Numerology Calculator with Name and Date Search


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Most Advanced Numerology Calculator

This numerology calculator provides features not found with others on the Internet. Not only can you calculate either the Pythagorean or Chaldean numerology of names and dates, but you can also search for names or dates with specific numerological properties. These features are incredibly useful when you are looking for a baby name or trying to find ideal wedding/event dates.

Name Search

Probably the most unique feature of this calculator is its ability to find names with specific numerological properties. When coming up with a name for a baby, it could be desirable for that name to have a particular numerological number. You may even like to have a name that is a Master Number. This is not a particularly insurmountable problem since you just need to scan a database of names and only produce the ones that have particular values. Yet, you rarely find this feature on numerology sites.

The way that it works is you enter a partial name and search criteria, which the calculator uses find names that fit those conditions. Many parents have either a first or middle name in mind, that they prefer, and last names are usually already given. That allows the calculator to search for a name that, when added to the known parts of the name, will result in specific numerological calculations.

For example, given the name John ? Doe and an Expression number of 11 (example), we find that John James Doe, John Charles Doe, and John Alexander Doe all have Expression numbers of 11. In fact, there are thousands of names that, when paired with John Doe, match our criteria. This allows us great flexibility in finding interesting names ideas while also meeting our desired numerological constraints.

It is also possible to further narrow down suggestions. John T?s Doe with Expression number 11 (example) matches John Tobias Doe because we want a middle name that starts with a “T” and ends in an “S”. If we wanted a name John X? Doe with an Expression number 11 and a Personality number 6 (example), then we find that John Xander Doe is one such option.

The calculator can only search for one name at a time (mainly because there would be a mind boggling number of combinations that would work, and it would be extremely difficult to look through). You can however have as many given names as you want in a search. You could search for John Michael James-Anthony ? Doe (example). As long as there is only one unknown name in the search it is okay.

If one wanted to construct a name with a very large Master Number then you could build the name up slowly with several passes. The key to a large Master Number is having individual name parts that are also Master Numbers. For example, Chester has an Expression number of 33 (example), as does Kennedy (example). So if we search for Chester ? Kennedy with an Expression number of 99 (example) then we find Chester Michael Kennedy has the rare Master Expression number 99. Now, not every numerologist believes in Master Numbers that large, but their are reasons to believe that all double numbers are significant in some manner. Either way, we can see that it is trivial to produce suggested names with large Master Numbers that would otherwise be difficult to figure out.

Name search is a powerful feature allows one to find the perfect name for all your numerological needs.

Other Features
  • Calculations can be done in either the Pythagorean or Chaldean number system through Settings
  • Results can be copied and shared via links
  • Quick, clean, at-a-glance tables to check results, and get numerological interpretations
  • Display numerology calculation steps
  • Alternative numerological calculation methods in regard to reducing
  • Automatic transliteration of Unicode characters that are often unsupported in other calculators (Æ, ö, ñ, 张, etc.)

Common Terms

Life Path
Derived from our date of birth, Life Path number describes the nature of our life journey, the road we are traveling. It describes our traits and who we are at birth, and outlines the opportunities, challenges, and lessons we may encounter in this lifetime.

Derived from all the letters of your full name at birth, your Expression, or Integrated, number symbolizes the opportunities you have at your disposal, reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be, and the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body.

Soul's Urge/Heart's Desire
Derived from the vowels of your full name at birth, Heart's Desire, or Soul Urge number is the inner you. It shows your true motivation, your inner cravings and urges, likes and dislikes. It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions, and dramatically influences the choices you make in life.

Derived from the consonants of your full name at birth, your Personality number offers an insight of how others view you. It influences the characteristics you project and indicates how others are most likely to perceive you before getting to know you well.