls described in the lyrics symbolize the anticipation and excitement of being with someone who truly understands and completes them.

The verses offer a glimpse into the intensity of the singer’s emotions. In the first verse, Tilian sings, “I haven’t slept for weeks, just a couple more and I’ll be yours.” This line suggests the intensity of their feelings for this person and their willingness to sacrifice sleep to be with them.

The second verse introduces Jon Mess, whose lyrics complement Tilian’s vocals. Mess asks the person to express themselves fully and genuinely, wanting to understand their emotions and experiences. He also acknowledges that sometimes, it’s best to tune out the opinions and judgments of others and focus on what truly matters.

The song takes an introspective turn in the third verse. Mess’s lyrics explore the idea of being trapped inside one’s own thoughts and feeling isolated from the world. This verse hints at inner struggles and the difficulty of finding clarity and understanding amidst confusion.

The bridge section reveals a sense of regret and longing for forgiveness. Tilian sings about being overcome by circumstances and regretting past actions. He expresses a desire to rebuild a connection with someone and start anew. The barricade mentioned in the lyrics represents the emotional walls that have been built and the effort required to break them down and reconnect.

The outro, delivered by Jon Mess, closes the song on a mysterious note. The line “Carcinogenic isotope, we need the A-team montage” adds a surreal and enigmatic element to the song, leaving listeners curious to interpret its deeper meaning.

Personal Connection

“The Meaning Behind The Song: Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II” holds a special place in my heart. As a fan of Dance Gavin Dance, I have always been captivated by their unique blend of musical styles and thought-provoking lyrics. This song, in particular, stands out to me for its emotional depth and introspective themes.

The chorus resonates with me on a personal level, reminding me of the transformative power of love and the way it can chase away feelings of loneliness. The lyrics capture the essence of that one person who brings warmth and joy into your life, making you feel complete.

The verses paint a vivid picture of the intensity of emotions and the sacrifices one is willing to make for love. The raw honesty in the lyrics allows me to connect with the vulnerability and longing that the song portrays.

The bridge section speaks to the human desire for redemption and forgiveness. It serves as a reminder that we all make mistakes, but it is possible to rebuild and salvage relationships by taking responsibility for our actions.

Overall, “Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II” is a song that evokes a range of emotions from its listeners. Its poignant lyrics, combined with Dance Gavin Dance’s signature musicality, make it a standout track that continues to resonate with fans years after its release.

In conclusion, “Turn Off the Lights, I’m Watching Back to the Future, pt. II” by Dance Gavin Dance is a deeply introspective song that explores themes of love, longing, and the search for connection. The lyrics, paired with the band’s unique musical style, create a powerful and emotional experience for listeners. Whether it’s through the relatable emotions expressed in the lyrics or the captivating soundscapes, this song has the ability to touch the hearts of its listeners and leave a lasting impact.

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