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Bayou Tales

Colonel Possum is proud to present the books of Mariana Titus! 

 Mariana Titus grew up in Franklin, Louisiana. For the past twenty five years she has photographed her surroundings and recorded colorful stories of the bayou people. Her five books take the reader on a tour through swamps, bayou bars, ancient graveyards, oil fields, sugar cane fields and churches. As you read chapters such as �If I Can Catch It, I Can Cook It� and �Love is Better than Rabbit Spaghetti,� you will experience the southwestern Louisiana lifestyle, laugh and cry at the stories, enjoy a fais-do-do, eat Cajun food and experience music from swamp pop to spirituals. 

Mariana�s latest book, �Sunday Mornings, Crowning Glories,� brings you inside some of the churches around her hometown. You will meet their inspiring pastors, see the beautifully dressed women of the congregation and listen to gospel music sung in a church or on a country porch. 

I invite you to follow Mariana�s journey and enjoy the engaging bayou tales and images in her books.

 - Colonel Possum

My Journey

 When I was a child, we lived in a two-storey Victorian in the small town of Garden City, Louisiana. Once a thriving community, it hosted a sawmill, a general store, a post office and an appliance store. One day, as we were outside playing in the swept dirt yard, a woman drove by. She observed my brothers and their friends shooting marbles, my little sister unwinding a yoyo string and me walking on stilts. It was a scene from a Eudora Welty photograph. As the dust cleared from her brakes, she asked if she could take our pictures. She became a family friend and eventually returned to New York City. Mary was her name and she gifted me with the confidence to appreciate the beauty of my immediate surroundings. My father gave me my first camera soon thereafter. It was an Imperial Six-Twenty. My journey began.

- Mariana Titus

Books by Mariana Titus (Click Title Links for more information)

Latest Release!

 Sunday Mornings, Crowning Glories

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Colonel Possum Favorites...

Graveyards and Bayou Bars



Summers Full of Porch Bull



Hurricanes, Healings and Dancing Ceilings



Rain, Cane, Bayou Refrain

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