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Elemental Masters   Elemental Powers   Elemental Powers (The LEGO Ninjago Movie)    
“Elemental Power comes from within, like courage. Sometimes it wanes, sometimes it waxes, but it cannot be stolen.”
Sorla to Kai, "Fire Maker"

Elemental Powers (also known as Elemental Energy)[1][2][3] are ancestral powers used by the Elemental Masters in the Merged Realms that have originated from dragons;[4] the seven Source Dragons being the primal origin of all elemental power in the realms. They allow users to control specific elements. For over a hundred generations, Elemental Powers have been passed down so that the new Elemental Masters can continue using them to protect Ninjago from the many forces of evil. Many Elemental Masters have reached their True Potential.

Fire, Lightning, Earth, and Ice are considered the "elements of Creation" and are sometimes referred to as the "main elemental powers".[5]

Elemental essences[]

Elemental essences[6] are powers that aren't considered 'elements' in the conventional sense and instead are what remains of the power of the First Spinjitzu Master.[7] The users of these abilities are generally not referred to as Elemental Masters, with the exception of Lloyd.


Creation is an elemental essence currently used by Master Wu and others using the Tornado of Creation and Mega Weapon, as well as Garmadon after reaching his True Potential. It gives the user the power to create anything. Wu can use this power to summon his Dragon, but besides this, he does not use his power much because he knows not to overuse it.[8] Creation corresponds with the colors gold and white.


Darkness is an elemental essence used by the Overlord. It gives the user the power to control darkness. It associates with the colors lavender and black. Darkness also has a relationship with Destruction as implied by the Overlord.[9]


Destruction is an elemental essence currently used by Lord Garmadon and his son Lloyd Garmadon. It gives the user the power to destroy anything. Garmadon was also shown to be able to generate lightning, presumably using Destruction.[10] After being purified of evil, Garmadon ceased to use this power, repressing it by using the Art of the Silent Fist as an alternative in combat.[11] Upon his resurrection, he began using Destruction again. Destruction corresponds with the colors black and dark purple. Destruction also has a relationship with Darkness as implied by the Overlord.[9]


Energy is an elemental essence used by Lloyd. It doesn't have an official name, but it is commonly referenced to as energy. This element gives the user the power to control energy, which is displayed as a mysterious green power that is a combination of the original ninjas' elements. It can also shoot energy blasts and beams. Lloyd can also use Energy Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. This element has a relationship with Golden Power and corresponds with the color green.

Golden Power[]

Golden Power (also referred to as Light) is an elemental essence formerly used by Lloyd and the First Spinjitzu Master. A user of Golden Power can shoot golden energy blasts and beams, use golden Spinjitzu, and summon the Golden Dragon. It is the power used by the First Spinjitzu Master to create Ninjago and thus can be used to move mountains.[12] Golden Power corresponds with the color gold and has a relationship with Energy and Creation.


Elements of Creation[]


Earth is an element formerly used by Lilly and currently by Cole. This element gives the user the power to control earth, rocks, minerals, etc. Cole can also do Earth Spinjitzu, Airjitzu, and Spinjitzu Burst. Earth corresponds with the colors black, orange, gray, brown, and briefly pink.


Fire is an element formerly used by Ray and currently by Kai. This element gives the user the power to control fire and shoot fireballs. Kai can also do Fire Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. Fire corresponds with the colors red, orange, and occasionally yellow.


Ice is an element currently used by Zane. This element allows the user to control ice and freeze things. Zane can also do Ice Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. This element has a relationship with Water. Ice corresponds with the colors white, light grey, and light blue.


Lightning is an element currently used by Jay. This element allows the user to to control electricity and lightning. Jay can also do Lightning Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. Lightning generally corresponds with the color blue. It also occasionally has a yellow color to it.

Other elements[]


Amber is an element currently used by Skylor. It allows the user to mimic and combine other Elemental Powers after they come into contact with the other powers. It associates with the color orange.


Form is an element currently used by Chamille. It allows the user to shape-shift into other people to remove markings, such as tattoos. It associates with the colors purple and violet.


Fusion is an element used by Geo. It allows the user to fuse and unfuse objects together, creating an unbreakable bond between any item. It associates with the colors white, purple, green, yellow, and light blue.


Gravity is an element currently used by Gravis. It allows the user to manipulate gravity. It associates with the color maroon.


Heat is an element used by Wyldfyre. It allows the user to manipulate heat. It associates with the colors orange, fire engine red, and blue and is similar to Fire, yet it melts items as opposed to incinerating them.


