The Meaning Behind The Song: What Would I Do? by Christian Borle & Andrew Rannells - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: What Would I Do? by Christian Borle & Andrew Rannells


The Meaning Behind The Song: What Would I Do? by Christian Borle & Andrew Rannells

Title What Would I Do?
Artist Christian Borle & Andrew Rannells
Writer/Composer James Lapine & William Finn
Album Falsettos (2016 Broadway Cast Recording)
Release Date December 16, 2016
Genre Pop, Theatre, Broadway, Musicals
Producer Kurt Deutsch

The song “What Would I Do?” performed by Christian Borle and Andrew Rannells, and featured in the 2016 Broadway Cast Recording of the musical “Falsettos,” holds a deep emotional meaning and captures the essence of love, loss, and reflection.

The lyrics of the song explore the profound impact that a single person can have on our lives. Marvin, the main character, reflects on his relationship with Whizzer, who has tragically passed away. The opening lines of the song, “What would I do if I had not met you? Who would I blame my life on?” highlight the transformative power of love and the influence Whizzer had on Marvin’s life.

The song delves into the complexities and contradictions of love. Marvin is torn between the joy he experienced with Whizzer and the pain of losing him. He contemplates what his life would have been like if he had not loved Whizzer and questions how he would have understood the true meaning of love. The line “How would I know what love is? God only knows, too soon, I’ll remember your faults” suggests that although their relationship was not perfect, Marvin cherishes the memories and devotion they shared.

What adds depth to the song is the dialogue between Marvin and Whizzer. Reflecting on the choices and sacrifices they made for their love, Whizzer asks if Marvin regrets leaving his family behind. Marvin’s response, “I’d do it again, I’d like to believe that I’d do it again and again and again,” reveals the profound connection he felt with Whizzer, despite the challenges they faced.

The song also captures the pain of loss and the longing for more time. Marvin wonders how he will face the future without Whizzer and expresses his desire to have just one more hour with him. The repetition of the line “One hour more” emphasizes the desperate longing and the inability to let go.

As the song progresses, the lyrics acknowledge that there are no simple answers to the questions posed. Marvin acknowledges that life is filled with uncertainties, and even though he may never find the answers he seeks, he acknowledges the profound impact Whizzer had on his life.

Personally, “What Would I Do?” resonates deeply with me as it explores the complexities of love and loss. The vulnerability and raw emotions expressed in the lyrics remind me of my own experiences with love and the profound impact certain individuals have had in shaping who I am today.

Like Marvin, I have encountered relationships that have fundamentally changed me, for better or worse. The song reminds me of the power love has to transform and mold us into different versions of ourselves.

Furthermore, the song serves as a poignant reminder to cherish the time we have with our loved ones. It forces us to confront our own mortality and the inevitable reality that one day we may lose those we hold dear. It urges us to appreciate the present moment and to express our love and gratitude while we still can.

In conclusion, “What Would I Do?” by Christian Borle and Andrew Rannells is a deeply poignant and introspective song that explores the profound impact love and loss have on our lives. Its heartfelt lyrics and emotional performances capture the complexities and contradictions of human relationships. The song serves as a reminder to cherish the moments we have with our loved ones and to reflect on the transformative power of love.

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