A Farewell And Thank You To Double Helix Games – Killer Instinct Central

June 10th, 2013. I was at the University of Southern Californina (USC) Galen Center in Los Angeles, sitting amongst a thousand or so other people, a congregation of press and Xbox fans waiting for Microsoft to begin their E3 Media Press Briefing. In the months leading up to the event, rumors were swirling of a new Killer Instinct being in development, with Microsoft having renewed the KI trademark, been denied it, then went through the trouble of reaching an agreement with Fox to use it. With that knowledge on my mind as I sat there waiting, I wasn’t just hoping for Killer Instinct to be announced, I was anticipating it. I was probably one of the few–if not the only–people wanting that announcement more than anything else that Microsoft could showcase at the event. And then it happened. About halfway through the briefing, the lights fade, a “coming to your home in 2013” voice resonates throughout the building, then the first glimpse of Killer Instinct is revealed, showing the new character models of Sabrewulf, Jago and Glacius. Excitement soared through my body and I clapped and cheered with many others from the crowd. Killer Instinct was finally back and I couldn’t have been happier… that is, until the briefing concluded.

KI E3 2013 Logo

As I left the Galen Center feeling like I was floating on cloud nine, I received a message from Amir (fellow founder of KIC), informing me that Rare (original creators of Killer Instinct) wasn’t developing the game, but rather another studio called Double Helix Games. My excitement immediately came crashing down, replaced with disappointment, doubt and probably a slight bit of anger. It had been years since we had seen a game from Rare outside of the Kinect Sports franchise, so it was shocking to say the least to learn that one of their own IP had been outsourced to another developer. Not only that, but to a development studio I had never heard of. Double Helix Games? Who were they and what had they developed in the past? I researched the company later that day and learned of their past pedigree of movie based games and a somewhat poorly received entry in the Silent Hill franchise, none of which did anything to qualm the doubts infiltrating my mind. Had Microsoft really just revived one of the most highly anticipated franchises and handed it off to a studio with–arguably–no memorable games in their portfolio? Could the developers at Double Helix Games handle such a beloved IP or would Killer Instinct’s return be short-lived? The answer to those questions would be resolved the following day.

On June 11th, I waited just outside Microsoft’s booth at the LA Convention Center for the doors to be opened. After a night of unrest and unrelenting thoughts on how Killer Instinct would play, my anticipation level was through the roof and I was finally about to get my hands on the game for the first time. When the doors eventually opened, I rushed to the Killer Instinct specific section, where Microsoft had four stations setup for play, each equipped with two Killer Instinct themed fightsticks allowing for eight players to simultaneously play. I spectated the gameplay as I waited for my turn, closely watching every detail and beginning to “feel the hype” every time I witnessed large combos and heard the trademark C-C-C-Combo Breaker! My turn finally came and I selected Sabrewulf, ready to do battle against my opponent. I don’t recall if I won or lost that match, but I do remember all doubt about the game and Double Helix simultaneously exiting my way of thinking. I spent roughly twelve hours of my time at E3 in the Killer Instinct booth alone, returning again and again and again to experience what was undoubtedly the best and most exciting game on the showfloor. Killer Instinct was back!

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Double Helix Games proved that week that they had what it took to take such a beloved IP as Killer Instinct and craft it and mold it into something that both fans new and old would love and enjoy. In the months that followed, they continued to build upon the hype they left in the wake of E3, leaving fans salivating for the next character announcement and any bit of KI news that surfaced. The majority of hands-on impressions from fans leading up to release were glowing with positivity, leading Killer Instinct to be one the most anticipated games–if not the most–slated for Xbox One’s November 22nd release. Since then, it has become increasingly more popular, having been accepted widely by the Fighting Game Community (FGC) and becoming a participating title in some of the biggest gaming tournaments in the world such as SCR and NCR and the upcoming MLG Anaheim Championship and EVO 2014. It also continues to be one of the biggest selling digital titles on the Xbox One games store.

Sadly, news surfaced in February that Double Helix had been acquired by Amazon and that development of KI would cease at the studio following the conclusion of the game’s first season (which has now ended). Despite that unexpected revelation, Double Helix made a name for themselves with their time with Killer Instinct. They’re a living embodiment that a games development studio can, with a single product, create something magical and so incredibly good that it will forever leave an impressionable mark in the minds of gamers.

I personally want to take a moment to thank everyone at Double Helix involved with Killer Instinct Xbox One’s development. Each and every one of you did such an incredible job at reviving a franchise that had lied dormant for nearly two decades! It has been a great pleasure to experience your work with KI from the very first time I played it at E3 last year to the hours I continue to pour into it today. Suffice it to say, Killer Instinct Central wouldn’t even exist right now if the game hadn’t left such a positive impression on me last year! So thank you all once again for all of your hard work and I wish you all the best of luck on your future endeavors with Amazon.

For everyone reading, I would like for you to also take a moment of your time to share your thoughts about Double Helix in the comments below. As mentioned above, I believe they did an amazing job with Killer Instinct, but I’d love to know if you share those same sentiments or if your opinion is the polar opposite of mine. Let me know!


