Starting a thread for this because last year’s thread had lots of useful updates.

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Thanks for starting this thread. Hope to hear from Barnard soon regarding their WL.


same. I love Barnard. I love nyc. I would be the happiest girl in the world if I got an offer soon.


yay, thank you for starting this!!

If anyone seeing this has had experience getting off of the WL last year or knows someone else who has…could you shed some tips? and let us know if you were seeking financial aid. thanks!

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i scrolled through a lot of the old forums and i saw that most people who got off just submitted the waitlist update form and it seemed like full-pays were considered first followed by ppl seeking aid afterwards but this year could end up being very different

thank you for starting this! do we know if anyone’s been accepted off the waitlist so far this year?

I received an email from them about 2 days ago saying nobody has been taken off of the waitlist yet but to stay tuned so that could MAYBE indicate that we will see movement soon?? not sure tho, things could’ve changed over 2 days


Ahh man I’m in need of a little aid but I was praying that I’d somehow hear back before May 1st but…at this point who knows

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oh interesting…yeah i think we can expect movement soon too! just out of curiosity did u email admissions/your admissions rep to ask that or are they just sending out updates on their own? i’m just trying to gauge how open they’re being with this process lol

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I reached out to confirm they got a LOCI I sent and then they included that update in the email so it wasn’t just sent out randomly!

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Wait… what do you mean you received an email?? Did they just randomly send you an email and tell you that? Omg!!

Oh wait sorry I just saw that you already answered the question. How did you reach out to confirm they got your LOCI if you don’t mind me asking? To you admissions rep? Thinking I might do the same to show interest.

you’re good!! I just sent an email to the admissions dept asking to confirm that my LOCI was received. It was pretty short and they replied within an hour.

i was thinking about that too but on the FAQs they were very clear about not wanting students to email the admissions officers

same! do you guys know if anyone has ever gotten off the waitlist before May 1st?

Yes if you look at the waitlist thread from last year people started getting off April 28th ish which was a couple days before May. Then it continued towards a little after May 1st. :nazar_amulet::nazar_amulet::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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yess a lot of people seemed to throughout the week leading up to may 1st (so MAYBE starting this weekend!!!) but it also did seem like it was nearly all full-pay applicants which is bad for me. I’m not asking for a ton of aid but it’s certainly a decent chunk…but man I would LOVE to go to barnard. definitely my top choice. however now I’m a little concerned because of all of the demonstrations happening on columbia’s campus…my parents are just a bit weary of NYC in general so this isn’t helping that too much

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Yeah, I’ve only reached out to my AO in the past after I met her in person because i had an application question before applying but I just asked the general admissions email if they had received my LOCI. But my recommender did forward my LOCI to her so hopefully that wasn’t too annoying

i just wish we knew what to expect. like i know waitlist related acceptances come at pretty random times but how nice would it be if we didn’t just have to blindly wait. just a girl dreaming for unreasonable things lmaoo

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honestly, the college counselors at my school hypothesized that waitlists (especially barnard) will be coming out sooner than usual…so hopefully that means a larger wave before may 1st than usual. this is bc there are a lot more cross-acceptances this year, fafsa challenges, and with the Columbia protesting their yield rate is looking like it MAY decline, so they may turn to the waitlist more quickly & strongly than usual.

these are all guesses though so who knows. hopefully we’ll start hearing between now and may 1… my school’s decision celebration day is may 3 and it would be nice to know by then