
If you wish to refund your ticket, you can cancel your trip and request a refund under “Flight details” in "My bookings".

If you are unable to do so, you can also request a refund using the form below. In this case, your request will be processed manually at our service centres.

The refund will be made using the same payment method that you used.

Terms and conditions for refunds

A complete refund is only possible in the following circumstances:

  • Your flight was cancelled without a replacement.
  • The scheduled departure time at your departure airport was brought forward by more than an hour or delayed by at least two hours.
  • The scheduled arrival time at your destination is delayed by at least two hours.
  • The actual departure time was changed on the current day or the following day by more than five hours in the event of short-term flight disruptions.

Partially used tickets will be refunded pro rata.

In other cases, such as voluntary cancellation, travel, or medical restrictions, a refund is subject to certain conditions. We advised you of this when booking. For non-refundable fares, only taxes and fees can be refunded.

Travel agency tickets

For tickets which were booked via a travel agency, we recommend that you contact them. Should you require a faster response or should you have any other reason, please contact us again for processing.

Request ticket refund manually

Please check and complete your details before submitting the form.

Booking cancelled

For tickets which were booked via a travel agency, we recommend that you contact them. If you do not receive a timely response or it seems necessary for other reasons, please contact us again for further processing. To Service Centre

General information

Contact us


Details about the unused flight and/or service coupon

Flight booking
Please enter your full 13-digit Lufthansa ticket number here (e.g. 220-1234567899). You will find this in your Lufthansa travel information.
Please enter your 6-digit booking code (letters and numbers) here. You will find this in your Lufthansa travel information.
Please state the name of the passenger if different from the name given above.



Chat Assistant service

If you have any further questions, feel free to use our Chat Assistant service.