Light is an element currently used by Mr. Pale. It allows the user to manipulate and become invisible through light. It associates with the color white or can be colorless.


Metal is an element currently used by Karlof. It allows the user to turn his or her body completely into metal, giving them enhanced strength and durability. It associates with the color silver/gray.


Mind is an element currently used by Neuro. It allows the user to read other people's minds, predict what they are planning, and send mental messages. It associates with the color gray.


Nature is an element currently used by Bolobo. It allows the user to create plants to trap enemies and connect with nature. Bolobo wields the staff known as the Staff of Nature, which can manipulate plants. It associates with the colors forest green and brown.


Poison is an element currently used by Tox. It allows the user to manipulate poison. It associates with the color lime.


Shadow is an element currently used by Shade. It allows the user to travel in shadows. It associates with the color black.


Smoke is an element formerly used by Ash and currently by Cinder. It allows the user to turn into smoke. It associates with the color light gray.


Sound is an element currently used by Jacob Pevsner. It allows the user to control sound. It associates with the color teal or can be colorless.


Speed is an element currently used by Griffin Turner. It gives the user super speed, agility, and reflexes. It associates with the colors white and crimson.


Technology is an element used by Sora. It allows the user to manipulate technology and machinery. It associates with the colors purple and pink.


Time is an element formerly used by the Time Twins: Acronix and Krux. It is branched off into four different abilities: Pause, which allows the user to temporarily pause time around them or just pause select people, Slow-Mo, which creates a sphere of energy around a person or object causing them to be slowed down, Forward, which can be used to speed ones self up, and Reverse, which can be used to reverse time to a certain moment or just a person/object. When Acronix and Krux attempted to use their powers on Wu and Garmadon, the four abilities of Time were absorbed by the Time Blades. It associates with the colors copper/amber, blue, red, and green.


Water is an element formerly used by Maya and Nyad and currently by Nya. It allows the user to manipulate water. Nya can also do Water Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. This element has a relationship with Ice. Water corresponds with the colors gray, aqua, teal, maroon, and light blue.


Wind is an element formerly used by the now-deceased Morro and currently by Euphrasia. It allows the user to manipulate wind/air and spin around like a tornado. The user can also fly with this Element. It associates with the colors dark green, light grey, and white.

Zeatrix's elemental power[]

An unknown Elemental Power is an element formerly used by Levo, the late emperor of Imperium, and currently by Zeatrix. It is speculated the power is "force" or "power". It associates with the color electric purple.

Imagination (non-canon)[]

Imagination is an element used by Wu and Neido in the LEGO Universe video game. It allows the user to imagine or create whatever they want. It associates with the colors blue and azure.


The use of Elemental Powers goes well beyond use in combat or bypassing obstacles. For example, an Elemental Master can manifest his or her very own Elemental Dragon by overcoming his or her fear. If said master shows fear, the dragon will vanish.

Furthermore, if two Elemental Masters show strength against their fears together, they can combine their two dragons into one, as seen with the Hydroelectric Dragon. The Dragon Blade can also create a combination dragon, as seen with the Fusion Dragon. The former can only happen with elements that are naturally compatible, which is why the Dragon Blade was needed in the latter case.[13]

Elemental Powers can be used for various spells, such as the Anacondrai transformation spell or in conjunction with the healing tea Mystake gives Lloyd.[14]

Some Elemental Power users have been shown to generate material only tangentially related to their elements, as seen when the Elemental Masters instantly regained their regular clothing when their powers were returned to them after the Staff of Elements was destroyed,[15] or when Jay and Lloyd "upgraded" vehicles, as seen with the Jungle Raider and ElectroMech respectively.[16][17]

Elemental reactions can be created and used to draw in other power users.[18] This is the primary method the Dragon Hunters used to attract dragons.

If an element nearby corresponds to an Elemental Master's element, they can use it to their advantage. For example, Nya used the surrounding water of the Endless Sea to drown the Preeminent.[19]

It seems that some elemental powers only allow the user to transform into the element and use it to change their body rather than control or produce it. These elements include Metal, Light, Smoke, Form, and Shadow.

Elemental Masters can also create elemental creations, which are weapons or beings made out of an element.