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

15 thoughts on “A Farewell And Thank You To Double Helix Games”
  1. I commend double helix for what they have done. They have breathed new life into my all time favorite fighting game. The fact that this game makes me feel EXACTLY how I felt the first time I witnessed sabrewulf rip out somebodys jugular in a cut scene (which back in the day, nobody knew what a “cut scene” was yet) it was remarkable! And now having those goosebumps every time I play KI on my xbox one is simply amazing. I tip my hat and raise my glass to a fine studio that did a great job with a great franchise. Cheers to double helix and may their future be bright with success. And now….. lets see what Iron Galaxy is capable of with the KI license!!!!! GAME ON SON!!!! 🙂 The future of this franchise is in good hands folks!

  2. Thanks so much for putting in all the effort, hard work, creativity, etc. on and appreciate very much too for bringing back Killer Instinct for all us die-hard and long-time KI fans Double Helix Games 🙂

  3. Great words. I feel the same way. As I watched the briefing, I wasn’t expecting it to just show up. I was hopeful about the rumors leading up to E3, but I thought it could never happen. KI has been my favorite game since I first placed my hands on that amazing machine for the first time. To see it show up after all this time, bigger, better, LOUDER…was pretty darn emotional for me. Tears, screams of joy, and memories came flooding in, and that moment in time has become one of the best moments in my life.

    I couldn’t be skeptical. What was shown was amazing, and it had me absolutely floored. In the months leading up to the launch, there was so much I was happy for. New KI game, merchandise, hype, matches, online, everything. All of this was solidified once I started seeing how much care, love, and fun went into the game. Being on the Double Helix forums, engaging in great discussions, speculation, feedback, teasers, and news was more than text on a screen. It was a community. One that we all shared.

    Everything was held together by the amazing folks at Double Helix and everyone who had involvement with the game. Going from E3 reveal to where we are now, from pre production to post launch…the way the game was handled is amazing. I’m still blown away by the fact that the 2 biggest hurdles to get over when it came to KI, the announcer and soundtrack, surpassed the original. That is incredible.

    Lastly, the fan service. The fact that we have Ken Lobb back with KI, new promo merchandise, fightsticks, classic KI, Chris returning as announcer, classic costumes, and nods to the older games…is one of the best things that could have happened with the new KI. I’m eternally grateful that I have the opportunity to play a newer,faster,bigger,better, KI whenever I want. That’s something i’ve been longing for, for almost 2 decades!

    Thank you Double Helix! You made my dream game come to life! Look forward to see what you have in store for us in the future, regardless of what you’re doing, and where you’re at! Also, thank you to Maximilian for covering KI for all us fans, all of the streamers out there who support the KI online and tournament scene, to the folks in the stream chats who join the discussions and matches, and lastly….to you KIC. Without fan sites like these, who knows if this would have even happened. Thanks for keeping us informed, entertained, and educated after all these years <3

    1. Completely, wholeheartedly, and absolutely agree with EVERYTHING u said there. Very well said and exactly well put too. Ultra cool and ultra awesome as well 🙂 AWESOME VICTORY! SUPREME VICTORY! WINNER! PERFECT! FTW! KILLER INSTINCT IS NOW AND FINALLY BACK! KI 4 LIFE!

  4. No offense to DH, but there past titles where terrible. Check the reviews. Or play the games. It’s a harsh but true statement. Hard work doesn’t shelter anyone from the truth. You worked hard, great, your end product was still bad

    at this point thats all that matters, no matter how many times u fail in life, once u get it right, it will erase everything u havent done wrong in the past., Double helix in my opinion is the Number one in fighting games worldwide at this moment, capcom is no where to be found with Decapre bullcrap, netherealm is down as well with MK9. except they do something hot in a couple of months… I cant wait to see the fighting game Double helix come up wit for Amazon’s console

    1. I completely, wholeheartedly, and absolutely as well as readily agree with just about everything u said there including Netherrealm releasing another hot new game very soon specifically Mortal Kombat 10 🙂

  5. My good bye to DH is like this thanks for bringing back KI its the only reason I bought an Xbox one I love it second no thanks fir screwing us on content u rushed out like arcade and cross eyed Fulgore

  6. I, like many, was a big KI fan back in the day. Big, as in i played it alot but I got so frustrated. The game was equal parts brilliance and frustration. I was excited for a new KI, but wary. I remember days of raging at Orchid being unstoppable in my brothers hands as we loaded quarter after quarter. The fact that KI would be exclusive to the XB1 was a plus for me, and cemented my interest. However, what really sold me was the care and attention. This game is not a port, or really just a sequel. It’s beautiful and accessible and just plain fun. I am actually really, really nervous about the transition, but at least I can enjoy what we have from an amazing company.

  7. “I researched the company later that day and learned of their past pedigree of movie based games and a somewhat poorly received entry in the Silent Hill franchise, none of which did anything to qualm the doubts infiltrating my mind. Had Microsoft really just revived one of the most highly anticipated franchises and handed it off to a studio with–arguably–no memorable games in their portfolio?”


    1. Iron galaxy is responsible for the port of street fighter 3rd strike so they are in good hands.

      1. What does that have to do with my comment?

        I was pointing out how insulting Daniel’s statement was for Double Helix. Maybe the titles they had previously worked on weren’t what many people would consider ‘Triple A’, but people spent hard work on them :/

        1. No offense to DH, but there past titles where terrible. Check the reviews. Or play the games. It’s a harsh but true statement. Hard work doesn’t shelter anyone from the truth. You worked hard, great, your end product was still bad. Luckily, they had the time to put together a great fighter for us to enjoy and made a positive manner for themselves.


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