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United States of America | bpb.de

The United States is often regarded as the definitive “immigrant nation”. After more than two hundred years of significant inflows, immigration to the U.S. is characterized by its diversity. Each year large numbers of people from different socio-economic, educational and ethnic backgrounds are drawn to the country.


Background Information

The United States is often regarded as the definitive "immigrant nation". After more than two hundred years of significant inflows, immigration to the U.S. is characterized by its diversity. Each year…

Nicholas Parrott

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Immigration Policy

Throughout much of the twentieth century, U.S. immigration policy sought to limit admissions according to countries or regions of origin. Building on the Quota Law of 1921, the Immigration Act of 1924…

Nicholas Parrott

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Current Admissions Policy

Non-U.S. citizens can be admitted to the U.S. on a permanent basis in three general categories: family reunification, employment sponsorship and humanitarian cases.

Nicholas Parrott

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The Immigrant Population

On January 1, 2010 an estimated 12.6 million LPRs (no unauthorized immigrants included) lived in the U.S. Of these about 8.1 million were eligible to naturalize.

Nicholas Parrott

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All persons born in the U.S. are automatically granted U.S. citizenship. People who are not U.S. citizens by birth may obtain U.S. citizenship through the process of naturalization, which requires the…

Nicholas Parrott

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Debate about integration of new immigrants and challenges for the U.S. focuses largely on Hispanic Americans and specifically Mexicans. This discussion has been wide ranging but affected by…

Nicholas Parrott

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Refuge and Asylum

Refuge and asylum are similar in that they apply to non-citizens who are unable to return to their country of origin as a result of persecution or well-founded fear of persecution based on race,…

Nicholas Parrott

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Irregular Migration

There are (as of January 2011) an estimated 11.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., 59% (6.8 million) of whom were from Mexico.

Nicholas Parrott

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Current Issues and Future Challenges

Under George W. Bush and Barack Obama (in office since 2008) all attempts for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) have failed. CIR is therefore again an issue in the electoral campaign leading up…

Nicholas Parrott

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Here you can find references and further reading for Country Profile 4: "USA" by Nicholas Parrott.

Nicholas Parrott

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