Just as Elemental Powers have many uses, many materials, techniques, or weapons can disable, store, or manipulate it. These include:

  • Vengestone - A former material that stops Elemental Powers from working, usually forged as chains, cuffs, or cages to keep Elemental Masters from using their powers to escape captivity. Interestingly, Vengestone does not keep dragons from using their powers. Its only effect on the dragons seems to be that it is strong enough to keep them from escaping, or it may weaken their powers.
  • Chronosteel - A powerful metal that can absorb Elemental Powers. Forging it is physically and mentally draining. With it, Ray and Maya forged the Time Blades as part of Wu and Garmadon's plan to steal Acronix and Krux's powers. When combined with Blue Crystal, it can absorb more than one Elemental Power.
  • Dragonbone Blade - The Dragonbone Blade can attract and absorb Elemental Powers thrown at it.
  • Magic - Aspheera was able to use her knowledge in sorcery and Spinjitzu to steal Kai's elemental fire power and use it for her nefarious purposes,[20] though he was able to regain it on his own with the help of Sorla,[21] meaning this method is not permanent as some of the others are.
  • Corrupted Ice - While corrupted by the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, Ice can dampen other Elemental Powers similar to Vengestone and it can also cancel out the shapeshifting abilities of the Formlings.[22]

Connections between elements[]

The four "main" elements have had a significant connection with the elemental essences, specifically Creation and Golden Power.

Lloyd was only able to tap into the Golden Power after the ninja channeled their four elements to him in the Temple of Light, while the ninja gained the Elemental Blades as a replacement for their innate powers[23] (though they still retained their powers to some degree, as the Techno Blades channeled their respective elements).[24]

The ninja were finally able to control the powers within themselves when they returned to the Temple of Light and Lloyd returned their powers,[25] but a power-link remained between Lloyd and the four, meaning they'd lose access to their powers should Lloyd be compromised in some way.[26]

Some time after this, Lloyd became unable to use his powers after his battle with the resurrected Garmadon, yet the ninja kept their powers.[27] This could mean the power-link between them and Lloyd had since disappeared due to the passage of time and Lloyd's growth.[28]

In a broader sense, elements are not always mutually exclusive categories and can overlap in some cases.

Garmadon was shown to control electricity,[10] presumably using Destruction, though it's possible he was in fact channeling the element of Lightning due to the connections between the elemental essences and the four elements of Creation.

Morro was able to create lightning[29] as a combination of his ghost power and Lloyd's power,[30] despite lightning being Jay's element and Lloyd no longer having access to the other ninja's powers at that point.

Nya was able to learn to control ice, albeit with great difficulty, during the ninja's time in the Never-Realm despite ice being Zane's element.

According to The Overlord, Garmadon's and Lloyd's power over Destruction were a "gift" from him through the Great Devourer, implying that Darkness has an influence and connection to Destruction.

Effects on the users' personality[]

Elemental Powers have shown to be connected to someone's personality. This seems to be an inherited trait as several parents and their children have similar personalities. As it's been pointed out, Kai and his father Ray, who have both wielded Fire, displayed very similar temperaments and personalities such as short temper and impatience. Jay inherited much of his behavior from his birth mother, who is just as chatty and air-headed as him, as they have both wielded Lightning.

According to Dr. Julien, Zane's creator and "father", Zane was behaving differently ever since his predecessor visited and secretly gave the Nindroid the ability to control Ice.

Acronix and Krux's personalities correspond to their powers. Acronix had the power to go into the future and slow down anything he wanted. He has a strong love for technology and the future, not even caring how much time he missed but instead desiring to be further in the future. Krux on the other hand can go back in time and pause anything he wants. He has a strong hatred for anything that are modern gadgets and loves the past, wishing to return to a simpler time.

Tox, the Master of Poison, mellowed out after having her powers temporarily drained. Neuro is typically stoic and strategic. Shade, Mr. Pale, and Ash, the Masters of Shadow, Light, and Smoke respectively, are sneaky people with the former being a loner. Karlof, the Master of Metal, is a skilled metalsmith with a tough demeanor. Griffin, the Master of Speed, is a friendly and cheerful person. Chamille, the Master of Form, is a deceitful and cunning person who is willing to disguise herself to learn other people's secret weaknesses.

Lloyd and Garmadon, when they use Destruction, become more violent and out of control when they use their power, through the effects of it are temporary.


