
  • "Shagadelic, Baby!" - Austin Powers enthusiastically utters this catchphrase many times, expressing intense positive emotion, and it has become a pop culture phenomenon.
  • "Throw Me A Frickin' Bone Here." - Dr. Evil uses this quote to express frustration, emphasizing his simple request for sharks with laser beams on their heads, making it one of his best sayings.
  • "Oh, Behave!" - Austin Powers uses this quote to embody his promiscuous and fun-loving nature, expressing both surprise and readiness to mingle after discovering his beloved Vanessa was a fembot.

Like almost every Mike Myers movie, the entire trilogy of Austin Powers is full of hilarious quotes. Many of these sayings have since become pop-culture catchphrases, repeated over and over, and anyone who enthusiastically exclaims “Yeah, baby!” is quoting Mike Myers's iconic time-traveling British spy, along with other popular lines like “one million dollars” (pinky finger held to the corner of the mouth). But these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to pulling the best sayings from the Austin Powers franchise, and the overall series is highly quotable.

Lusting for life and love and always up for a good time, the highly sought-after International Man of Mystery is initially called upon after being cryogenically frozen for 30 years. Powers and his arch-nemesis, Dr. Evil (also played by Myers), deliver the absolute best one-liners and witty retorts across the three films. However, throughout the movies, there are plenty of great Austin Powers quotes from other characters, some minor and some recurring. In fact, it’s hard to pick just one since there are so many great lines, comments, and retorts.

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20 "Shagadelic, Baby!"

Austin Powers - Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery

While this Austin Powers quote originated in the first movie — Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery — Austin Powers repeated it many times in all three. It is one of his many catchphrases, after all. Used to express intense, positive emotion about something, he uttered these words often in a very enthusiastic tone. Whether it was a party, a fun situation, or meeting beautiful women, the Mike Myers character loved to say this phrase. "Shagadelic baby" has become a pop culture phenomenon of sorts, with people continuing to use it to this day — albeit ironically — to express joy.

Puns based on the word "Shag" have also been prevalent throughout the Austin Powers franchise, further ensuring the quote is synonymous with the comedy spy. For example, in Austin Powers in Goldmember, the faux Spielberg-directed in-universe Austin Powers movie starring Tom Cruise as Austin sees Cruise driving a Jaguar with "Shaguar" as the license plate.

19 "Throw Me A Frickin' Bone Here."

Dr. Evil - Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery

Dr. Evil sitting at his desk in Austin Powers.

Dr. Evil often loved to use the word "frickin'" to express his frustration, which was his way of swearing without actually swearing. Given how evil Dr. Evil is, hearing him use the word "frick" in any context rather than its more infamous — and much more offensive — cousin (another four-letter word beginning with F that would have instantly upped the age rating of the Austin Powers movies had it been included), is absolutely hilarious.

How he chooses to express his annoyance and disappointment remains one of Dr. Evil's best sayings from Austin Powers.

In one of his best Austin Powers quotes, Dr. Evil was particularly upset that his team thought it was impossible to deliver on his demand to acquire sharks with laser beams on their heads to take down enemies. In Dr. Evil's mind, this was a simple request that his underlings should have had no problem handling, and how he chooses to express his annoyance and disappointment remains one of Dr. Evil's best sayings from Austin Powers.

18 "Oh, Behave!"

Austin Powers - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

This Austin Powers quote starts off with the spy lamenting that his beloved Vanessa was a robot— or, as Austin refers, to her, a "fembot" — all along, and it perfectly personifies Austin Powers' mentality. He says, "I can’t believe Vanessa, my bride, my one true love, the woman who taught me the beauty of monogamy, was a fembot all along. Wait a tick, that means I’m single again! Oh, behave!"

While he would easily fall in love with a particular woman in every movie, Austin Powers was also notoriously promiscuous. He was initially taken aback and upset that he had been tricked, but he was quickly ready to mingle once again. There was a throwback to this particular moment in Austin Powers in Goldmember too. In the 3rd movie, Austin Powers enters a dance-off with Britney Spears, only to quickly discover that the pop sensation is also a "fembot".

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17 "You’re Not Missing Anything, Believe Me."

Felicity Shagwell - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Austin Powers and Felicity Shagwell.

This Austin Powers quote was Felicity's funny way of explaining what Austin missed while being literally frozen in time, skipping over several decades. "The '70s and the '80s? You’re not missing anything, believe me. I’ve looked into it. There’s a gas shortage and A Flock of Seagulls. That’s about it." Heather Graham's Felicity references an entire two decades, boiling them down to a single economic issue and a band.

It's an especially hilarious moment in the second Austin Powers movie too as, of course, the 1970s and 1980s were incredibly relevant cultural decades.

Of course, Austin missed much more than that, but she wanted to make him feel better. It's an especially hilarious moment in the second Austin Powers movie too as, of course, the 1970s and 1980s were incredibly relevant cultural decades. It also feeds into Austin's — and the wider franchises's — continued homage to the 1960s, both the culture of the decade and the spy movies that dominated theaters during it.

16 “So, Shall We Shag Now, Or Shall We Shag Later?”

Austin Powers - Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery

Austin Powers opening his shirt to reveal a hairy chest.

When it comes to Austin Powers, getting intimate with a woman was always on his mind, to the point of obsession. Any time he met a beautiful woman, he instantly intimated that she would want to sleep with him. In his eyes, no woman could resist his charms — he was hilariously often right. Part of what made the movies so funny was Austin's James Bond-like charm with women despite being an awkward, gangly, and decidedly unattractive man.

This Austin Powers quote is one of the most obvious times that the franchise riffs on James Bond, too. The earlier 007 movies are, by todays standards, notorious for their cheesy dialogue — especially when it comes to Bond's chat-up lines. While Austin, a parody of James Bond, didn't fit the conventional handsome mold, he had loads of confidence and charm and women fell for it every time.

15 "I Love Gold."

Goldmember - Austin Powers In Goldmember

Mike Myers as Goldmember in Austin Powers.

The Mike Myers Austin Powers character Goldmember, real name Johan van der Smut, is memorable not so much because of his lines in the script but because of their delivery. He emphasized "goooold" in a way that made the character an instant source of some of the best Austin Powers quotes. There are many Austin Powers characters who wouldn't be anywhere near as funny were it not for Myers in the role, but perhaps none better exemplify this than Goldmember.

The Mike Myers Austin Powers character Goldmember, real name Johan van der Smut, is memorable not so much because of his lines in the script but because of their delivery.

A villain in the movie, Goldmember was yet another character who was played by Mike Myers in costume and with a funny accent. Goldmember made it very clear that what he sought was gold and lots of it. He didn't just like it, he loved it, and the villain would do whatever was necessary to get his hands on the valuable treasure.

14 "Are Those Frickin' Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams Attached To Their Heads?"

Dr. Evil - Austin Powers In Goldmember