The 60+ Best Movies About Cults

Ranker Film
Updated May 16, 2024 64.6K views 63 items
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4.9K votes
995 voters
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Movies about cults, controversial religions, and religious leaders.

From psychological thrillers to unsettling dramas, the best cult movies expertly portray the intrigue and dangers associated with these hidden societies. Films about cults display the seductive allure and dangerous consequences of these secretive groups. From psychological horror to unsettling drama, these best cult movies reveal the complexities of human beliefs, ritualistic practices, and the lengths individuals will go in search of a sense of belonging and purpose. 

Movies about cults often delve into the inner workings of a group, illustrating the intricate power dynamics, manipulation, and psychological control that pervade these organizations. As viewers are drawn into the surreal worlds of these films, they are left to ponder the motives and vulnerabilities of both the leaders and followers that make up these enigmatic societies. 

A prime example of the best cult movies is Ari Aster's 2019 film, Midsommar, which follows the disturbing experiences of a grieving woman and her friends during a midsummer festival in rural Sweden. With its visually stunning portrayal of pagan rituals and twisted human interaction, Midsommar has earned a place as one of the most unforgettable films about cults. Additionally, classics like The Wicker Man (1973) and Rosemary's Baby (1968) offer chilling depictions of ancient beliefs and clandestine societies, further solidifying their status as some of the best movies about cults. These outstanding works are just a few examples of the captivating and diverse offerings within the genre. 

Filmmakers continue to explore the enigmatic and often sinister world of cults,  presenting captivating stories that explore the depths of human belief, manipulation, and desire for connection. The best movies about cults provide thrilling entertainment and also thought-provoking glimpses into the complexities and mysteries of human psychology and behavior. As the genre expands, viewers can anticipate a continued exploration of this dark and fascinating realm.

Most divisive: The Wicker Man
Over 900 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 60+ Best Movies About Cults