Visit Ðakovo | Đakovo


Welcome to the heart of Slavonia - Đakovo

The first thing any visitor sees are the two towers and the dome of the most beautiful cathedral in the area between Venice and Istanbul.

These are the most elevated points of Đakovo and they provide a spectacular view of the whole Town and its surrounding area with fields touching the sky at the horizon.The Town of Đakovo is located in the heart of the historic region Slavonia in the eastern part of Croatia. Đakovo is located in the central, most beautiful part of Slavonia, on a plateau at 111 metres above sea level. The best way to go sightseeing and experience Đakovo is on foot. The town’s pride, the Cathedral’s towers which rise above the town like its guardians, are visible from far away. The history of Đakovo begins in the 11th century, but its surrounding area was inhabited in the Neolithic period, approximately 5500 years BC. The first written accounts of Đakovo date from 1239 in the gift deed of Croatian Duke Koloman to the Bosnian Bishop Ponsa, which made bishops lords of Đakovo and the Đakovština area. That was the beginning of the history of Diocese in Đakovo. Đakovo is still the town of bishops – the seat of the Đakovo – Osijek Archdiocese.