中英對照 – 布拉格旅遊指南!一起享受千塔之城的浪漫! - WORD UP 聰明學習|英文&公職國考學習資源站

中英對照 – 布拉格旅遊指南!一起享受千塔之城的浪漫!

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布拉格,是捷克的首都,也是非常有歷史文化背景的城市!漫步在布拉格的街頭,可以享受到各個歷史時期、各種風格的建築,從羅馬式、哥德式建築、文藝復興、巴洛克、洛可可、新古典主義、新藝術運動風格到立體派和超現代主義都是你在整個城市中可以發現的!同時,捷克更是歐洲的文化重鎮,也是莫札特的故鄉,不妨來到這座城市點一杯咖啡,好好享受這座城市的風情吧!透過這篇文章,WORD UP 要帶領大家來看 CNN 怎麼規劃一趟布拉格的旅行吧!

本文 – Mini Guide To Prague, Czech Republic

Sitting astride the Vltava River, with its fairytale hilltop castle and soaring Gothic spires, Prague retains one of the most complete ensembles of Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque architecture in Europe.
布拉格座落在伏爾塔瓦河上,那裡有童話般的山頂城堡和高聳的哥德式尖塔。同時,布拉格保留著歐洲文藝復興時期,哥德式和巴洛克式建築中最完整的合奏之一。 By Lonely Planet Magazine


Photo by Philipp Deus on Unsplash

Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world. The complex dates from the 9th century and includes the Gothic St Vitus Cathedral, the Vladislav Hall and the Renaissance Belvedere summer palace.

布拉格的城堡是世界上最大的古城堡。建築群的歷史可以追溯到9世紀,包括哥德式的聖維特大教堂,弗拉迪斯拉夫大廳和文藝復興時期的 Belvedere 頤和園。

The Veletržní Palace was built to house trade exhibitions. Now it is home to the National Gallery’s great collection of 19th-, 20thand 21st-century Czech and European art including works by Klimt, Schiele and Picasso.

Veletržní Palace 是用來舉辦貿易展覽的。現在,這裡是國家美術館,收藏19世紀,20世紀和21世紀捷克和歐洲藝術作品的所在地,其中包括 Klimt,Schiele 和 Picasso 的作品。

Letná is a vast park built on a plateau above the Vltava River. Come to the rickety benches of the Letná Beer Garden to enjoy one of the city’s most impressive views, looking across the river to the spires of the Old Town and southwest to Malá Strana (Letná Gardens; 11am-11pm Apr-Oct).

Lenna 是一座大型公園,建在伏爾塔瓦河 Vltava River 方的高原上。來到 Letná 啤酒花園的長椅上,是欣賞城市最令人印象深刻的景色之一,河的對面就是舊城區的尖頂和西南面的布拉格小城。

The Strahov Library is the largest monastic library in the Czech Republic. The interior of the Philosophy Hall was built to house the carved and gilded, floor-to-ceiling walnut shelving from Louka monastery.


Founded in the early 15th century, the Old Jewish Cemetery is Europe’s oldest. Some 12,000 toppling, faded stones lean up against one another; beneath them are some 100,000 graves.


Eat and drink

Photo by Robin Stickel on Unsplash

Surrounded by a country-cottage decor, locals crowd in to Restaurace u Šumavy for lunch specials that remind them of their grandmother’s cooking. The roast duck’s good, as is the daily soup special.

當地人被鄉村小屋等裝飾所包圍,當地人常去 Restaurace uŠumavy 餐廳享用特色午餐,使他們想起祖母的烹飪方式。烤鴨很好吃,每日湯也很特別。

Whenever you need a sugar boost, there’s the delightful Cukrkávalimonáda café , which translates to ‘sugar, coffee, lemonade’. Its dark 70 per cent hot chocolate is unfeasibly rich. There’s also homemade pasta, frittata and salad.

每當你需要點糖份時,都可以去令人愉悅的 Cukrkávalimonáda 咖啡廳,其名稱的意思為:「糖、咖啡,和檸檬水」。深色的70%熱巧克力太豐富了。還有自製的意大利麵,菜肉餡煎蛋餅和沙拉。

Located in a converted brickworks, Hergetova Cihelná  has one of Prague’s hottest riverside spots with a terrace offering views of Charles Bridge and the Old Town. There’s an international menu with Italian, Thai, Chinese and Czech dishes and the wine list is one of Prague’s best.

HergetovaCihelná 坐落在經過改建的磚廠中,是布拉格最熱的河濱景點之一,其露台可欣賞查理大橋和舊城區的景色。餐廳提供國際美食,包括意大利,泰國,中國和捷克菜餚,並且酒單是布拉格最好的。

Kampa Park was the pioneer of Prague’s fine-dining scene, attracting celebs such as Mick Jagger and Bill Clinton. For a romantic dinner, reserve a candlelit table on the cobblestoned terrace.

Kampa Park 是布拉格精緻美食界的先驅,吸引了 Mick Jagger 和 Bill Clinton …等名人。如果想要一頓浪漫的晚餐,可以預訂一個燭光桌,同時是在一個鵝卵石鋪成的露台上。

La Degustation specialises in traditional Bohemian flavours in its tasting menus, including rabbit soup with pigeon dumplings.

La Degustation 在品嚐菜單上擅長於傳統的波西米亞風味,包括兔子湯和鴿子餃子。

閱讀 CNN Travel 原文:Mini guide to Prague, Czech Republic


🌟 ensemble n. 全體,整體;劇團;(尤指)樂團

[例句] The Mozart Ensemble is/are playing at Carnegie Hall tonight.

[中譯] 莫札特樂團今晚要在卡內廳演出。

🌟 astride prep. 跨(或騎)在…上

[例句] She sat proudly astride her new motorbike.

[中譯] 她驕傲地騎在新買的機車上。

🌟 renovated v. 修復,翻新,整修(尤指建築物)

[例句] He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.

[中譯] 他靠翻修老房子再出售賺錢。

🌟 medieval adj. 中世紀(約西元600年至1500年間)的,中古時代的

🌟 plateau n. 高原

🌟 monastic adj. 修士的,僧侶的;修道院的,寺院的

🌟 walnut n. 胡桃,核桃;胡桃樹,核桃樹;胡桃木,核桃木

🌟 terrace n. 露天平臺,陽台

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