The Meaning Behind The Song: Not Enough Time by INXS - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Not Enough Time by INXS


The Meaning Behind The Song: Not Enough Time by INXS

Title Not Enough Time
Artist INXS
Writer/Composer Andrew Farriss & Michael Hutchence
Album Welcome to Wherever You Are (1992)
Release Date August 3, 1992
Genre Rock
Producer Mark Opitz & INXS

“Not Enough Time” is a recorded track by the legendary Australian rock band, INXS, and was released as the third single from their eighth album, “Welcome to Wherever You Are,” in 1992.

The song carries the signature sound and style of INXS, combining catchy melodies, powerful vocals, and infectious guitar riffs. However, beneath the surface, “Not Enough Time” delves into deeper emotions and explores the complexities of love and longing. The lyrics paint a picture of a deeply passionate relationship where time seems to be in short supply.

The first verse sets the tone for the song, with the narrator feeling overwhelmed and lost in their partner’s arms. They are attempting to make sense of their aching heart, yearning for the ability to be everything and everyone to their loved one. The desire for more time becomes evident as they express the impossibility of fitting everything they want into the limited time they have together.

The chorus reinforces this theme, emphasizing the insufficiency of time for all the kisses, touches, and nights they long to experience with their partner. The lyrics create an intimate and passionate atmosphere, expressing their craving to be physically close and connected.

As the song progresses, it takes on a more profound and almost philosophical tone. The bridge reveals a fight against the inevitability of the end, with the act of making love symbolizing an attempt to defy mortality. In the narrator’s eyes, the moments they share are immortal, as if they are the last two people left on earth.

The repetition of the line “And I was lost for words, in your arms” throughout the song signifies the overwhelming effect this love has on the narrator. They struggle to articulate the depth of their emotions, a feeling familiar to anyone who has experienced the intoxication of love.

For many fans of INXS, “Not Enough Time” holds personal significance, resonating with their own romantic experiences. The song captures the intensity and urgency often present in relationships, where time feels fleeting, and the desire to be fully present with their loved one becomes all-consuming.

Personally, this song holds a special place in my heart. Every time I listen to it, I am transported back to a time when I was deeply in love. The lyrics perfectly encapsulate the desperate longing to have more time with someone, to savor every moment and create lasting memories together.

There is a certain bittersweetness to the song, as it reminds me that time is finite and can never be fully grasped or controlled. Yet, it also serves as a reminder to cherish the moments that we are given and make the most of the time we do have.

INXS, with their impeccable musicality and the raw emotion they infuse into their songs, have created a masterpiece with “Not Enough Time.” The lyrics touch the deepest corners of the heart, capturing the essence of human longing and the complexities of love.

So, the next time you listen to this iconic INXS track, allow yourself to be swept away by the passion, vulnerability, and timeless beauty of “Not Enough Time.” Reflect on your own experiences with love and consider the precious nature of time in the grand scheme of our lives.

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