Boogeyman (2015 Video Game) | Boogeyman Wikia | Fandom
Boogeyman Wikia

Boogeyman Is A 2015 Game Made By Barry McCabe And Was Published By BlackStar Games. It Was Released On November 2nd, 2015 On Steam For $7.99. It Can Be Found Here here


Thomas has just moved into his new house. After finding a note from the girl who's room it use to be, explaining there is a creature in the room, and to keep a light on at all time. Thomas quickly discovers there really is something lurking in the darkness, and the only thing it seems to be afraid of is the light. Survive each night by listening for the slightest noise, looking for glimpses of movement in the dark; and whatever you do... don't let your flashlight run out. 


Use your flashlight to ward off the Boogeyman, it seems to be the only thing it fears.  

There are four ways into your room; The door, closet, window, and air vent. Watch them carefully. 

The bedside lamp, nightlight, passage light, street light, and even the moon light help you to see around the room. 

The moon will change cycles each night. Full moon, half-moon… no moon. 

Your battery will only last so long. Conserve as much power as you can by relying more on the sounds around you.