  • Currently, 28 Elemental Powers or essences are known, of which 27 are canon for the show. Of these, 22 are Elemental Powers and 5 are Elemental essences.
  • The Elemental Power system is similar to the Elemental Power system in LEGO BIONICLE.
  • It is seemingly implied that all Elemental Powers are necessary to complete the Anacondrai transformation spell, with Kai and Chen mentioning "all the power" and Chen boasting about having "every elemental power".[15] However, the spell does not require Wind, Water, Time, Heat, Technology, or Fusion. According to Tommy Andreasen on Twitter, only elements listed in Clouse's Book of Spells were needed.[31]
    • It can be assumed the spell only requires active Elemental Powers, as Morro had been banished to the Cursed Realm, Nya had yet to unlock her Water power, Acronix and Krux had been lost in time along with the Time Blades containing their power, and the Elemental Powers that debuted in Dragons Rising not being discovered until after the Merge.
  • Not all elements originally conceived were used in the show, while some were thought or used in other media but were not officially used until later.
    • Magnetism, Crystal, and Sight were concepts for elements but were scrapped early on, with the Master of Crystal being called "Gazor".[32][33] Sand and Animals were not thought of as ideas for element.[34][35]
    • Water was originally used on the non-canon book character, Lar, before officially becoming Nya's element in Possession. It was also planned for a character named "Rayne" for Tournament of Elements.[36] Time was thought of for Season 4 as well but was not used until The Hands of Time.[37]
  • In Rise of the Snakes, the ninja relied too much on the Golden Weapons to harness their powers, which limited their abilities once they lost possession of the weapons.[38]
  • Time, Heat, and Fusion are the only Elemental Powers to have more than two colors associated with it.
  • Gravity and Light are the only Elements to not have a color associated with it.
  • Time may be the strongest element in all of Ninjago, as it took the whole Elemental Alliance, including Wu and Garmadon to defeat the Time Twins.[39]
  • According to Tommy Andreasen, "generally there is only one elemental master of each element."[40]
  • Brown Power does not count as a Elemental Power, because while Elemental Powers are inherited, this was nothing more than a temporary power gained from tea.
  • The Skulkin, Serpentine, and djinns do not have elemental powers,[41][42] though the Skulkin were affiliated with the four elements of Creation in promotional media and the Ninjago Spinners game.
  • When transformed into Anacondrai, Garmadon and Skylor were unable to use their powers because the tiny scales that covered their bodies were holding in the elemental radiation that is the basis for their powers.[43]
  • When asked which elements are the opposite of Fire, Ice, Earth, and Lightning, Tommy Andreasen responded, "Candy, ice cream, sand and eggs."[44]
  • A shapeshifted Nadakhan appeared to use Zane's ice power to freeze part of the Mega Monster Amusement Park roller coaster in "Infamous." Tommy Andreasen gave the explanation that it could be related to magic, which if true, would mean djinn magic is able to imitate elemental powers.[45][46]
  • Time is a special case in Elemental Power succession, because the power of Time is easily divisible, allowing for it to be distributed among the Time Twins as different abilities from the same power.[47] In other cases, if twins were born to an Elemental Master, the firstborn would inherit the element.[48]
    • Amber, time travel, and merging with the Endless Sea for millennia while another bloodline passes on Water are other ways for there to be more than one user of an element at the same time.
  • According to LEGO.com, "The elemental fighters actually radiate their powers a little bit all the time. It is when they can control that radiation and focus it that they can shoot flames, make plants grow or whatever their powers allow them."[49]
  • In "Stiix and Stones," Nya said that powers can skip a generation, but this may be incorrect.[50]
  • In "The Last Voyage," Nya joked that Dareth's Elemental Power was "hot air," meaning "Empty talk that is intended to impress."[51] Dareth understood this to mean he commanded the wind, which was later revealed to be a real element possessed by Morro, while Dareth would temporarily gain the fake Elemental Power of "Brown."
  • It is likely that Darkness is not a remain of the First Spinjitzu Master's power, since he did not possess it or its aspects, rather a warped counterpart of his own powers manifested to maintain balance.
    • Tommy Andreasen's personal theory was that The Overlord is the living embodiment of the First Spinjitzu Master's Oni side that the latter, literally, cast aside. Should this theory ever be canonized in the show, then it would imply that the First Spinjitzu Master had Darkness.
  • According to Tommy Andreasen, some Elemental Masters can temporarily infuse their powers into objects.[52] One possible example of this can be seen with Zane's elemental ice shurikens. Another is the first master of Amber using his power to create Chronosteel.
  • All Elemental Powers were introduced in Tournament of Elements except the elements of Creation and elemental essences, which were introduced earlier, as well as Wind and Time, which were introduced in Possession and The Hands of Time respectively, and Technology, Heat, and Fusion which were introduced in Ninjago: Dragons Rising.
  • Without Chronosteel, elemental powers can never truly be stolen from their elemental master as shown in "Fire Maker", where Kai regained his powers after Aspheera stole it from him. This can imply that there can be multiple instances of the same elemental power in different entities.
  • The concept for an unreleased set involved a scientist who worked on combining elemental powers in his lab.[53]
  • Elemental powers might have users in other realms, as Tommy Andreasen has stated that "The Phoenix from Chima were the masters of fire." [54] Additionally, in "Awakenings," Jay assumed that the Ice Emperor was another Ice elemental.
  • Although Storm and Wave possess slightly different characteristics than other Elemental Powers, The Book of Elemental Powers recognizes them as Elements.
    • However, they were implied not to be elements by Wu, who mentioned that the only elements Wojira had were Water and Wind when he was listing the powers in "A Big Splash." This was also later clarified by Tommy Andreasen.[55]
  • When asked if there are the Elements of Destruction, as opposed to the Elements of Creation, Tommy Andreasen replied that "Destruction is so much simpler than Creation. It can take you a month to create a statue and a second to destroy it."[56]
  • In Ninjago: Dragons Rising, every time an Elemental Master uses their element, their hands glow in their respective power's color. This was previously only present with Time, Amber in Season 15, Lightning and Earth in Seasons 11-15, Energy occasionally in Season 13-15, Creation in The Virtues of Spinjitzu, and Darkness and occasionally Destruction in Season 15.



