How known is Varg Vikernes and How is he Generally Perceived in Norway? : r/Norway Skip to main content

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How known is Varg Vikernes and How is he Generally Perceived in Norway?

r/Norway - How known is Varg Vikernes and How is he Generally Perceived in Norway?
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u/squirrel_exceptions avatar

Edgelord twat who murdered his bandmate and destroyed cultural heritage to show off, then turned neo-nazi. The kind of guy who considers himself intellectual, but has never had an interesting thought in his life, thinks of himself as a rebel, but ends up simping for traditionalist autocracy.

Spot on

Spit that in my mouth.

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Cluster B personality disordered snowflake turned murderer.

u/Adventurous-Bed4493 avatar

Just about sums it up.

u/Lukaaa__ avatar

Yeah just this

u/LarsonianScholar avatar
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Well known murderer, arsonist, and all-round far right nutjob.

I can't imagine perceiving him in any other way.

Agreed. Short and very on point with the description

But I’d imagine most people under 25 don’t have any idea who he is.

u/functionxd avatar

I'm 21 and what I know is that he set churches on fire. I haven't looked much into him

Yeah same, I know he’s a fucked up dude but not specifically what he did. I think he’s more known for church burning than murder in my generation, weirdly?

Edit to add: I’m 26.

I’m 30 and I know he killed his bandmate for a dumb reason

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You should read about mayhem and their history, it is incredibly disturbing. Very interesting story and not many people know about it here in norway

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I'm 15 and I know that he was the bassist of Mayhem, killed Euronymous, thr guitarist because of a rumor that he was gonna torture him and loved burning churches. He had a one-man band called Burzum and he was sentenced to 24 years in prison after the murder(i think 24, however it was the max sentence in Norway) and got out after 18 or 19 years, quite recently

21 years

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Your Google-Fu is admirable young apprentice 😁

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Correct. He doesn't even live in Norway so. Think he's in France or something

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Am 27, have not heard of him.

u/Z0teTheM1ghty avatar

He was a member of the band Mayhem for a short period of time

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u/PlasticAlternative44 avatar

I’m 21 too, but have never heard of him. I remember churches being set on fire a while ago tho

This…but also I’m an American so that doesn’t help when it comes to the infamous Norwegian. I learned about him through this subreddit actually.

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He's further than far right, he's transcended to some weird traditionalist-nazbol-tankie- anprim mashup ideology. Far right is moderate in comparison.

He must be fun at parties /s

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Pretty much spot on.

Good at music, did some really great stuff. His later stuff is not very good.

I'd might piss on him, if he was on fire, but I'd rather point and laugh.

u/norwegianjazzbass avatar

I'd say he was OK at music.

At best.

Some of his early stuff are good, but the rest i mostly boring and not good at all.

But even if he had some good songs he's still a loser.

Definitely some bangers in his discography. But yes, absolute nutter and should be perceived as such

He did sort of define the grim lo-fi sound of norwegian black metal and made a super iconic first album, so calling him OK is a bit weak maybe?

u/norwegianjazzbass avatar

Fuck that, while it is truly tormented shit which gives it artistic value within the genre, he isnt specially talented. He is just extreme.

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How about piss napalm on him?

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Nobody except for people older than 30 know who he is. Unless you are a heavy metal fan. I have never seen anyone my age 17-20 even mention the slightest of him.

u/Layzeacee avatar

I'm not a heavy metall fan or 30+ I'm 26 years and a Norwegian. i know about him he made Burzum and is considered one of the "godfathers" of Norwegian black metall.

u/gromit190 avatar

Sounds to me like you are above average knowledgeable. I would wager that the average Norwegian below 30 doesn't know who Varg Vikernes is.

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Wouldn't really call him one of the "godfathers" tbh. More like the wannabe who thought it would be cool to do extreme acts of violence and destruction. Did he gain respect for these actions? Some misguided ones might think he is awesome, but most metalheads doesn't really even want to talk about him.

He's become more of a footnote in the history of Norwegian Black metal that we can't go around even if we want to.


kinda like wrestling fans dont want to discuss Benoit cuz he killed his family

He was pivotal in inventing slow black metal. Mayhem haven't really made any good albums after he left, and øystein was killed.

Filosofem, is in my eyes better than de mysteriis Dom sathanas.

Don't agree with his ethics, but many rappers also have questionable ethics, and they are violent, and people still like their music.

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I'm 22 and know him really well, but I watch news and documemtaries a bit. I probably first heard of the guy when I was 15 though.

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If I remember correctly, he lives in France now and has two or three kids. I watched a few of his YouTube videos, and from what I've saw, it was some pretty wacky tinfoil hat shit, most of which was spewed out on a soapbox. The scary part is I could definitely see him coming off as intelligent (for lack of better words) to some impressionable people and possibly influencing them.

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u/Notathrow4wayaccount avatar

Spot on!

Up you go


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u/Flakkaren avatar

So badly perceived that he has to live in France under his new name, Louis Cachet.

