Advertiser - Charles E Smith Jewish Day School

Sefer Echad: Advertiser Information

CESJDS is excited to continue the tradition of our annual family phone directory, Sefer Echad, for our 1,400+ parents, faculty, and staff. The Sefer Echad is a resource that our active community consults on a daily basis.

Advertisement Guidelines

Main Ad: 1000 x 1000 pixels (JPG or PNG)
URL: The URL link that you want your ad to redirect to (when clicked on)
Thumbnail (Optional): 500 x 500 pixels (JPG or PNG)
Advertorial / Company Description (Optional): Up to 250 words of text

Submit completed advertisement information and corresponding URL link to Lynn Harris. Please include business name and contact information in the e-mail, utilizing the subject line "Sefer Echad Advertisement."

How the Digital Ad Works

The digital version of our annual family phone directory, Sefer Echad will feature a rolling slideshow of our supporters at the top and bottom of the screen. As shown below, four advertisers will be visible at any given time. Approximately every 10-15 seconds, the slides will transition, showing 4 new supporters. The slideshow will continue to run at the top and bottom of the screen the entire time users are on the Sefer Echad directory.

When a member of our community clicks on an image, an ad will expand to a large pop-up. The pop-up ad is 1,000 x 1,000 pixel image (jpg or png). All ads include an optional 250 word advertorial or company description underneath your ad, giving you the opportunity to explain more about the products and services your company offers. When users click on your image in the pop-up image, they will be brought directly to your webpage. Below are a few examples.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Harris

Thank you!