Foreign language Translation
Chinese (Traditional) 元素之力
Czech Síly živlů (pilot-S11, DR S1+)
Síly prvků/Síly elementů (S12-S15)
German Elementarkräfte/Elementare Kräfte/Elemente
Polish Moce żywiołów
Russian Силы стихий
Finnish Elementaalivoimat
Ukrainian Сили стихій
Hungarian Elemi erők
Japanese エレメント・パワー


  1. "The Hatching"
  2. "Dragon Form"
  3. "Land of Lost Things"
  4. "A Lesson in Anger"
  5. The Book of Elemental Powers
  6. https://www.lego.com/en-us/kids/videos/ninjago/legoninjagocharactervideolloydaction16x91hy21-55c2f11e8ea285ceb8f0fad88b5f59b4
  7. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/799724783453642752
  8. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/845356951655600128
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Dragon Form"
  10. 10.0 10.1 "The Green Ninja"
  11. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/773895387191078912
  12. "Blackout"
  13. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/867097375239700480
  14. "Big Trouble, Little Ninjago"
  15. 15.0 15.1 "The Forgotten Element"
  16. "Ninja Roll"
  17. "Spellbound"
  18. Radio Free Ninjago
  19. "Curseworld, Part II"
  20. "Boobytraps and How to Survive Them"
  21. "Fire Maker"
  22. "A Fragile Hope"
  23. "Island of Darkness"
  24. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/775772307734298624
  25. "Codename: Arcturus"
  26. "Winds of Change"
  27. "True Potential"
  28. https://youtu.be/eU1lS9-XYQg?t=359
  29. "Ghost Story"
  30. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/826826385926848513
  31. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/863683352393650176
  32. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/847939822153064448
  33. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/874177973062127616
  34. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/989059611771666434
  35. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/874189137317949440
  36. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1301431304442056704
  37. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1162356054753259520
  38. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/820405142927319040
  39. "The Hatching"
  40. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1300808821397426179
  41. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/878642293472980993
  42. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/890916370933833728
  43. https://web.archive.org/web/20151102074352/http://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/explore/story-5/chapter-3
  44. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/826863342518149120
  45. https://web.archive.org/web/20191025152600/https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1187750706037641217
  46. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1187842066367373313
  47. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1299669457795715079
  48. "Absolute Power"
  49. https://web.archive.org/web/20151130014434/http://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/explore/story-4/chapter4
  50. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/820303191019397121
  51. https://www.lexico.com/definition/hot_air
  52. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/797733798876160000
  53. https://twitter.com/KnapDK/status/1391439565899055107
  54. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/797183045749141505
  55. https://twitter.com/tommyandreasen/status/1446166986304675847
  56. https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1508820508124631052
Elemental Powers

Elemental essences

Creation · Darkness · Destruction · Energy · Golden Power

Elements of Creation

Earth · Fire · Ice · Lightning

Other elements

Amber · Form · Fusion · Gravity · Heat · Imagination (non-canon) · Light · Metal · Mind · Nature · Poison · Shadow · Smoke · Sound · Speed · Technology · Time · Water · Wind · Zeatrix's

Movie elements

Creation · Earth · Fire · Green · Ice · Lightning · Surprise · Water