Wasn’t he arrested there for planning a terrorist attack including home made bombs or something like that?


No, he was raided by the French police because they suspected he did, but they found nothing on him and he was let go.


Although it is true he did plan blowing up the Blitz building in the early 90s, but he was arrested for murder before he could pull it off.

u/avarjag avatar

um, as far as i can remember he was arrested for a murder that he did pull off.

Also he is (AFAIK) quite a believer in Neo Nazism.

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u/allgodsarefake2 avatar

He's a bag of dicks that luckily is getting less and less attention.
Most people have forgotten all about him until something reminds them of him - "What happened to that nutter, anyway?"

u/vsveig avatar

Last i saw of him he was broadcasting paranoid videos about the "evil globalist empire" and stuf like that from his car on the farm he bought in France. He goes by the name Louie or Louis Cachet if i remember correctly. Dude's a joke and a total waste of oxygen.

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u/XenomorphLV246 avatar

“Norway this, Norway that” proceeds to live in france

He has a sugar mommy there that buys him ww2 tanks

u/XenomorphLV246 avatar

What a life, sign me up

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Why are you asking?

Because Varg was saying a while ago he was well perceived in Norway lmao

Oh, he's very wrong about that, as he is about pretty much anything.


Only among the extreme right, and we don't have a lot of these here (they recently had to import people from Sweden to a extreme right demonstration, because of too few Norwegians).

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He's Nazi scum.

Naaaa in his head. Not in the real world.

u/handsebe avatar

His name is Kristian, not Varg. Wellknown asshole, murderer and Nazi. Being well known is not the same as being well perceived.

u/Miserable-Arm-4787 avatar

No one knew him as "Kristian", so I have no idea why you're injecting that as a correction.
He was known as "Varg Vikernes" or "Greven".

He's mostly been a big nothing since disappearing from the continuous news cycle in the early 90s where he had his 15 minutes of fame.

u/oppositeofopposite avatar

He hates the name Kristian though, so continue using it, just to spite the fucker is a good enough reason.


He's mostly been a big nothing since disappearing from the continuous news cycle in the early 90s where he had his 15 minutes of fame.

that explains why I don't know of him

u/handsebe avatar

He hates being called by his real name because it is a christian name. It literally means christian and he was bullied in the black metal community for it. So he took a random name that sounded cool and started calling himself Varg (wolf) instead.

Greven comes from his stage name, Count Grishnackh. Greven is the norwegian word for cunt count. As many other black metal artists he found it in Lord Of The Rings.

So that is why I call him Kristian Vikernes.

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u/trinketstone avatar

Mostly just edgelords who thinks they are cool for liking him.

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u/nilsmf avatar

Just goes to show just how far into his own dream world he is.

So well perceived he moved out of the country and changed his name.

Ha, no. Most of us think he is a pathetic twat.

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People my age (I'm early 40s) or older might know who he is, to younger people he's pretty irrelevant. Pretty much perceived to be a cunt to anyone who isn't a diehard fan of his music, but most of them knows he's a cunt too.

He's made some pretty good music though.


Yeah, I get the same impression (31 years old). I've stumbled upon him on the internet (Quora, when he was active there), but didn't understand who the "Greve" everyone talked about was (some nice people decided to warn everyone else about who the guy was). Had to google him. Still couldn't care much about him.

I'm close to 40 an know about him and remember the front page of news papers. I just checked with my wife who is just past 30 and she does not know about him.

u/mlaadyy avatar

Love his music and can confirm.

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u/trinketstone avatar

A narcissistic and edgey fuckwit who thought it would be funny to ruin historical landmarks just because of his own dislike of them.

Add murder and an overall shitty attitude and you have this twat.

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u/huoghei avatar

Well-known asshole.

I asked a few times around in Norway, in metal social circles, about Burzum and how his music made its way to my very tiny home town in a small island before internet was a common thing, and they usually talk bad about him. I was kinda happy because even if some metal heads are a bit conservative and open about not enjoying certain religions and protective of their culture, they still hate everything that Varg stands for. It’s really a pity, such great music he made but he is a complete idiot, a dangerous one. He could have been a national icon if he was a reasonable person. He’s got only himself to blame and to be in the position he is. The world moves on and he stayed behind. I say this because before I understood his ideas his music was very deeply important for me, more than 20 years ago.

This is kind of how I feel about Kanye West and his music

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tbh a lot of famous musicians tend to have some pretty wack views.

Have anyone mentioned Morrisey yet?

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u/handsebe avatar


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u/ScientistWinter8255 avatar

Burzum was quite avant-garde for its time, and definitely an important Norwegian cultural export of the late 20th century. But as for Mr Cachet himself, he is a total loon, living in la-la land larping medieval times in his daily life, not even to mention the wellknown criminal stuff. Still, cant deny that the early Burzum project had a very cool musical vibe that serves as a major inspiration for the black metal music scene, with all its later offshoots.

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