Best Player (Film) - TV Tropes

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Film / Best Player

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A Nickelodeon Made-for-TV Movie starring iCarly actors Jennette McCurdy and Jerry Trainor. Trainor is Quincy, the gamer living in his parents' basement. Except his parents are selling the house. Conveniently, his helpful friend Wendell (played by Amir Talai) informs him of a video game tournament with a cash prize. Cash enough for him to buy the house himself. But the heretofore undefeated Quincy meets his match when he comes across a mysterious gamer called "Prodigy" that crushes him mercilessly. Quincy and Wendell set out to discover who this Prodigy is and find his weaknesses. Except, they find, Prodigy is a sixteen year old Chris Sanders (McCurdy). Whose mom thinks Quincy is her internet date... A light-hearted comedy that also has Janet Varney as Chris's mom.


  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Wendell. He pretended to care about Quincy's problems just to defeat Chris himself. When Quincy proves himself to be a useless love-struck "traitor", he kicks him out of his house.
  • Chew-Out Fake-Out: Chris's science presentation.
  • The Comically Serious: Sheldon.
    "I love her so much I could barf out my heart."
  • Comically Missing the Point: Wendell does this a couple times
    Quincy: "What's the one thing you need to qualify?"
    Wendell: "...Hands?"
  • Eat the Evidence: Played with in that the evidence is a note that's supposedly from Ash to Chris, asking if she wants to go to the prom. When the note turns out to have been a setup to embarrass Chris with, Sheldon races over and gobbles it down.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Tracey and Chris are both blondes and two of Chris' classmates are interested in her.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Sort of. There's no real "good" side or "evil" side here, but Wendell definitely does turn traitor.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Quincy does this to save Chris from facing Wendell on her own.
  • Humiliation Conga: Before they hit the climax, everything goes wrong for Quincy. Chris finds out that Quincy is Q, Tracey learns from her daughter that Quincy was trying to ruin her chances in the game competition, both kick him out of their lives and promise to defeat him, Wendell reveals that he wanted to defeat Chris just so that he could win the money himself, and he's forced out of Wendell's apartment. That's a lot to take in within a five minute time limit.
  • Love Triangle: Sheldon likes Chris and Chris likes Ash. However, throughout the movie, Ash is dating another girl. In the end, Chris and Ash start dating and Sheldon moves on.
  • Moment Killer: Chris, at least once.
    • "Were you guys about to kiss? Gross."
  • On the Money: Subverted. Quincy needs $175,000 to buy his parents' house. The Black Hole tournament offers $175,500.
    "I could pay off the house and still have enough money left over for that vibrating gaming chair!"
  • Pink Means Feminine: Chris's avatar wears a pink suit.
  • Romantic False Lead: Quincy tries getting Chris to fall for Sheldon, but he learns that Chris is more interested in Ash. They start dating after the tournament.
  • Sadist Teacher: Subverted. He just wants a student who cares.
  • Saving the Orphanage: Quincy wants the money to buy his parents' house so he won't have to move.
  • Tournament Play: The Black Hole tournament.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Remember Bryan? The real internet date? Yeah, whatever happened to him?
