Ok, assuming Fantasyland 830 RD isnt important to us… and have teens that need to meet Pooh & friends, but can get through a buffet quickly… and, that we arrive early to CP 8am reservation, thus likely being immediately seated… is it crazy to think we could still RD Adventureland? Havent been since Jan 2020, so not sure of how far back in the crowd we’d be after breakfast, say… 8:50 leaving CP… Would have ll for JC, but ideally want to ride BTMR 2/3 times. Other option is 9:50 breakfast, hoping i could push it to 10am.


I would not spend CP kind of money - which is really paying to meet the characters - when you’ll not really spend the time to enjoy the meal and will definitely not meet the characters in that amount of time

Hard pass for me personally. If I’m going to do a character meal, I’m going to do it right and unrushed.


Hahaha. Thank you! My info is old, but in past we have easily been able to do a TS in under an hour, comfortably when a buffet. I agree 100% on the $$, not worth it, but then again I think that about a lot things I am paying for on this Disney trip. We love CP, but dont need to hang out there for 90min to feel we got our value out of it. CP is a must do for our family, so not going isnt an option…

Yes. A usual TS, a regular buffet, 60mins tops in most cases.

A character meal, ESPECIALLY CP where they seem to take forever to get around - no way no how 90 mins MINIMUM

If you go, just know you may not meet many of the characters.

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That has not been our experience at all, as we’ve done CP many times, but perhaps we were just lucky. Definitely something I need to consider.

Thank you!

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I’ll be at CP on May 31 (3 weeks from now yay) and we have an 8:05 Crystal Palace reservation. When we went a few years back for lunch it definitely took awhile to see all the characters and we didn’t see Eeyore. I think we gave him just a quick wave. We’re hoping with an early breakfast we can see all the characters and then maybe be out by 9:15 (?) to head into Adventureland. I’ll report back regarding how long it took us. We won’t really be in a rush though. The main rides my girls want to ride over there is Magic Carpets and then Pirates so I don’t imagine we should have any trouble with long lines for those.

We’ve done it but you have to be lucky with the characters. I think BTM is usually fairly short waits till at least 10.

This was my hope… and yes, it is a CL 4 MK day , so thinking might have a little time @ BTMR

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Thank you for the reply. Yes, would certainly hope to be seated first, and at least see 3 out of 4 characters… certainly safer to switch to 950 breakfast, but weighing the pros & cons… Also hope to have an unknown BG for Tron VQ, so… just trying to juggle all the scenarios in my brain. Thanks for listening to me think out loud(er, type…)

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Thank you so much for the reply, but we will actually beat you there, barely, so perhaps i can remember to let you know if we choose the 8am route, how it goes. Our girls love Crystal Palace, and we’ve done this and Tusker House quite successfully at 8am before(all pre-covid). Perhaps we are always lucky, but I think the fact that there isnt a backlog of people ahead of you first thing helps. I hope your family has a great time!

However, for anyone reading that wants a truly relaxed meal, MUST see all 4 characters… definitely don’t expect an hour can work.

Thank you!



Just going to reiterate what @OBNurseNH said about the slow rotation of characters here. We went in July of 2023 and again March of this year (I, too, LOVE the Pooh characters!) and both times we were done eating well before all the characters made their rounds, we too missed Eeyore this year, despite showing up 20 min early for a 10:20 reservation because we wanted to scoot onto the Liberty Belle to watch some of the 12p parade. We typically do the latest breakfast (10:30ish) so we can utilize EE AND regular RD as well as partake in some of the lunch options at the changeover, if we are so inclined. Just an option to consider.