Portals, dragons, tools, and other add-ons included in Marketplace Pass for May 2024


Add-ons are now included in Marketplace Pass & Realms Plus!

It’s May, which is the birthday month of Minecraft! Because I wasn’t listening properly in our all-staff meeting I am such a good person, I volunteered to eat bake a cake for our Marketplace Pass and Realms Plus subscribers. Lucky for you, I’ve filled this metaphorical Minecraft cake with 22 of my favorite ingredients – like add-ons*! Grab a spoon and let’s dig in to all the packs you can play in May!

New! Add-ons*

If you missed the grand reveal of our latest addition, add-ons are a bit like toppings for Minecraft. They come in the form of custom blocks, mobs, recipes, items, and much more that you can layer onto any Minecraft world to modify it to your liking. And like with any good condiment, they can be mixed together to really spice things up! For the first time ever, add-ons are also included in your subscription*!

Spark Portals
by Spark Universe

Just like how the flavors of this cake transport you to a different place, so can these portals! But in the more literal sense. With new recipes and functionality in the Spark Portals add-on, you can build and connect up to 160 portals across the world you play in. Perfect for those tending to farms in different dimensions, or who dream of venturing far, far beyond the horizon and still making it home before nightfall. Not to mention those silly people who keep losing their base – looking at you, Linn! *Angrily shakes fist at mirror*

By King Cube

For the second layer of our cake, I went for a flavor not many bakers dare go for: BBQ! And what’s more fiery than dragons?  With this add-on you get a variety of dragon species that you can tame, breed, name, and ride into whatever mischief you have planned. And if the thought of the silhouette of a giant lizard flying across our blocky moon doesn’t give you goosebumps, how about being the one flying said dragon?!

This add-on has a massive downside though. Raising a scaly companion from egg to full-blown mythical beast is highly addictive. If you already have a soft spot for hoarding too many wolves, you might have to significantly expand your base after installing this. You have been warned!

Mob Armor
By Mazario Studios

This next layer is mob flavored! I just haven’t decided which mob because they come with abilities, just like in the Mob Armor add-on. Should we add a little boom with a creeper, take to the skies like the Ender Dragon, or teleport out of this sticky situation like the Enderman? Cakes aside – the turtle armor sounds useful if I need to hide from any work-related commitment in the future, but I also wonder what the axolotl armor does? Let’s hope it includes a bucket as a helmet!

World Utilities
By Gamefam 

Okay, I ran out of time for this layer of the cake, which wouldn’t have happened if I’d installed the World Utilities add-on. If you also strive to be lazy efficient, these eight new items and abilities will have you mining and farming at the speed of a baby zombie.

Take the Omnitool for example: a pickaxe, shovel, and axe all in one! Imagine all you can do with the extra 0.2 seconds you save by not switching tools each time? There’s also the Vein Miner, with which you mine every block in an entire vein in one hit, whilst the End Frame Breaker lets you break and move portals. There are another five time-saving tools, which I wish I had checked out earlier, since this article was due yesterday...

Other content added for May 2024:

Update: I’ve been banned from the Mojang kitchen after word spread about the BBQ-flavored cake. The below is very much on the menu for April, all of which I would’ve added to my cake and then eaten with both hands. I suggest you do the same. 

Character Creator items:

Like every month, you get a new set of Character Creator items with your subscription. Funny enough, these ones look exactly like my cake! 


Minigame Island by Skilendarz. Unfortunately, it’s not a food-eating competition, but this pack does have seven other mini-games you can challenge friends to. 

100 Days Hardcore by Razzleberries is a bit like trying to bake a cake with 22 layers that everybody is supposed to like, only this goes on for 100 days. 

Parkour Egg by Hielke Maps. What came first – the egg or the parkour player who chickened out?


OP Villagers Expansion
by The Craft Stars

For those who like a serving of extra everything! This overpowered world has it all, including overpowered hostile mobs! 

Dragon Bosses
by Everbloom Games

For those of you who like to work for your meal! Roll up your sleeves and take on the dragon bosses in this massive open world. 

More worlds: 

Weapon Expansion Ranged by Snail Studios. Includes as many advanced weapons as secret ingredients in my cake: 40. 

Sharks by Mine-North. Finally, some creatures who’d appreciate my baking (and would chomp on any who would disagree)! 

Modern Resort Furniture by Blockception. Since I won’t get to decorate a cake, a luxury resort is the next best thing. 

Winter Biomes - Mash-Up by The Craft Stars. For extreme ice-cream lovers! Beware of hardcore mobs and severe brain freeze. 

Texture packs

Modern HD - Advanced Textures
by Pathway Studios

This high-definition texture pack will have you second-guessing whether my cake is really cake. Not that it wasn't doubtful before. 

More texture packs: 

4Bit Craft by HeroPixels. If you have a sweet tooth. 

PVP PRO Texture Pack by MelonBP. If you like the taste of winning.  

Native by Superbusy Studios. If you want to see what you eat. 

Skin packs

Neon Devil Gamers
by CubeCraft Games 

Are you even a gamer if you don’t have a weak spot for anything neon? 

More skin packs: 

Seasons by 57Digital. Outfits to match your seasonal snack. 

Space Through Time by Gamefam. If you fancy something out of this world. 

:nerd_face: by CompyCraft. A must if you have ever uttered the phrase "baking is very much a science”. 

Techno Blocks HD Skin Pack by CupcakeBrianna. The pop rocks of skin packs! 


If you want to get your hands on all this content and more, subscribe to Realms Plus or Marketplace Pass via your Minecrafting device! Both subscriptions get you access to over 150 pieces of ever-changing Minecraft Marketplace content – including adventures, skin packs, worlds, mini-games, and much more – the difference is who you can play with! Realms Plus includes a personal server for you and up to ten friends to play on together across devices. So if you want to challenge your friends to mini games, explore new worlds together, or take on build challenges as a team, we recommend Realms Plus. If you're more of a solo adventurer, then Marketplace Pass is the one for you. Since the catalog is always refreshing, some pieces will be moving out. But don’t worry! An in-game counter will let you know ahead of time, so nothing catches you off guard. Visit the Realms Plus and Marketplace Pass site for more information on how you can join the fun! 


*If your Marketplace Pass membership terminates or an add-on in your world is removed from the Marketplace Pass catalog, you must reactivate your membership or buy the add-on separately to continue using your world with the add-on in it. 

Linn Viberg
Linn Viberg

Community Creations

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