Andreas Dimitriou - EOKAheroes

About Andreas Dimitriou

He was born in the village of Agios Mamas, in the province of Limassol, on September 18, 1934. He was hanged on May 10, 1956 in Nicosia Central Prison. Andreas Dimitriou graduated from the elementary school of Agios Mamantos and studied for three years at the Night High School of Famagusta. He first worked in an explosives and hunting shop and later in the British army. He was Secretary of the Porters’ Guild of SEK in Famagusta. He was distinguished for his diligence, initiative and conscientiousness. He was one of the first to join the EOKA force and acted with the Famagusta teams, extending his participation in the executive.

His mind was constantly devising ways to develop activity. The culmination of his action was the seizure of weapons through the military depots of the port of Famagusta, in early December 1955, immediately after their unloading and before being transported and settled. The weapons were promoted to various guerrilla groups, which until then were equipped almost exclusively with shotguns. Digenis expressed his full satisfaction for his action.

Birth place of Andreas Dimitriou

After attempting to execute the English agent Taylor, whom he wounded, Andreas was confronted by armed soldiers guarding Taylor. He offered his weapon against them, but he got involved and the soldiers arrested him, after wounding him. He was sentenced to death and together with Michalakis Karaolis they were the first to be hanged.

His last words to his mother, a few hours before his hanging was:

“The only thing I regret is that I will not be able to see our Cyprus free”

Her Awnser was

“For goodness sake, my son, and to have courage until the end”