Expectant Dads - About The Film

Nick (Paul Rudd) and D-Bomb (Bill Hader) are two carefree and crazy guys trying to make their mark in the highly competitive world of extreme coin collecting, otherwise known as “X-Coining”. They’ve been at it for years without a lot of success, and they’re both at the end of their respective ropes – D-Bomb’s wife (Melissa Joan Hart) is going to throw him out of the house if he doesn’t get a serious job by New Year’s Day, and Nick’s father Big Nick (Danny Aiello) is going to cut him out of the family’s inheritance from selling their toilet seat factory.

But the two dudes bite off way more than they can chew when they battle with two rival X-Coiners (Andy Milonakis and Robert Blake, Jr.) who trick Nick and D-Bomb into ingesting a chemical (distributed by way of a pot vaporizer called “King Vidor Vapor”) that makes them both pregnant. And if that wasn’t enough, the boys are under the impression that they were impregnated by a pair of weightlifters during a pre-match oil session!

So Nick and D-Bomb set off to Sin City to catch up with the men they believe to be the fathers of their children, coming across all kinds of ridiculous adventures along the way! EXPECTANT DADS is anything but the expected, but you can expect all kinds of laughs and thrills during this exciting 160 minute thrill ride!